#** * Roller menus and navigation bars. * @author Lance Lavandowska (conversion to Velocimacros) *# #** * Show menu using specified model file and Velocity template. * @param $model Name of XML file in WEB-INF that contains XML for menu. * @param $template Name of Velocity template to display menu. *# #macro( showMenu $model $template ) $pageHelper.showMenu($model, $template) #end #** * Show Roller Editor Navigation Bar. * @param vertical True if bar is to be displayed vertically. *# #macro( showEditorNavBar $vertical ) $pageHelper.showEditorNavBar($vertical) #end #** * Show Editor navbar using CSS friendly template. *# #macro( showEditorMenu ) $pageHelper.showMenu("editor-menu.xml", "templates/navbar/navbar-css.vm") #end #** * Print a link for a menu item. Take into consideration:
* 1. Should this be particularly CSS friendly.
* 2. Or is this specifically a vertical menu.
* 3. Otherwise use the specified delimiter.
* * @param linkUrl The URL to be used in the href attribute. * @param linkValue The value used to look up the link's label. * @param useCSS Use CSS based formatting. * @param vertical Use "hard-formatting" to create vertical menu. * @param delimiter Seperate horizontal items with this value. *# #macro( printNavLink $linkUrl $linkValue $useCSS $vertical $delimiter ) #if( $useCSS )
  • #elseif( $vertical )
    #else $delimiter #end$linkValue#if ($useCSS)
  • #end #end #** * Show Roller Page Navigation Bar, includes links to all pages * except those that are hidden (because the start with "_"). * @param vertical True if bar is to be displayed vertically. * @param delimiter Delimiter between entries in bar. * @param useCSS Use CSS based formatting. *# #macro( showNavBar2 $vertical $delimiter $useCSS) #set( $container = "div" ) #if ( $useCSS ) #set( $container = "ul" ) #end #set( $rawUrl = "$website.URL" ) <$container class="rNavigationBar"> #printNavLink( "$url.site/" $siteShortName $useCSS $vertical "" ) #if(!$vertical) $delimiter #end #printNavLink( "$url.home" "Weblog" $useCSS $vertical "" ) #if( $website ) #foreach( $iPage in $pages ) #set( $invisible = $iPage.Name.startsWith("_") ) ## Again, there is no "break" in Velocity #if( !$invisible && $iPage.link != "Weblog") #set( $isSelected = false ) #if( $page && $iPage.Id == $page.Id && !$editorui) #set($isSelected = true) #end #if( !$isSelected ) #printNavLink( $url.page("$iPage.link") $iPage.Name $useCSS $vertical $delimiter ) #else #if( $useCSS )
  • #elseif( $vertical )
    #else $delimiter #end $iPage.Name #end #end #end #end ## strutsUrlHelper( useIds, isAction, path, val1, val2) #if( $pageModel.isUserAuthorizedToEdit() ) #set( $editUrl = $pageHelper.strutsUrlHelper(false, true, "weblogCreate", $website.handle, "") ) #printNavLink( $editUrl $text.get("navigationBar.newEntry") $useCSS $vertical $delimiter ) #if( $pageModel.isUserAuthorizedToAdmin() ) #set( $editUrl = $pageHelper.strutsUrlHelper(false, true, "editWebsite", $website.handle, "") ) #printNavLink( $editUrl $text.get("navigationBar.settings") $useCSS $vertical $delimiter ) #end #set( $editUrl = $pageHelper.strutsUrlHelper(false, true, "logout-redirect", "", "") ) #printNavLink( $editUrl $text.get("navigationBar.logout") $useCSS $vertical $delimiter ) #else #if( $pageModel.isUserAuthenticated() ) #set( $editUrl = $pageHelper.strutsUrlHelper(false, true, "logout-redirect", "", "") ) #printNavLink( $editUrl $text.get("navigationBar.logout") $useCSS $vertical $delimiter ) #else #set( $editUrl = $pageHelper.strutsUrlHelper(false, true, "login-redirect", "", "") ) #printNavLink( $editUrl $text.get("navigationBar.login") $useCSS $vertical $delimiter ) #end #end #end #** * Show Roller Page Navigation Bar, includes links to all pages * except those that are hidden (because the start with "_"). * @param vertical True if bar is to be displayed vertically. * @param delimiter Delimiter between entries in bar. *# #macro( showNavBar $vertical $delimiter ) #showNavBar2( $vertical $delimiter false) #end #** * Show Roller Page Navigation Bar with "|" delimiter, includes links to all pages * except those that are hidden (because the start with "_"). * @param vertical True if bar is to be displayed vertically. *# #macro( showBasicNavBar $vertical ) #showNavBar2( $vertical '|' false ) #end #** * Create CSS friendly Navigation Bar, using Unordered List and List Item tags. **# #macro( showCssNavBar ) #showNavBar2( false '' true) #end