Downloads : Apache ServiceMix 4.4.0

Linux/Mac OS X/Unix Downloads

Windows Downloads

Default assembly

Our default assembly is the best way to get started with Apache ServiceMix.

Apache ServiceMix 4.4.0 (tar.gz)

[PGP] [SHA1] [MD5]

Apache ServiceMix 4.4.0 (zip)

[PGP] [SHA1] [MD5]

Source assembly

Use this if you want to build Apache ServiceMix from source yourself

Apache ServiceMix Sources 4.4.0 (tar.gz)

[PGP] [SHA1] [MD5]

Apache ServiceMix Sources 4.4.0 (zip)

[PGP] [SHA1] [MD5]

Full assembly

Use this if you want to run Apache ServiceMix on a server that does not have an internet connection

Apache ServiceMix Full 4.4.0 (tar.gz)

[PGP] [SHA1] [MD5]

Apache ServiceMix Full 4.4.0 (zip)

[PGP] [SHA1] [MD5]

JBI assembly

Use this if you're migrating from ServiceMix 3.x or if you want to reuse your existing JBI artifacts

Apache ServiceMix JBI 4.4.0 (tar.gz)

[PGP] [SHA1] [MD5]

Apache ServiceMix JBI 4.4.0 (zip)

[PGP] [SHA1] [MD5]

Minimal assembly

Use this if you're an advanced user that wants to create your own edition of Apache ServiceMix at runtime

Apache ServiceMix Minimal 4.4.0 (tar.gz)

[PGP] [SHA1] [MD5]

Apache ServiceMix Minimal 4.4.0 (zip)

[PGP] [SHA1] [MD5]


Links to the documentation pages for this version

Documentation for Apache ServiceMix 4.4.x

[Quickstart] [ActiveMQ] [Camel] [NMR] [JBI]

The above URLs use redirection

The above URLs use the Apache Mirror system to redirect you to a suitable mirror for your download. Some users have experienced issues with some versions of browsers (e.g. some Safari browsers). If the download doesn't seem to work for you from the above URL then try using FireFox

OSGi components list

OSGi/JBI components included in this release:

This release packages the following dependencies:

You can use it together with

  • Version 4.5 of the Maven plugins

  • Version 2011.02 of the archetypes

Release notes


  • SMX4-220 - Extend the help command to display usefull help for all commands available

  • SMX4-221 - The option --help on commands doesn't display good enough help

  • SMX4-721 - Add complete distribution for offline deployments

  • SMX4-884 - Rename existing assembly to apache-servicemix-4.x.0-jbi

  • SMX4-885 - Add a basic distribution for new users

  • SMX4-955 - Add minimal distribution to allow building any ServiceMix-based distribution


  • SMX4-206 - Apache ServiceMix 4 binary assembly zip file is not valid

  • SMX4-246 - Avoid duplication of config files for NMR and Features assembly build

  • SMX4-458 - Command activemq:list, activemq:browse return null

  • SMX4-461 - Test failures in SMX4 Features' project on AIX

  • SMX4-480 - Files in deploy folder before initial startup are getting deployed before boot features

  • SMX4-518 - Camel NMR component WSSecurityTest fails

  • SMX4-687 - ServiceMix 4.3.0-fuse-02-00 does not start correctly with fresh unzip on Windows

  • SMX4-737 - Components Not Loading Before Routes

  • SMX4-751 - Property replacement is broken in camel-blueprint examples

  • SMX4-768 - bin/client script missing from Linux distribution

  • SMX4-771 - simple example use out-of-date DocumentFactory

  • SMX4-774 - artchetypes for servicemix-cxf-code-first-osgi-bundle and servicemix-cxf-code-first-osgi-bundle doesn't work

  • SMX4-780 - omit client script in bin folder

  • SMX4-797 - Create OSGi bundle for RJC (Redis Java Client)

  • SMX4-804 - ensure some bundle could be installed with OBR resolver

  • SMX4-821 - wsdl4j bundle shouldn't import javax.wsdl as itself export it

  • SMX4-853 - Simple quartz.xml example caue intermittent exception

  • SMX4-867 - the endorsed xml-api jar can't correctly load org.apache.xpath.jaxp.XPathFactoryImpl class

  • SMX4-869 - Missing class reference in the log:display output

  • SMX4-873 - system bundle should export xerces and xalan package as we already endorse those jar

  • SMX4-897 - reuse woodstox feature but not list seperate bundle

  • SMX4-907 - BOM marker in camel-osgi Spring XML file not handled well on CI server

  • SMX4-922 - Not all content of is shown

  • SMX4-926 - should add org.ops4j.pax.web.config.file properties to etc/org.ops4j.pax.web.cfg

  • SMX4-932 - miss karaf.admin.role property

  • SMX4-940 - ServiceMix features depends on non-existent version of geronimo servlet spec.

  • SMX4-948 - Build failure when building with a clean maven repository (unable to determine JBI component)

  • SMX4-962 - servicemix xstream 1.4.1 bundle incorrectly refer xstream 1.4

  • SMX4-967 - remove saaj feature from add-features-to-repo

  • SMX4-968 - distribution kit miss org.apache.karaf.features.obr bundles which cause startup failed

  • SMX4-969 - features itests depends on old karaf management jar

  • SMX4-980 - rename etc/org.ops4j.pax.web.cfg to etc/org.ops4j.pax.web.cfg.empty.stub

  • SMX4-987 - simple/quartz.xml example output doesn't comply with the README

  • SMX4-993 - The link to the FuseSource commercial documentation is broken

  • SMX4-996 - examples won't build with clean Maven local repo

  • SMX4-1010 - jbi kit miss servicemix-exec jar

  • SMX4-1011 - Information in README is out-of-date

  • SMX4-1012 - Missing information in NOTICE file

  • SMX4-1016 - add war to the featuresBoot for full and the regular distro to avoid potential exceptions

  • SMX4-1017 - remove package from cxf-ws-rm example


  • SMX4-219 - The help of the shell commands is wrong or not sufficient and needs improvement

  • SMX4-446 - Update Feature file of SMX4 to use HTTP feature of karaf and same version of jetty as camel feature file

  • SMX4-572 - Cleanup POMs and provide a better build

  • SMX4-597 - Use Camel feature

  • SMX4-654 - Improve features.xml to leverage OBR improvements in Karaf

  • SMX4-659 - Create bundle for jSch 0.1.44

  • SMX4-722 - Update POMs to Maven3

  • SMX4-727 - Consider dropping commons-logging for standard Java.util.logging

  • SMX4-744 - specify camel feature bundle start level less than 60

  • SMX4-772 - add configuration stub file for SSL pax-web suport for ease of users

  • SMX4-775 - Provide assembly in JAR packaging as well

  • SMX4-777 - Upgrade to Jetty 7.3.1.v20110307

  • SMX4-778 - Rework the smx4 build to have better dependency handling

  • SMX4-787 - Upgrade to ActiveMQ 5.5.1

  • SMX4-791 - Make allowCoreThreadTimeOut name consistent across mbeans and properties

  • SMX4-792 - Support run as subject for Camel NMR endpoint

  • SMX4-793 - Support run as subject for CXF NMR endpoint

  • SMX4-798 - Ensure OBR support is available before boot features are installed

  • SMX4-799 - use the latest xerces to replace the jaxp-ri-1.4.4 to resolve cocurrent issue

  • SMX4-801 - update a set of bundle version

  • SMX4-802 - use features.xml from cxf

  • SMX4-805 - Ignore the sun saaj package from the org.osgi.framework.bootdelegation

  • SMX4-808 - Ignore the sun jaxb package from the org.osgi.framework.bootdelegation

  • SMX4-809 - camel-cache ehcache cache repilication using ehcache-jmsreplication

  • SMX4-812 - Upgrade FreeMarker to 2.3.16

  • SMX4-815 - upgrade to cxf 2.4.0

  • SMX4-825 - Support timeout property on Camel NMR endpoints

  • SMX4-836 - Upgrade FreeMarker to 2.3.17

  • SMX4-837 - Upgrade FreeMarker to 2.3.18

  • SMX4-846 - Upgrade to Jetty 7.4.1.v20110513

  • SMX4-852 - Add 'karaf-framework' to boot features to avoid uninstalling core Karaf bundles

  • SMX4-854 - add avalon-framework-api bundle

  • SMX4-855 - create avalon-framework-impl bundle

  • SMX4-863 - upgrade to jetty 7.4.2.v20110526

  • SMX4-870 - ">>>> JavaDSL set body:" displayed but not noted in the Camel/OSGi example's README.txt file

  • SMX4-871 - README.txt file incomplete for "simple" example in regards to the wsn.xml file.

  • SMX4-877 - create wrap bundle for axiom API and Impl 1.2.12

  • SMX4-882 - specify start-level as 50 for default installed jbi component features which ensure jbi component related bundle can get started before customer bundles when restart OSGi container

  • SMX4-883 - Alter packaging options to better reflect common use cases

  • SMX4-899 - xerces and xalan SPI factory package should be added in org.osgi.framework.bootdelegation

  • SMX4-900 - add camel-blueprint as default installed feature

  • SMX4-910 - install activemq-web-console feature should work out of the box

  • SMX4-911 - use system properties to define activemq url

  • SMX4-923 - add activemq-spring feature to featuresBoot

  • SMX4-924 - should ship servlet api 2.5 but not servlet api 3.0

  • SMX4-931 - Sample project module elements are missing from top-level POM.

  • SMX4-938 - features.xml should reuse jetty feature from karaf

  • SMX4-939 - Refactor features build to be independent of NMR build

  • SMX4-943 - Camel NMR producer is not registered with its keyName but using the UUID

  • SMX4-956 - Monitor etc/activemq-broker.xml for changes

  • SMX4-957 - Add a name attribute to the features descriptors

  • SMX4-960 - extract servicemix-soap and servicemix-soap2 bundle into servicemix-shared feature

  • SMX4-966 - Connection refused to embedded broker when starting up

  • SMX4-978 - Upgrade to Camel 2.8.3

  • SMX4-979 - add specs feature to featuresBoot list ensure the specs bundle are available in time

  • SMX4-981 - Reorganize examples by technology

  • SMX4-988 - should add delay to camel timer of camel-nmr and camel-nmr-blueprint example so that the nmr endpoint get chance to create

  • SMX4-989 - create demo using Camel and local ActiveMQ broker

  • SMX4-998 - cleanup cxf related examples to remove unnecessary package/resource import and Required-Bundle

  • SMX4-999 - enhance cxf-ws-security-osgi example to leverage cxf JAASLoginInterceptor to authenticate against karaf default jaas configuration

  • SMX4-1002 - Use SLF4J instead of Java standard logging for CXF in SMX

  • SMX4-1008 - let cxf-ws-rm example use http osgi transport

New Feature

  • SMX4-776 - Create OSGi bundle for Perf4j

  • SMX4-786 - Add a struts2-core and struts-xwork bundles for SMX project

  • SMX4-794 - Provide a convenience POM for users


  • SMX4-752 - Switch to use slf4j as logger (instead of commons-logging)

  • SMX4-770 - Update to Karaf 2.2.0

  • SMX4-781 - Upgrade to Camel 2.7

  • SMX4-785 - upgrade to cxf 2.3.3

  • SMX4-795 - Update to CXF 2.4.0

  • SMX4-816 - Create JBoss Netty 3.2.4 bundle

  • SMX4-820 - Create Bundle for cometd java server 2.1.1

  • SMX4-834 - upgrade karaf version to 2.2.1

  • SMX4-851 - Velocity bundle - Add dynamic imports so the #parse macro can load the resource

  • SMX4-856 - Upgrade to Java Mail 1.4.4

  • SMX4-858 - Quartz 2.0.1 bundle

  • SMX4-861 - upgrade to cxf 2.4.1

  • SMX4-876 - Upgrade to Karaf 2.2.2

  • SMX4-880 - Release Apache ServiceMix 4.4.0

  • SMX4-881 - Upgrade to Groovy 1.8.0

  • SMX4-887 - Upgrade to Quartz 1.8.5

  • SMX4-888 - Upgrade to Camel 2.8.0

  • SMX4-896 - upgrade to cxf 2.4.2

  • SMX4-902 - upgrade to cxf 2.4.2

  • SMX4-903 - upgrade to jetty 7.4.5.v20110725

  • SMX4-905 - Create a scala 2.9.1 bundle

  • SMX4-906 - upgrade xmlsec and opensaml bundle version

  • SMX4-908 - Upgrade to Camel 2.8.1

  • SMX4-912 - upgrade to spring-dm 1.2.1

  • SMX4-916 - upgrade to cxf 2.4.4

  • SMX4-942 - upgrade to spring 3.0.6

  • SMX4-952 - upgrade axiom version to 1.2.12

  • SMX4-961 - XStream 1.4.2 bundle

  • SMX4-995 - use same version of jsr311 as cxf 2.4.4

  • SMX4-1006 - add a cxf example with blueprint configuration

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For a more detailed view of new features and bug fixes, see the changelog