Apache Shale Framework - Maven 2 POMs ===================================== This directory contains Maven 2 repository POMs for the Apache Shale Framework. The files contain minimal project information and dependencies to enable Maven 2's transitive dependency mechanism. The files are not intended to be used to build the project. Deploying Maven 2 Snapshots --------------------------- $ mvn deploy:deploy-file -Dfile=/path/to/shale-core.jar -DpomFile=/path/to/shale-core.pom -DrepositoryId=apache-snapshot -Durl=scp://people.apache.org/www/cvs.apache.org/maven-snapshot-repository Configuration ------------- In ~/.m2/settings.xml apache-snapshot yourid /path/to/privatekey ... Ensure that the ~/.ssh directory exists. Windows+Cygwin users may need to create C:\Documents and Settings\yourid\.ssh in addition to C:\cygwin\home\yourid\.ssh.