context = $context; } /** * Does the actual rewrite option scanning and performs the dom parsing * * @param string $content * @param Gadget $gadget */ public function rewrite($content, Gadget &$gadget, $checkDocument = false) { // Check to see if the gadget requested rewriting, or if rewriting is forced in the configuration if (is_array($gadget->gadgetSpec->rewrite) || Config::get('rewrite_by_default')) { require_once "src/gadgets/rewrite/ContentRewriter.php"; $contentRewriter = new ContentRewriter($this->context, $gadget); $contentRewriter->register($this); } // Are we configured to sanitize certain views? (if so the config should be an array of view names to sanitize, iaw: array('profile', 'home')) if (is_array(Config::get('sanitize_views'))) { require_once "src/gadgets/rewrite/SanitizeRewriter.php"; $sanitizeRewriter = new SanitizeRewriter($this->context, $gadget); $sanitizeRewriter->register($this); } // no observers registered, return the original content, otherwise parse the DOM tree and call the observers if (! count($this->domObservers)) { return $content; } else { libxml_use_internal_errors(true); $this->doc = new DOMDocument(null, 'utf-8'); $this->doc->preserveWhiteSpace = true; $this->doc->formatOutput = false; $this->doc->strictErrorChecking = false; $this->doc->recover = false; $this->doc->resolveExternals = false; if (! $this->doc->loadHtml($content)) { //TODO parse and output libxml_get_errors(); libxml_clear_errors(); // parsing failed, return the unmodified content return $content; } if ($checkDocument) { $this->checkDocument(); } // find and parse all nodes in the dom document $rootNodes = $this->doc->getElementsByTagName('*'); $this->parseNodes($rootNodes); // DomDocument tries to make the document a valid html document, so added the html/body/head elements to it.. so lets strip them off before returning the content $html = $this->doc->saveHTML(); // If the gadget specified the caja feature, cajole it if (in_array('caja', $gadget->features)) { //TODO : use the caja daemon to cajole the content (experimental patch is available and will be added soon) } return $html; } } /** * Proxied content documents do not always have a head tag which would cause the css & script injection * to fail (since that node listeners would never be called). Do note that the html and body tags will * already be automatically added by the DOMDocument->loadHtml function */ private function checkDocument() { foreach ($this->doc->childNodes as $node) { $htmlNode = false; if (isset($node->tagName) && strtolower($node->tagName) == 'html') { $htmlNode = $node; $hasHeadTag = false; foreach ($node->childNodes as $htmlChild) { if (isset($htmlChild->tagName) && $htmlChild->tagName == 'head') { $hasHeadTag = true; break; } } // If no tag was found but we do have a node, then add the tag to it if (!$hasHeadTag && $htmlNode && $htmlNode->childNodes->length > 0) { $firstChild = $htmlNode->childNodes->item(0); $htmlNode->insertBefore($this->doc->createElement('head'), $firstChild); } } } } /** * This function should be called from the DomRewriter implmentation class in the form of: * addObserver('img', $this, 'rewriteImage') * * @param string $tag * @param object instance $class * @param string $function */ public function addObserver($tag, $class, $function) { // add the tag => function to call relationship to our $observers array $this->domObservers[] = array('tag' => $tag, 'class' => $class, 'function' => $function); } /** * Parses the DOMNodeList $nodes and calls the registered rewriting function on nodes * * @param DOMNodeList $nodes */ private function parseNodes(DOMNodeList &$nodes) { foreach ($nodes as $node) { $tagName = strtolower($node->tagName); foreach ($this->domObservers as $observer) { if ($observer['tag'] == $tagName) { $class = $observer['class']; $function = $observer['function']; $class->$function($node, $this->doc); } } } } }