1.0 1.2 validate http://shale.apache.org/validators Shale Validator JSF Tags This tag library contains tags for the JSF validators supported by the Shale Framework for integration with Commons Validator. org.apache.shale.validator.faces.ValidatorLifecycleListener double org.apache.shale.validator.tag.DoubleValidatorTag empty Double Validator Validates double input for both format and range restrictions. client false false Flag indicating whether this validation should be enforced on the client side as well as the server side. If not specified, the default is "true". maximum false false Upper limit on legal values for this component. If not specified, no upper limit is enforced. message false false Error message template for reporting validation errors. If not specified, the default value from either the application message resource bundle, or the default resource bundle, will be used. minimum false false Lower limit on legal values for this component. If not specified, no lower limit is enforced. float org.apache.shale.validator.tag.FloatValidatorTag empty Float Validator Validates float input for both format and range restrictions. client false false Flag indicating whether this validation should be enforced on the client side as well as the server side. If not specified, the default is "true". maximum false false Upper limit on legal values for this component. If not specified, no upper limit is enforced. message false false Error message template for reporting validation errors. If not specified, the default value from either the application message resource bundle, or the default resource bundle, will be used. minimum false false Lower limit on legal values for this component. If not specified, no lower limit is enforced. integer org.apache.shale.validator.tag.IntegerValidatorTag empty Integer Validator Validates integer input for both format and range restrictions. client false false Flag indicating whether this validation should be enforced on the client side as well as the server side. If not specified, the default is "true". maximum false false Upper limit on legal values for this component. If not specified, no upper limit is enforced. message false false Error message template for reporting validation errors. If not specified, the default value from either the application message resource bundle, or the default resource bundle, will be used. minimum false false Lower limit on legal values for this component. If not specified, no lower limit is enforced. long org.apache.shale.validator.tag.LongValidatorTag empty Long Validator Validates long input for both format and range restrictions. client false false Flag indicating whether this validation should be enforced on the client side as well as the server side. If not specified, the default is "true". maximum false false Upper limit on legal values for this component. If not specified, no upper limit is enforced. message false false Error message template for reporting validation errors. If not specified, the default value from either the application message resource bundle, or the default resource bundle, will be used. minimum false false Lower limit on legal values for this component. If not specified, no lower limit is enforced. short org.apache.shale.validator.tag.ShortValidatorTag empty Short Validator Validates short input for both format and range restrictions. client false false Flag indicating whether this validation should be enforced on the client side as well as the server side. If not specified, the default is "true". maximum false false Upper limit on legal values for this component. If not specified, no upper limit is enforced. message false false Error message template for reporting validation errors. If not specified, the default value from either the application message resource bundle, or the default resource bundle, will be used. minimum false false Lower limit on legal values for this component. If not specified, no lower limit is enforced.