Sample XML Signatures Produced Using the Phaos XML Toolkit November 26, 2002 Contents of phaos-xmldsig-three =============================== signature-rsa-enveloped.xml --------------------------- Contains an RSA enveloped signature. signature-rsa-enveloping.xml ---------------------------- Contains an RSA enveloping signature. signature-rsa-detached.xml -------------------------- Contains an RSA detached signature. signature-dsa-enveloped.xml --------------------------- Contains a DSA enveloped signature. signature-dsa-enveloping.xml ---------------------------- Contains a DSA enveloping signature. signature-dsa-detached.xml -------------------------- Contains a DSA detached signature. signature-hmac-md5-c14n-enveloping.xml -------------------------------------- Contains an enveloping MD5 HMAC signature and uses XML Canonicalization as the canonicalization method. The HMAC secret is the ASCII encoding of the word "test". signature-hmac-sha1-exclusive-c14n-enveloped.xml ------------------------------------------------ Contains an enveloped SHA-1 HMAC signature and uses the Exclusive XML Canonicalization canonicalization method. The HMAC secret is the ASCII encoding of the word "test". signature-hmac-sha1-exclusive-c14n-comments-detached.xml -------------------------------------------------------- Contains a detached SHA-1 HMAC signature and uses the Exclusive XML Canonicalization With Comments canonicalization method. The HMAC secret is the ASCII encoding of the word "test". signature-hmac-sha1-40-c14n-comments-detached.xml ------------------------------------------------- Contains a detached 40-byte SHA-1 HMAC signature and uses the XML Canonicalization With Comments canonicalization method. The HMAC secret is the ASCII encoding of the word "test". signature-hmac-sha1-40-exclusive-c14n-comments-detached.xml ----------------------------------------------------------- Contains a detached 40 byte SHA-1 HMAC signature and uses the Exclusive XML Canonicalization With Comments canonicalization method. The HMAC secret is the ASCII encoding of the word "test". signature-dsa-detached-manifest.xml ----------------------------------- Contains a detached DSA signature with a manifest. signature-rsa-detached-manifest.xml ---------------------------------- Contains a detached RSA signature with a manifest. signature-rsa-detached-b64-transform.xml ---------------------------------------- Contains a detached RSA signature with a Base64 decode transform. signature-rsa-detached-xpath-transform.xml ------------------------------------------ Contains a detached RSA signature with an XPath transform. signature-rsa-xpath-transform-enveloped.xml ------------------------------------------ Contains an RSA signature with an XPath transform that produces the same result as the enveloped signature algorithm. signature-rsa-detached-xslt-transform.xml ------------------------------------------ Contains a detached RSA signature with an XSLT transformation. signature-rsa-detached-x509-data.xml ------------------------------------ Contains a detached RSA signature with several X509Data subelements. signature-rsa-detached-x509-data-subject-name.xml ------------------------------------ Contains a detached RSA signature with an X509SubjectName that references the subject name of the certificate stored in certs/rsa-client-cert.der. signature-rsa-detached-x509-data-issuer-serial.xml ------------------------------------ Contains a detached RSA signature with an X509IssuerSerial that references the issuer and serial number of the certificate stored in certs/rsa-client-cert.der. signature-rsa-detached-x509-data-ski.xml ------------------------------------ Contains a detached RSA signature with an X509SKI that references the Subject Key Identifier of the certificate stored in certs/rsa-client-cert.der. signature-rsa-detached-x509-data-client-cert.xml ------------------------------------ Contains a detached RSA signature with an X509Certificate that represents the certificate stored in certs/rsa-client-cert.der. signature-rsa-detached-x509-data-cert-chain.xml ------------------------------------ Contains a detached RSA signature with two X509Certificate elements that represent the certificates stored in certs/rsa-client-cert.der and certs/rsa-ca-cert.der. signature-rsa-detached-xslt-transform-retrieval-method.xml ------------------------------------ Contains a detached RSA signature with an XSLT transform and a KeyInfo element that refers to an external X.509 certificate. The certificate is located in certs/rsa-client-cert.der. signature-big.xml ----------------- Contains a larger detached RSA signature that contains a manifest and many references that test various transformation algorithms, URI reference syntax formats, etc. The KeyInfo contains a KeyName whose value is the subject name of the certificate stored in certs/rsa-client-cert.der. signature-rsa-detached-xslt-transform-bad-retrieval-method.xml --------------------------------------------------------------- Contains a detached RSA signature with an XSLT transform and a KeyInfo element that refers to an INCORRECT external X.509 certificate. (The correct X.509 certificate is located in certs/rsa-client-cert.der.) Verification should FAIL. signature-rsa-enveloped-bad-digest-val.xml ------------------------------------------ Contains an enveloped RSA signature that contains a reference with an INCORRECT digest value. Verification should FAIL. signature-rsa-enveloped-bad-sig.xml ----------------------------------- Contains an enveloped RSA signature that contains a reference that was added after the signature value was computed. Verification should FAIL. document.xml ------------ An XML document that is referenced by some of the signature examples. document-stylesheet.xml ----------------------- The same as document.xml with the addition of an xsl-stylesheet processing instruction. document.xsl ------------ An XSL stylesheet referenced by several of the signature examples and document-stylesheet.xml. document.b64 ------------ A Base64 encoded XML document. README.txt ---------- This file. Contents of phaos-xmldsig-three/certs ===================================== rsa-cert.der ------------ An RSA end entity certificate issued by the CA certificate contained in rsa-ca-cert.der. enc-rsa-key.der --------------- The RSA private key that matches rsa-cert.der, password-encrypted using the PKCS#8 format. The password is "test". dsa-cert.der ------------ An DSA end entity certificate issued by the CA certificate contained in dsa-ca-cert.der. enc-dsa-key.der --------------- The DSA private key that matches dsa-cert.der, password-encrypted using the PKCS#8 format. The password is "test". rsa-ca-cert.der --------------- An RSA self-signed CA certificate. dsa-ca-cert.der --------------- A DSA self-signed CA certificate. crl.der ------- A sample CRL that revokes rsa-cert.der. Joe Morgan Software Engineer Phaos Technology