service = new JsonDbOpensocialService(); } /** * Cleans up the environment after running a test. */ protected function tearDown() { $this->service = null; parent::tearDown(); } /** * Constructs the test case. */ public function __construct() {} /** * Tests JsonDbOpensocialService->getActivities() with paging. */ public function testGetActivities() { $token = BasicSecurityToken::createFromValues('jane.doe', 'jane.doe', 1, 1, 1, 1, 'default'); $userId = new UserId('owner', null); $userIds = array($userId); $groupId = new GroupId('self', null); $startIndex = 1; $count = 1; $ret = $this->service->getActivities($userIds, $groupId, 1, null, null, null, null, $startIndex, $count, null, 1, $token); $this->assertEquals($startIndex, $ret->startIndex); $this->assertEquals($count, count($ret->entry)); $this->assertEquals(2, $ret->totalResults); $this->assertEquals('2', $ret->entry[0]['id']); $this->assertEquals('Jane says George likes yoda!', $ret->entry[0]['title']); $this->assertEquals('or is it you?', $ret->entry[0]['body']); } public function testActivityLifeCycle() { $token = BasicSecurityToken::createFromValues('jane.doe', 'jane.doe', 1, 1, 1, 1, 'default'); $userId = new UserId('owner', null); $userIds = array($userId); $groupId = new GroupId('self', null); $title = 'activity life cycle unit test title'; $activity = array('id' => '1', 'userId' => 'userId', 'title' => $title); $ret = $this->service->getActivities($userIds, $groupId, 1, null, null, null, null, 0, 4, null, 1, $token); $this->assertEquals(2, count($ret->entry)); $this->service->createActivity($userId, $groupId, $token->getAppId(), null, $activity, $token); $ret = $this->service->getActivities($userIds, $groupId, 1, null, null, null, null, 0, 4, null, 1, $token); $this->assertEquals(3, count($ret->entry)); $id = null; foreach ($ret->entry as $entity) { if ($entity['title'] == $title) { $id = $entity['id']; } } $this->assertNotNull($id); $this->service->deleteActivities($userId, $groupId, $token->getAppId(), array($id), $token); $ret = $this->service->getActivities($userIds, $groupId, 1, null, null, null, null, 0, 4, null, 1, $token); $this->assertEquals(2, count($ret->entry)); } public function testMessageLifeCycle() { $token = BasicSecurityToken::createFromValues('john.doe', 'canonical', 1, 1, 1, 1, 'default'); $userId = new UserId('viewer', null); $body = 'message unit test body'; $title = 'message unit test title'; $message = array('id' => '1', 'body' => $body, 'title' => $title, 'type' => 'NOTIFICATION'); $ret = $this->service->getMessages($userId, 'notification', null, null, null, $token); $this->assertEquals(3, count($ret->entry)); $this->service->createMessage($userId, 'notification', $message, $token); $ret = $this->service->getMessages($userId, 'notification', null, null, null, $token); $this->assertEquals(4, count($ret->entry)); $fetchedMessage = null; foreach ($ret->entry as $message) { if ($message['title'] == $title) { $fetchedMessage = $message; } } $this->assertEquals($body, $fetchedMessage['body']); $this->service->deleteMessages($userId, 'notification', array($fetchedMessage['id']), $token); $ret = $this->service->getMessages($userId, 'notification', null, null, null, $token); $this->assertEquals(3, count($ret->entry)); } public function testGetMessages() { $token = BasicSecurityToken::createFromValues('canonical', 'canonical', 1, 1, 1, 1, 'default'); $userId = new UserId('viewer', null); $options = new CollectionOptions(); $options->setCount(2); $options->setStartIndex(1); $ret = $this->service->getMessages($userId, 'notification', Message::$DEFAULT_FIELDS, array('1', '2', '3'), $options, $token); $this->assertEquals(2, count($ret->entry)); $this->assertEquals('2', $ret->entry[0]['id']); $this->assertEquals('notification', $ret->entry[0]['type']); $this->assertEquals('play checkers', $ret->entry[0]['title']); $this->assertEquals('3', $ret->entry[1]['id']); $this->assertEquals('you won!', $ret->entry[1]['title']); } public function testMessageCollectionLifeCycle() { // NOTE: If this method failes after the creation of the market collection. // There will be a market collection in the cached json file /tmp/ShindigDb.json // that prevents the test from passing. Change the test case and remove that // file then run again. $token = BasicSecurityToken::createFromValues('john.doe', 'john.doe', 1, 1, 1, 1, 'default'); $title = 'created for message collection unit test'; $userId = new UserId('owner', null); $msgColl = array('id' => '1', 'title' => $title); $this->service->createMessageCollection($userId, $msgColl, $token); $msgColls = $this->service->getMessageCollections($userId, null, null, $token)->entry; $this->assertEquals(4, count($msgColls)); $fetchedMsgColl = null; foreach ($msgColls as $coll) { if ($coll['title'] == $title) { $fetchedMsgColl = $coll; } } $this->assertNotNull($fetchedMsgColl); $newTitle = 'new title for unit test'; $msgColl['title'] = $newTitle; $msgColl['id'] = $fetchedMsgColl['id']; $this->service->updateMessageCollection($userId, $msgColl, $token); $msgColls = $this->service->getMessageCollections($userId, null, null, $token)->entry; $this->assertEquals(4, count($msgColls)); foreach ($msgColls as $coll) { if ($coll['id'] == $fetchedMsgColl['id']) { $fetchedMsgColl = $coll; } } $this->assertEquals($newTitle, $fetchedMsgColl['title']); $this->service->deleteMessageCollection($userId, $fetchedMsgColl['id'], $token); $msgColls = $this->service->getMessageCollections($userId, null, null, $token)->entry; $this->assertEquals(3, count($msgColls)); } public function testGetMessageCollections() { $token = BasicSecurityToken::createFromValues('john.doe', 'john.doe', 1, 1, 1, 1, 'default'); $userId = new UserId('owner', null); $ret = $this->service->getMessageCollections($userId, MessageCollection::$DEFAULT_FIELDS, null, $token); $this->assertEquals('Notifications', $ret->entry[0]['title']); $this->assertEquals('notification', $ret->entry[0]['id']); $this->assertEquals(2, $ret->entry[0]['total']); $this->assertEquals('Inbox', $ret->entry[1]['title']); $this->assertEquals('privateMessage', $ret->entry[1]['id']); $this->assertEquals(0, $ret->entry[1]['total']); $this->assertEquals('Inbox', $ret->entry[2]['title']); $this->assertEquals('publicMessage', $ret->entry[2]['id']); $this->assertEquals(0, $ret->entry[2]['total']); } }