The JQuery UI folder (roller-ui/jquery-ui-1.11.0) was created by doing the following: 1. Going to the JQuery UI download builder ( and choosing the latest stable version. 2. Under Components, unselecting "toggle all" to make sure nothing selected. 3. Choosing the components Roller uses: accordion, datepicker, dialog, autocomplete, and tabs. A full list can be obtained by opening up the current jquery-ui.min.js and reading the autogenerated comment header. Let the Download Builder select whatever additional prerequisites needed. 4. Selecting theme "Redmond", or a different one if desired. (How each theme looks can be determined by going to: and selecting the "Gallery" tab.) 5. For the subsequent download, extract into a new folder under roller-ui and delete all the non-"min" CSS and JS files within that folder. Also delete: a) the index.html and external/jquery/jquery.js files. (our JQuery is kept in the roller-ui/scripts folder.) b) the structure and theme CSS files (they are unused subsets of the jquery-ui.min.css) 6. Update the Roller UI JSP's to point to the new JQuery UI folder and test all works. 7. Delete the old JQuery folder after the Roller UI has been updated. 8. Update this README as necessary if anything's changed. Following the above process when upgrading the JQuery UI version or changing the theme it uses will help to make sure all old files get deleted while no necessary files are accidentally removed. Notes: 1. Recommended to keep the contents of the jquery-ui-1.11.0 folder within this folder, i.e., don't move the images or CSS' to other folders. This way, when we delete this folder as a part of upgrading the JQueryUI version we'll know that all the resources of this version have also been deleted. 2. Recommended not to add non-JQuery resources into this folder; again, this way, when we delete this folder we won't have to worry about other resources still needed by Roller also getting deleted.