* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * THIS RELEASE STREAM IS OPEN TO BUG FIXES. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * This file tracks the status of releases in the 1.3.x line. Status of 1.3.10: Candidate changes: ================== * r1875937 Fix test case against OpenSSL 1.1.1e+. Justification: Serf should test cleanly against upstreams. Branch: ^/serf/branches/1.3.x-ssltest Votes: +1: jerenkrantz * r1775239-1781240 Fix build with current LibreSSL and OpenSSL versions. Justification: Serf should compile out of the box. Branch: ^/serf/branches/1.3.x-sslbuild Votes: +1: stsp, astieger * r1712131,1807594,1811088 Add support for building with VS2017, assuming a new enough scons. Votes: +1: rhuijben, astieger Veto-blocked changes: ===================== Approved changes: ================= * r1814714 Support building against OpenSSL 1.1.0 on Windows Justification: We already support building against 1.1.0 on other platforms Branch: ^/serf/branches/1.3.x-r1814714 Votes: +1: rhuijben, astieger, ivan