* $context = new GadgetContext('GADGET'); * $params = new MakeRequestOptions('http://www.example.com'); * $params->setResponseFormat('FEED') * ->setNoCache(true) * ->setNumEntries(10) * ->setGetSummaries(true)); * $result = $this->makeRequest->fetch($context, $params); * * * Additionally, this class can configure itself from the current HTTP request * (useful in a servlet). Example: * * $context = new GadgetContext('GADGET'); * $params = MakeRequestOptions::fromCurrentRequest(); * $result = $this->makeRequest->fetch($context, $params); * */ class MakeRequestOptions { const DEFAULT_REFRESH_INTERVAL = 3600; const DEFAULT_HTTP_METHOD = 'GET'; const DEFAULT_OUTPUT_FORMAT = 'JSON'; const DEFAULT_AUTHZ = 'NONE'; const DEFAULT_SIGN_VIEWER = true; const DEFAULT_SIGN_OWNER = true; const DEFAULT_OAUTH_USE_TOKEN = 'IF_AVAILABLE'; const DEFAULT_NUM_ENTRIES = 3; const DEFAULT_GET_SUMMARIES = false; static $VALID_HTTP_METHODS = array('GET', 'PUT', 'POST', 'HEAD', 'DELETE'); static $VALID_OUTPUT_FORMATS = array('TEXT', 'JSON', 'FEED', 'DOM'); static $VALID_AUTHZ = array('OAUTH', 'NONE', 'SIGNED'); static $VALID_OAUTH_USE_TOKEN = array('NEVER', 'IF_AVAILABLE', 'ALWAYS'); private $href; private $method; private $body; private $headers; private $format; private $authz; private $signViewer; private $signOwner; private $oauthServiceName; private $oauthTokenName; private $oauthRequestToken; private $oauthRequestTokenSecret; private $oauthUseToken; private $oauthClientState; private $oauthReceivedCallback; private $noCache; private $refreshInterval; private $numEntries; private $getSummaries; private $st; /** * Constructor. * * @param string $href Url to fetch. */ public function __construct($href) { $this->href = MakeRequestOptions::validateUrl($href); } /** * Throws an exception if the supplied parameter is not in a set of values. * * @param mixed $param Parameter to check. * @param array $values Valid values. * @return mixed The value if the parameter exists in the array. If a * string is passed, the string is set to uppercase before being checked * against the array and returned as an uppercase string. * @throws MakeRequestParameterException If the value was not found in the * array. */ private function assertParameterIsOneOf($param, $values) { if (is_string($param)) { $param = strtoupper($param); } if (!in_array($param, $values)) { throw new MakeRequestParameterException("Got an invalid value, was expecting one of " . implode(', ', $values)); } return $param; } /** * Validates that a passed in argument is actually an url. * * @param string $url The parameter to check. * @return string The url if it can be parsed as an url. * @throws MakeRequestParameterException If the url could not be parsed. */ public static function validateUrl($url) { if (empty($url) || !@parse_url($url)) { throw new MakeRequestParameterException("Invalid Url"); } else { return $url; } } /** * Attempts to pull the requested parameter from the current HTTP request * and return it. If a type is specified and the requests contains a * parameter with the specified name, the value of the parameter is attempted * to be coerced to the requested type. PHP's settype is used to perform * the cast, although a special case is considered for the string "false" * which should evaluate to boolean false in the case of http requests. * * @param string $name The name of the parameter to check for. This method * examines the $_GET superglobal first, then the $_POST. * @param string $optType An optional name of a type to cerce to. Check the * documentation for PHP's settype function to see valid * values for this parameter. * @return mixed The value of the parameter, or null if it didn't exist. * @throws MakeRequestParameterException If a type was specified and the * argument could not be converted to the correct type. */ private static function getRequestParam($name, $optType = null) { $param = null; if (array_key_exists($name, $_GET)) { $param = $_GET[$name]; } else if (array_key_exists($name, $_POST)) { $param = $_POST[$name]; } if (empty($param)) { $param = null; } if (isset($param) && isset($optType)) { switch (strtolower($optType)) { case 'boolean': case 'bool': if (($param) === "false") { $param = "0"; } } if (!settype($param, $optType)) { throw new MakeRequestParameterException("Parameter '$name' should be convertable to $optType."); } } return $param; } /** * Builds a MakeRequestOptions object from the current $_GET and $_POST * superglobals. * * @return MakeRequestOptions An object initialized from the current request. * @throws MakeRequestParameterException If any of the parameters were * invalid. */ public static function fromCurrentRequest(){ $href = MakeRequestOptions::getRequestParam('href'); if (!isset($href)) { $href = MakeRequestOptions::getRequestParam('url'); } $options = new MakeRequestOptions($href); $options->setHttpMethod(MakeRequestOptions::getRequestParam('httpMethod')) ->setRequestBody(MakeRequestOptions::getRequestParam('postData')) ->setFormEncodedRequestHeaders(MakeRequestOptions::getRequestParam('headers')) ->setResponseFormat(MakeRequestOptions::getRequestParam('contentType')) ->setAuthz(MakeRequestOptions::getRequestParam('authz')) ->setSignViewer(MakeRequestOptions::getRequestParam('signViewer', 'boolean')) ->setSignOwner(MakeRequestOptions::getRequestParam('signOwner', 'boolean')) ->setNumEntries(MakeRequestOptions::getRequestParam('numEntries', 'integer')) ->setGetSummaries(MakeRequestOptions::getRequestParam('getSummaries', 'boolean')) ->setRefreshInterval(MakeRequestOptions::getRequestParam('refreshInterval', 'integer')) ->setNoCache(MakeRequestOptions::getRequestParam('bypassSpecCache', 'boolean')) ->setOAuthServiceName(MakeRequestOptions::getRequestParam('OAUTH_SERVICE_NAME')) ->setOAuthTokenName(MakeRequestOptions::getRequestParam('OAUTH_TOKEN_NAME')) ->setOAuthRequestToken(MakeRequestOptions::getRequestParam('OAUTH_REQUEST_TOKEN')) ->setOAuthRequestTokenSecret(MakeRequestOptions::getRequestParam('OAUTH_REQUEST_TOKEN_SECRET')) ->setOAuthUseToken(MakeRequestOptions::getRequestParam('OAUTH_USE_TOKEN')) ->setOAuthReceivedCallback(MakeRequestOptions::getRequestParam('OAUTH_RECEIVED_CALLBACK')) ->setOAuthClientState(MakeRequestOptions::getRequestParam('oauthState')) ->setSecurityTokenString(MakeRequestOptions::getRequestParam('st')); return $options; } /** * Builds a MakeRequestOptions object from a RequestItem instance. This is * a helper for dealing with Handler services which need to call MakeRequest. * The parameter names were taken from the osapi.http spec documents, although * several parameters not in the spec are also supported to allow full * functionality. * * @param RpcRequestItem $request The RpcRequestItem to parse. The reason * RpcRequestItem is needed is because of the way getService() and * getMethod() are overloaded in the RequestItem subclasses. This * function needs a reliable way to get the http method. * @return MakeRequestOptions An object initialized from the current request. * @throws MakeRequestParameterException If any of the parameters were * invalid. */ public static function fromRpcRequestItem(RpcRequestItem $request) { $href = $request->getParameter('href'); if (!isset($href)) { $href = $request->getParameter('url'); } $options = new MakeRequestOptions($href); $options->setHttpMethod($request->getMethod()) ->setRequestBody($request->getParameter('body')) ->setRequestHeaders($request->getParameter('headers', array())) ->setResponseFormat($request->getParameter('format')) ->setAuthz($request->getParameter('authz')) ->setSignViewer($request->getParameter('sign_viewer')) ->setSignOwner($request->getParameter('sign_owner')) ->setNumEntries($request->getParameter('numEntries')) // Not in osapi.http spec, but nice to support ->setGetSummaries($request->getParameter('getSummaries')) // Not in osapi.http spec, but nice to support ->setRefreshInterval($request->getParameter('refreshInterval')) ->setNoCache($request->getParameter('nocache')) // Not in osapi.http spec, but nice to support ->setOAuthServiceName($request->getParameter('oauth_service_name')) ->setOAuthTokenName($request->getParameter('oauth_token_name')) ->setOAuthRequestToken($request->getParameter('oauth_request_token')) ->setOAuthRequestTokenSecret($request->getParameter('oauth_request_token_secret')) ->setOAuthUseToken($request->getParameter('oauth_use_token')) ->setOAuthReceivedCallback($request->getParameter('oauth_received_callback')) ->setOAuthClientState($request->getParameter('oauth_state')) // Not in osapi.http spec, but nice to support ->setSecurityTokenString($request->getToken()->toSerialForm()); return $options; } /** * Gets the configured URL. * * @return string The value of this parameter. */ public function getHref() { return $this->href; } /** * Sets the http method to use for this request. Must be one of * {@link MakeRequestOptions::$VALID_HTTP_METHODS}. * * @param string $method The value to use. * @return MakeRequestOptions This object (for chaining purporses). */ public function setHttpMethod($method) { if (isset($method)) { $this->method = $this->assertParameterIsOneOf($method, MakeRequestOptions::$VALID_HTTP_METHODS); } return $this; } /** * Gets the configured HTTP method. * * @return string The value of this parameter. */ public function getHttpMethod() { return isset($this->method) ? $this->method : MakeRequestOptions::DEFAULT_HTTP_METHOD; } /** * Sets the request body. * * @param string $body The value to use. * @return MakeRequestOptions This object (for chaining purporses). */ public function setRequestBody($body) { if (isset($body)) { $this->body = $body; } return $this; } public function getRequestBody() { return isset($this->body) ? $this->body : null; } /** * Sets the headers to use when making the request. * * @param array $headers An array of key/value pairs to use as HTTP headers. * Example: * * $params->setRequestHeaders(array( * 'Content-Type' => 'text/plain', * 'Accept-Language' => 'en-us' * )); * * @return MakeRequestOptions This object (for chaining purporses). */ public function setRequestHeaders(array $headers) { if (isset($headers)) { $this->headers = $headers; } return $this; } /** * Sets the headers to use when making the request. * * @param string $headers A form-urlencoded string of key/values to use as * HTTP headers for the request. The OpenSocial JavaScript library * passes makeRequest headers in this format, so this is just a * convenience method. * Example: * * $params->setFormEncodedRequestHeaders( * "Content-Type=text/plain&Accept-Language=en-us" * ); * * @return MakeRequestOptions This object (for chaining purporses). */ public function setFormEncodedRequestHeaders($headers) { if (isset($headers)) { $headerLines = explode("&", $headers); $this->headers = array(); foreach ($headerLines as $line) { $parts = explode("=", $line); if (count($parts) == 2) { $this->headers[urldecode($parts[0])] = urldecode($parts[1]); } } } return $this; } /** * Gets the configured request headers in the HTTP header format (separated * by newlines, with a key-colon-space-value format). Example: * * Content-Type: text/plain * Accept-Language: en-us * * * @return string The value of this parameter. */ public function getFormattedRequestHeaders() { if (isset($this->headers)) { $headerString = http_build_query($this->headers); return urldecode(str_replace("&", "\n", str_replace("=", ": ", $headerString))); } else { return false; } } /** * Returns the request headers as an array. * * @return array The request header array. */ public function getRequestHeadersArray() { if (isset($this->headers)) { return $this->headers; } else { return false; } } /** * Sets the expected response format for this type of request. Valid values * are one of {@link MakeRequestOptions::$VALID_OUTPUT_FORMATS}. * * @param string $format The value to use. * @return MakeRequestOptions This object (for chaining purporses). */ public function setResponseFormat($format) { if (isset($format)) { $this->format = $this->assertParameterIsOneOf($format, MakeRequestOptions::$VALID_OUTPUT_FORMATS); } return $this; } /** * Gets the configured response format. * * @return string The value of this parameter. */ public function getResponseFormat() { return isset($this->format) ? $this->format : MakeRequestOptions::DEFAULT_OUTPUT_FORMAT; } /** * Sets the authorization type of the request. Must be one of * {@link MakeRequestOptions::$VALID_AUTHZ}. * * @param string $authz The value to use. * @return MakeRequestOptions This object (for chaining purporses). */ public function setAuthz($authz) { if (isset($authz)) { $this->authz = $this->assertParameterIsOneOf($authz, MakeRequestOptions::$VALID_AUTHZ); } return $this; } /** * Gets the configured authz parameter. * * @return string The value of this parameter. */ public function getAuthz() { return isset($this->authz) ? $this->authz : MakeRequestOptions::DEFAULT_AUTHZ; } /** * Sets whether to include the viewer's ID in a signed request. * * @param bool $signViewer True to include the viewer's ID. * @return MakeRequestOptions This object (for chaining purporses). */ public function setSignViewer($signViewer) { if (isset($signViewer)) { if (!is_bool($signViewer)) { throw new MakeRequestParameterException("signViewer must be a boolean."); } $this->signViewer = $signViewer; } return $this; } /** * Gets the configured value of whether to sign with the viewer ID or not. * * @return string The value of this parameter. */ public function getSignViewer() { return isset($this->signViewer) ? $this->signViewer : MakeRequestOptions::DEFAULT_SIGN_VIEWER; } /** * Sets whether to include the owner's ID in a signed request. * * @param bool $signOwner True to include the owner's ID. * @return MakeRequestOptions This object (for chaining purporses). */ public function setSignOwner($signOwner) { if (isset($signOwner)) { if (!is_bool($signOwner)) { throw new MakeRequestParameterException("signOwner must be a boolean."); } $this->signOwner = $signOwner; } return $this; } /** * Gets the configured value of whether to sign with the owner ID or not. * * @return string The value of this parameter. */ public function getSignOwner() { return isset($this->signOwner) ? $this->signOwner : MakeRequestOptions::DEFAULT_SIGN_OWNER; } /** * Sets the OAuth service name. * * @param string $serviceName The value to use. * @return MakeRequestOptions This object (for chaining purporses). */ public function setOAuthServiceName($serviceName) { if (isset($serviceName)) { $this->oauthServiceName = $serviceName; } return $this; } /** * Gets the configured OAuth service name. * * @return string The value of this parameter. */ public function getOAuthServiceName() { return isset($this->oauthServiceName) ? $this->oauthServiceName : ''; } /** * Sets the OAuth token name. * * @param string $tokenName The value to use. * @return MakeRequestOptions This object (for chaining purporses). */ public function setOAuthTokenName($tokenName) { if (isset($tokenName)) { $this->oauthTokenName = $tokenName; } return $this; } /** * Gets the configured OAuth token name. * * @return string The value of this parameter. */ public function getOAuthTokenName() { return isset($this->oauthTokenName) ? $this->oauthTokenName : ''; } /** * Sets the OAuth request token. * * @param string $requestToken The value to use. * @return MakeRequestOptions This object (for chaining purporses). */ public function setOAuthRequestToken($requestToken) { if (isset($requestToken)) { $this->oauthRequestToken = $requestToken; } return $this; } /** * Gets the configured OAuth request token. * * @return string The value of this parameter. */ public function getOAuthRequestToken() { return isset($this->oauthRequestToken) ? $this->oauthRequestToken : ''; } /** * Sets the OAuth request token secret. * * @param string $requestTokenSecret The value to use. * @return MakeRequestOptions This object (for chaining purporses). */ public function setOAuthRequestTokenSecret($requestTokenSecret) { if (isset($requestTokenSecret)) { $this->oauthRequestTokenSecret = $requestTokenSecret; } return $this; } /** * Gets the configured OAuth request token secret. * * @return string The value of this parameter. */ public function getOAuthRequestTokenSecret() { return isset($this->oauthRequestTokenSecret) ? $this->oauthRequestTokenSecret : ''; } /** * Sets whether to use an OAuth token. Must be one of * {@link MakeRequestOptions::$VALID_OAUTH_USE_TOKEN}. * * @param string $oauthUseToken The value to use. * @return MakeRequestOptions This object (for chaining purporses). */ public function setOAuthUseToken($oauthUseToken) { if (isset($oauthUseToken)) { $this->oauthUseToken = $this->assertParameterIsOneOf($oauthUseToken, MakeRequestOptions::$VALID_OAUTH_USE_TOKEN); } return $this; } /** * Gets the configured value of whether to use the OAuth token. * * @return string The value of this parameter. */ public function getOAuthUseToken() { return isset($this->oauthUseToken) ? $this->oauthUseToken : MakeRequestOptions::DEFAULT_OAUTH_USE_TOKEN; } /** * Sets the OAuth client state. * * @param string $oauthClientState The value to use. * @return MakeRequestOptions This object (for chaining purporses). */ public function setOAuthClientState($oauthClientState) { if (isset($oauthClientState)) { $this->oauthClientState = $oauthClientState; } return $this; } /** * Gets the configured OAuth client state. * * @return string The value of this parameter. */ public function getOAuthClientState() { return isset($this->oauthClientState) ? $this->oauthClientState : null; } public function setOAuthReceivedCallback($oauthReceivedCallback) { if (isset($oauthReceivedCallback)) { $this->oauthReceivedCallback = $oauthReceivedCallback; } return $this; } public function getOAuthReceivedCallback() { return isset($this->oauthReceivedCallback) ? $this->oauthReceivedCallback : ""; } /** * Gets all of the configured OAuth parameters as an OAuthRequestParams * object. * * @return OAuthRequestParams The collection of OAuth parameters. */ public function getOAuthRequestParameters() { return new OAuthRequestParams(array( OAuthRequestParams::$SERVICE_PARAM => $this->getOAuthServiceName(), OAuthRequestParams::$TOKEN_PARAM => $this->getOAuthTokenName(), OAuthRequestParams::$REQUEST_TOKEN_PARAM => $this->getOAuthRequestToken(), OAuthRequestParams::$REQUEST_TOKEN_SECRET_PARAM => $this->getOAuthRequestTokenSecret(), OAuthRequestParams::$BYPASS_SPEC_CACHE_PARAM => $this->getNoCache(), OAuthRequestParams::$RECEIVED_CALLBACK_PARAM => $this->getOAuthReceivedCallback(), OAuthRequestParams::$CLIENT_STATE_PARAM => $this->getOAuthClientState() )); } /** * Sets whether to bypass the cache for this request. * * @param bool $noCache True if the request should bypass the cache. * @return MakeRequestOptions This object (for chaining purporses) */ public function setNoCache($noCache) { if (isset($noCache)) { if (!is_bool($noCache)) { throw new MakeRequestParameterException("noCache must be a boolean."); } $this->noCache = $noCache; } return $this; } /** * Gets the configured value of whether to bypass the cache. * * @return string The value of this parameter. */ public function getNoCache() { return isset($this->noCache) ? $this->noCache : false; } /** * Sets the refresh interval for this request. Must be an integer equal to * or greater than 0. * * @param int $refreshInterval The value to use * @return MakeRequestOptions This object (for chaining purporses) */ public function setRefreshInterval($refreshInterval) { if (isset($refreshInterval)) { if (!is_int($refreshInterval) || $refreshInterval < 0) { throw new MakeRequestParameterException('Refresh interval must be greater than or equal to 0'); } $this->refreshInterval = $refreshInterval; } return $this; } /** * Gets the configured refresh interval. * * @return string The value of this parameter. */ public function getRefreshInterval() { return isset($this->refreshInterval) ? $this->refreshInterval : MakeRequestOptions::DEFAULT_REFRESH_INTERVAL; } /** * Sets the number of entries to return for format = FEED requests. Must * be an integer greater than 0. * * @param int $numEntries The value to use * @return MakeRequestOptions This object (for chaining purporses) */ public function setNumEntries($numEntries) { if (isset($numEntries)) { if (!is_int($numEntries) || $numEntries <= 0) { throw new MakeRequestParameterException('NumEntries must be greater than 0'); } $this->numEntries = $numEntries; } return $this; } /** * Gets the configured number of entries to return for a feed request. * * @return string The value of this parameter. */ public function getNumEntries() { return isset($this->numEntries) ? $this->numEntries : MakeRequestOptions::DEFAULT_NUM_ENTRIES; } /** * Sets whether to fetch summaries for format = FEED requests. * * @param bool $getSummaries The value to use * @return MakeRequestOptions This object (for chaining purporses) */ public function setGetSummaries($getSummaries) { if (isset($getSummaries)) { if (!is_bool($getSummaries)) { throw new MakeRequestParameterException("getSummaries must be a boolean."); } $this->getSummaries = $getSummaries; } return $this; } /** * Gets the configured value of whether to fetch summaries for a feed request. * * @return string The value of this parameter. */ public function getGetSummaries() { return isset($this->getSummaries) ? $this->getSummaries : MakeRequestOptions::DEFAULT_GET_SUMMARIES; } /** * Sets a security token string. Required for signed or OAuth requests. * * @param string $st The value to use * @return MakeRequestOptions This object (for chaining purporses) */ public function setSecurityTokenString($st) { if (isset($st)) { $this->st = $st; } return $this; } /** * Gets the configured security token string. * * @return string The value of this parameter. */ public function getSecurityTokenString() { return isset($this->st) ? $this->st : false; } }