
Apache Shindig, a word meaning party, was originally started by Google in 2007 as a reference container for hosting OpenSocial compatible widgets in any website. Originally a port of Google's iGoogle gadget container, with Brian McCallister's PHP code, Apache Shindig threw off it's egg shell, and showed that Google was serious about making OpenSocial accessible to a larger number of sites. Since December 2007, Apache Shindig is now an Apache project.

Apache Shindig's objectives

Apache Shindig's primary goal is to provide infrastructure for those wishing to host OpenSocial apps on their websites. Another goal of Apache Shindig is to be language neutral and cover multiple languages.

Currently, Java and PHP versions are availables and supported.

Apache Shindig Components

Server Side

The Java and PHP version of Apache Shindig have 3 major server side components:

  1. Persistent Data Loading Mechanism;
  2. Gadget Rendering Infrastructure;
  3. OpenSocial server side implementation.

Apache Shindig Java Components

Components of Apache Shindig Java Server Side container

Apache Shindig PHP Components

Components of Apache Shindig PHP Server Side container

Client Side

The Javascript features are:

  • Gadget container (gadget.js), fully opensocial gadget compliant;
  • OpenSocial container;
  • JSON, Restful container and Caja support.

Apache Shindig Client Flow

Put It Together: OpenSocial Flow

The following is a typical flow to get a list of Friends.

Server Side Flow

  1. Call JsonRpcServlet;
  2. Get the appropriate handler;
  3. Get the JSON object from the DB;
  4. Populate responses into a list;
  5. Return to the client.

In the case of the REST use, the flow will be:

  1. Call DataServiceServlet;
  2. Get the appropriate converter;
  3. Get the handler;
  4. Get the JSON object from the DB;
  5. Return to the client.

Client Side Flow

  1. Create request object;
  2. Populate request parameters;
  3. Send the request.

OpenSocial APIs

Apache Shindig implements several OpenSocial APIs:

  • OpenSocial REST: for server to server communication
  • OpenSocial JSON-RPC: for gadget to server communication
  • Javascript: for gadgets

OpenSocial REST

There are four types of REST services which can be exposed by Apache Shindig: people, activities, appdata and groups.There are URI Templates defined for each type of service.

For instance, http://localhost:8080/social/rest/people/john.doe

Type Spec. URI-Template
People Spec.
Collection of all people connected to user {guid}
Collection of all people connected to user {guid}
Collection of all friends of user {guid}; subset of @all
Collection of all people connected to user {guid} in group {groupid}
Individual person record for a specific person known to {guid}; shows {guid}'s view of {pid}.
Profile record for user {guid}
Profile record for requestor
Activities Spec.
Collection of activities generated by given user
Collection of activities for friends of the given user {guid}
Collection of activities for people in group {groupid} belonging to given user {uid}
Individual activity resource; usually discovered from collection
Appdata Spec.
All app data for user {guid}, app {appid}
All app data for friends of user {guid} and app {appid}; read-only (only GET and HEAD supported)}
Just the count field for user {guid}, app {appid}
Group Spec.
Collection of groups associated with user {guid}
Individual group {groupid} associated with user {guid}

OpenSocial JSON-RPC

Apache Shindig implements all required RPC services: People, Activities, Appdata, Messages, Albums, MediaItems and System.

Note: Apache Shindig doesn't implement all methods defined in OpenSocial RPC Protocol, Section 2, Services but these missing methods are not required to be OpenSocial compliant.

Type Spec. Service method
People Spec.
Retrieve a single person or list of opensocial.Person objects.
List the supported fields for this service.
Activities Spec.
Support creating opensocial.Activity objects as the targets of a relationship with the specified user.
Retrieve a one or list of opensocial.Activity objects.
Support updating opensocial.Activity objects as the targets of a relationship with the specified user.
Support removing the relationship between an opensocial.Activity and the specified user.
List the supported fields for this service.
Appdata Spec.
Support creating key-value pairs in a user appdata.Not defined in the spec.
Retrieve a map of key-value pairs for the list of specified keys.
Add or replace key-value pairs stored in a users appdata with the key-vaues in the data parameter.
Remove the specifed keys from a users appdata and returned the values associated with those removed keys.
Messages Spec.
Support creating opensocial.Message objects. Not defined in the spec.
etrieve a one or list of opensocial.Message objects. Not defined in the spec.
Support updating opensocial.ActivityMessage objects. Not defined in the spec.
Support removing opensocial.ActivityMessage objects. Not defined in the spec.
System Spec.
Returns an array of all methods supported by the endpoint including the system methods.
Returns a method signature describing the types of the parameters. Not implemented yet.
Returns a textual description of the operation identified by the methodName parameter. Not implemented yet.

OpenSocial JavaScript

Apache Shindig includes all JavaScript APIs as described in OpenSocial API Reference and Gadgets API Reference.

See also the JavascriptDoc for Apache Shindig 1.1.x.