Hello, world! ]]> '; /** * @var Context */ private $Context; /** * Prepares the environment before running a test. */ protected function setUp() { parent::setUp(); $this->GadgetSpecParser = new GadgetSpecParser(); $this->Context = new GadgetContext('GADGET'); } /** * Cleans up the environment after running a test. */ protected function tearDown() { $this->GadgetSpecParser = null; parent::tearDown(); } /** * Tests GadgetSpecParser->parse() exception */ public function testParseExeption() { $this->setExpectedException('apache\shindig\gadgets\GadgetSpecException'); $this->assertTrue($this->GadgetSpecParser->parse('<', $this->Context)); } /** * Tests GadgetSpecParser->parse() */ public function testParse() { $gadgetParsed = $this->GadgetSpecParser->parse($this->Gadget, $this->Context); $view = $gadgetParsed->views['home']; $this->assertEquals('

Hello, world!

', trim($view['content'])); $this->assertEquals('2.0.0', (string) $gadgetParsed->specificationVersion); $this->assertEquals('html', $gadgetParsed->doctype); } public function testParseWithXMLExternalEntityInjection() { $gadget = ' ]> &passwd; '; $gadgetParsed = $this->GadgetSpecParser->parse($gadget, $this->Context); $view = $gadgetParsed->views['home']; $this->assertNotContains('injected content', trim($view['content'])); } }