1.0 1.2 s http://shale.apache.org/core Shale Framework Core JSF Components and Tags This tag library contains tags for the core JSF components supported by the Shale Framework, plus additional custom tag handlers as required. subview org.apache.shale.view.faces.SubviewTag JSP Subview Provide ViewController support functionality for the nested content (typically a JSP dynamic include) of this component. @deprecated Use the "subview" tag from tag library "http://shale.apache.org/view" (in shale-view-xxx.jar) instead of this tag. binding false false Value binding expression used to bind this component instance to a backing bean property. id true false Component identifier of this component. If specified, this identifier must be unique within the context of the closest parent UIComponent that is a NamingContainer. rendered false false Flag indicating whether this component should be rendered. Default value is true. token org.apache.shale.taglib.TokenTag empty Token Render a hidden input field whose value is the transaction token for the containing form. The token component must be the last input component child of the parent form to be processed. binding false false Value binding expression used to bind this component instance to a backing bean property. id false false Component identifier of this component. If specified, this identifier must be unique within the context of the closest parent UIComponent that is a NamingContainer. rendered false false Flag indicating whether this component should be rendered. Default value is true. messageSummary false false Default messageSummary override used to reporting a token verification failure. messageDetail false false Default messageDetail override used to reporting a token verification failure. commonsValidator org.apache.shale.validator.faces.ValidatorTag JSP Commons Validator Provides access to Commons Validators. @deprecated Use the "commonsValidator" tag from tag library "http://shale.apache.org/validator" (in shale-validator-xxx.jar) instead of this tag. type false false The type of validator associated with this tag min false false The minimum valid value max false false The maximum valid value minlength false false The minimum valid length of the field maxlength false false The maximum valid length of the field mask false false A regular expression to which the value must conform datePatternStrict false false A date pattern using syntax defined in java.text.SimpleDateFormat message false false A message displayed when validation fails arg false false A value that's plugged into the message client false false If true, validation is performed on the client server false false If true, validation is performed on the server validatorScript org.apache.shale.validator.faces.ValidatorScriptTag empty Validator Script Generates JavaScript required for validation. @deprecated Use the "validatorScript" tag from tag library "http://shale.apache.org/validator" (in shale-validator-xxx.jar) instead of this tag. functionName true false The name of the function to generate. validatorVar org.apache.shale.validator.faces.ValidatorVarTag empty Validator Var Parameters for specific validators. @deprecated Use the "subview" tag from tag library "http://shale.apache.org/view" (in shale-view-xxx.jar) instead of this tag. name true false The name of the parameter. value true false The value of the parameter.