# Copyright 2006 The Apache Software Foundation. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # # $Id$ # ============================================================================== # Default Configuration Properties # ============================================================================== # These properties define default values for your application. You can # override them by supplying a "build.properties" file in the top level # directory of your project, containing only the property values you wish # to override. # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Project Description Information # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Project copyright notice (for Javadoc generation) project.copyright=Copyright © 2006 - The Apache Software Foundation # Project name (should match setting in build.xml) project.name=Shale MailReader Example # Base package name for Java classes in this project (affects Javadoc generation, # and is included in manifest files) project.package=org.apache.shale.examples.mailreader # Context path for the generated application (will be included in the # target directory project.path=shale-mailreader # Source JDK platform to compile for project.source=1.4 # Specification vendor (will be placed in manifest files) project.spec.vendor=The Apache Sofware Foundation # Specification version number (will be placed in manifest files) project.spec.version=1.0 # Target JK platform to compile to project.target=1.4 # Implementation vendor (will be placed in manifest files) project.vendor=The Apache Software Foundation # Implementation vendor id (will be placed in manifest files). Should be the # top level package name for classes produced by your organization project.vendor.id=org.apache # Implementation version (will be placed in manifest files) project.version=0.1 # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Compilation Options # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Should compiler generate line numbers for debugging (true or false) compile.debug=true # Should compiler generate detailed warnings for using deprecated APIs (true or false) compile.deprecation=true # Should compiler optimize the generated code (true or false) compiler.optimize=true # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Web Application Configuration # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Setting for the JavaServer Faces state saving option (client or server) webapp.state.saving=client # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Project Directory Structure # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Source Directory Structure Definitions conf.dir=${basedir}/conf src.dir=${basedir}/src src.conf.dir=${src.dir}/conf src.java.dir=${src.dir}/java src.sys.dir=${src.dir}/systest src.test.dir=${src.dir}/test src.web.dir=${src.dir}/web test.dir=${basedir}/test web.dir=${basedir}/web # Target Directory Structure Definitions build.dir=${basedir}/target build.docs.dir=${build.dir}/javadocs build.sys.dir=${build.dir}/systest-classes build.test.dir=${build.dir}/test-classes build.web.dir=${build.dir}/${project.path} dist.dir=${basedir}/dist # Library directory containing libraries that will be copied into the # web application. It is legal for the JAR files to be nested inside # this directory. lib.dir=${basedir}/../lib # Library directory containing libraries that will be added to the # compilation classpath, but will not be eopied into the web application # (presumably because they will be provided by the container already). # It is legal for the JAR riles to be nested inside this directory. ext.dir=ext # Directory containing your Shale binary distribution shale.dir=${basedir}/../target # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # (Optional) Tomcat Integration # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # The full pathname to the Tomcat instalation you will be using catalina.home=/home/${user.name}/jakarta-tomcat-5.0.28 # The full URL to the manager application you will be using catalina.manager=http://localhost:8080/manager # The username of a Tomcat user that has the "manager" role catalina.username=tomcat # The password of a Tomcat user that has the "manager" role catalina.password=tomcat # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # (Optional) System Integration Test Packages # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # The full pathname to the HtmlUnit (version 1.6 or later) binary distribution # from http://sourceforge.net htmlunit.dir=/usr/local/htmlunit-1.6 # the full URL to the application to be tested htmlunit.url=http://localhost:8080/${project.path}