false, * 'allow_plaintext_token' => false, * 'token_cipher_key' => 'MySecretKey', * 'token_hmac_key' => 'MyOtherSecret', * 'private_key_phrase' => 'MyCertificatePassword', * 'people_service' => 'MyPeopleService', * 'activity_service' => 'MyActivitiesService', * 'app_data_service' => 'MyAppDataService', * 'app_data_service' => 'MyAppDataService', * 'oauth_lookup_service' => 'MyOAuthLookupService' * 'xrds_location' => 'http://www.mycontainer.com/xrds', * 'check_file_exists' => false * ); * */ $shindigConfig = array( // Show debug backtrace's. Disable this on a production site 'debug' => true, // do real file_exist checks? Turning this off can be a big performance gain on prod servers but also risky & less verbose errors 'check_file_exists' => true, // Allow plain text security tokens, this is only here to allow the sample files to work. Disable on a production site 'allow_plaintext_token' => true, // Compress the inlined javascript, saves upto 50% of the document size 'compress_javascript' => true, // The URL Prefix under which shindig lives ie if you have http://myhost.com/shindig/php set web_prefix to /shindig/php 'web_prefix' => '', // If you changed the web prefix, add the prefix to these too 'default_js_prefix' => '/gadgets/js/', 'default_iframe_prefix' => '/gadgets/ifr?', // The X-XRDS-Location value for your implementing container, if any, see http://code.google.com/p/partuza/source/browse/trunk/Library/XRDS.php for an example 'xrds_location' => '', // Allow anonymous (READ) access to the profile information? (aka REST and JSON-RPC interfaces) // setting this to false means you have to be authenticated through OAuth to read the data 'allow_anonymous_token' => true, // The encryption keys for encrypting the security token, and the expiration of it. Make sure these match the keys used in your container/site 'token_cipher_key' => 'INSECURE_DEFAULT_KEY', 'token_hmac_key' => 'INSECURE_DEFAULT_KEY', 'token_max_age' => 60 * 60, // Ability to customize the style thats injected into the gadget document. Don't forget to put the link/etc colors in shindig/config/container.js too! 'gadget_css' => 'body,td,div,span,p{font-family:arial,sans-serif;} a {color:#0000cc;}a:visited {color:#551a8b;}a:active {color:#ff0000;}body{margin: 0px;padding: 0px;background-color:white;}', // P3P privacy policy to use for the iframe document 'P3P' => 'CP="CAO PSA OUR"', // The locations of the various required components on disk. If you did a normal svn checkout there's no need to change these 'base_path' => realpath(dirname(__FILE__) . '/..') . '/', 'features_path' => realpath(dirname(__FILE__) . '/../../features/src/main/javascript/features') . '/', 'container_path' => realpath(dirname(__FILE__) . '/../../config') . '/', 'javascript_path' => realpath(dirname(__FILE__) . '/../../javascript') . '/', // The OAuth SSL certificates to use, and the pass phrase for the private key 'private_key_file' => realpath(dirname(__FILE__) . '/../certs') . '/private.key', 'public_key_file' => realpath(dirname(__FILE__) . '/../certs') . '/public.crt', 'private_key_phrase' => 'partuza', // the path to the json db file, used only if your using the JsonDbOpensocialService example/demo service 'jsondb_path' => realpath(dirname(__FILE__) . '/../../javascript/sampledata') . '/canonicaldb.json', // Force these libraries to be external (included through