* http://www.example.com/templates.xml * */ class TemplateLibrary { private $osmlTags = array('os:Name', 'os:PeopleSelector', 'os:Badge'); private $templates = array(); private $osmlLoaded = false; private $gadgetContext; public function __construct($gadgetContext) { $this->gadgetContext = $gadgetContext; } public function parseTemplate($tag, $caller) { $template = $this->getTemplate($tag); if ($template->dom) { $templateDomCopy = new DOMDocument(null, 'utf-8'); $templateDomCopy->preserveWhiteSpace = true; $templateDomCopy->formatOutput = false; $templateDomCopy->strictErrorChecking = false; $templateDomCopy->recover = false; $templateDomCopy->resolveExternals = false; // If this template pulls in any new style and/or javascript, add those to the document if ($style = $template->getStyle()) { $styleNode = $templateDomCopy->createElement('style'); $styleNode->appendChild($templateDomCopy->createTextNode($style)); $templateDomCopy->appendChild($styleNode); } if ($script = $template->getScript()) { $scriptNode = $templateDomCopy->createElement('script'); $scriptNode->setAttribute('type', 'text/javascript'); $scriptNode->appendChild($templateDomCopy->createCDATASection($script)); $templateDomCopy->appendChild($scriptNode); } // Copy the DOM structure since parseNode() modifies the DOM structure directly $removeNodes = array(); foreach ($template->dom->childNodes as $node) { $newNode = $templateDomCopy->importNode($node, true); $newNode = $templateDomCopy->appendChild($newNode); // Parse the template's DOM using our current data context (which includes the My context for templates) if (($removeNode = $caller->parseNode($newNode)) !== false) { $removeNodes[] = $removeNode; } } foreach ($removeNodes as $removeNode) { $removeNode->parentNode->removeChild($removeNode); } return $templateDomCopy; } return false; } /** * Add template by DOMElement node, this function is primary called from * the GadgetBaseRenderer class when it comes accross a script block with * type=os-template & tag="some:name" * * @param DOMElement $node */ public function addTemplateByNode(DOMElement &$node, $scripts = false, $styles = false) { $tag = $node->getAttribute('tag'); $template = new TemplateLibraryEntry($node); if ($scripts) { foreach ($scripts as $script) { $template->addScript($script); } } if ($styles) { foreach ($styles as $style) { $template->addstyle($style); } } $this->templates[$tag] = $template; } private function addTemplateDef(DOMElement &$node, $globalScript, $globalStyle) { $tag = $node->getAttribute('tag'); if (empty($tag)) { throw new ExpressionException("Missing tag attribute on TemplateDef element"); } $templateNodes = array(); foreach ($node->childNodes as $childNode) { if (isset($childNode->tagName)) { switch ($childNode->tagName) { case 'Template': $templateNodes[] = $childNode; break; case 'JavaScript': $globalScript[] = new TemplateLibraryContent($childNode->nodeValue); break; case 'Style': $globalStyle[] = new TemplateLibraryContent($childNode->nodeValue); break; } } } // Initialize the templates after scanning the entire structure so that all scripts and styles will be included with each template foreach ($templateNodes as $templateNode) { $templateNode->setAttribute('tag', $tag); $this->addTemplateByNode($templateNode, $globalScript, $globalStyle); } } /** * Add a template library set, for details see: * http://opensocial-resources.googlecode.com/svn/spec/0.9/OpenSocial-Templating.xml#rfc.section.13 * * @param string $library */ public function addTemplateLibrary($library) { libxml_use_internal_errors(true); $doc = new DOMDocument(null, 'utf-8'); $doc->preserveWhiteSpace = true; $doc->formatOutput = false; $doc->strictErrorChecking = false; $doc->recover = false; $doc->resolveExternals = false; if (! $doc->loadXML($library)) { throw new ExpressionException("Error parsing template library:\n" . XmlError::getErrors($library)); } // Theoretically this could support multiple root nodes, which isn't quite spec, but owell foreach ($doc->childNodes as $rootNode) { $templateNodes = array(); $globalScript = array(); $globalStyle = array(); if (isset($rootNode->tagName) && $rootNode->tagName == 'Templates') { foreach ($rootNode->childNodes as $childNode) { if (isset($childNode->tagName)) { switch ($childNode->tagName) { case 'TemplateDef': $this->addTemplateDef($childNode, $globalScript, $globalStyle); break; case 'Template': $templateNodes[] = $childNode; break; case 'JavaScript': $globalScript[] = new TemplateLibraryContent($childNode->nodeValue); break; case 'Style': $globalStyle[] = new TemplateLibraryContent($childNode->nodeValue); break; } } } } // Initialize the templates after scanning the entire structure so that all scripts and styles will be included with each template foreach ($templateNodes as $templateNode) { $this->addTemplateByNode($templateNode, $globalScript, $globalStyle); } } } /** * Check to see if a template with name $tag exists * * @param string $tag * @return boolean */ public function hasTemplate($tag) { if (in_array($tag, $this->osmlTags)) { if (! $this->osmlLoaded) { $this->loadOsmlLibrary(); } return true; } return isset($this->templates[$tag]); } public function getTemplate($tag) { if (! $this->hasTemplate($tag)) { throw new ExpressionException("Invalid template tag"); } return $this->templates[$tag]; } private function loadOsmlLibrary() { $container = $this->gadgetContext->getContainer(); $containerConfig = $this->gadgetContext->getContainerConfig(); $gadgetsFeatures = $containerConfig->getConfig($container, 'gadgets.features'); if (! isset($gadgetsFeatures['osml'])) { throw new ExpressionException("Missing OSML configuration key in config/config.js"); } elseif (! isset($gadgetsFeatures['osml']['library'])) { throw new ExpressionException("Missing OSML.Library configuration key in config/config.js"); } $osmlLibrary = Config::get('container_path') . str_replace('config/', '', $gadgetsFeatures['osml']['library']); if (! File::exists($osmlLibrary)) { throw new ExpressionException("Missing OSML Library ($osmlLibrary)"); } $this->addTemplateLibrary(file_get_contents($osmlLibrary)); $this->osmlLoaded = true; } } /** * Misc class that holds the template information, an inline template * will only contain a text blob (stored as parsed $dom node), however * external and OSML library templates can also container script and * style blocks * */ class TemplateLibraryEntry { public $dom; public $style = array(); public $script = array(); public function __construct($dom = false) { $this->dom = $dom; } /** * Adds a javascript blob to this template * * @param unknown_type $script */ public function addScript(TemplateLibraryContent $script) { $this->script[] = $script; } /** * Adds a style blob to this template * * @param unknown_type $style */ public function addStyle(TemplateLibraryContent $style) { $this->style[] = $style; } /** * Returns the (combined, in inclusion order) script text blob, or * false if there's no javascript for this template * * @return javascript string or false */ public function getScript() { $ret = ''; foreach ($this->script as $script) { if (! $script->included) { $ret .= $script->content . "\n"; } } return ! empty($ret) ? $ret : false; } /** * Returns the (combined, in inclusion order) stylesheet text blob, or * false if there's no style sheet associated with this template * * @return javascript string or false */ public function getStyle() { $ret = ''; foreach ($this->style as $style) { if (! $style->included) { $ret .= $style->content . "\n"; } } return ! empty($ret) ? $ret : false; } } /** * Scripts can be global per library set, so we assign the global script to each actual template * and on calling it, the TemplateLibraryEntry will check to see if the content was already output */ class TemplateLibraryContent { public $content; public $included; public function __construct($content) { $this->content = $content; $this->included = false; } }