# application wide appTitle=Roller-Planet admin console appHome=Home appConfig=Config appGroups=Groups appLogout=Logout appLogin=Login appSave=Save appSavedAt=Saved at appUnchanged=Unchanged appUnsavedChanges=Unsaved changes appCancel=Cancel appDelete=Delete appRemove=Remove appAction=Action appReturnToSite=Return to main page of site errorBadURL=Invalid URL # configForm.jsp configPageTitle=Roller-Planet admin console configFormTitle=Configuration configHelp=You can set the title, description and administrator \ information to be used in all pages and feeds generated by Roller-Planet. \ You can also set the default group, the aggregation group that will \ be featured on the front page of the site. configTitle=Planet title configDescription=Planet description configAdminName=Admin name configAdminEmail=Admin email configProxyHost=Proxy host configProxyPort=Proxy port configDefaultGroup=Default group configSiteURL=Site URL # error.jsp errorPageTitle=An unexpected ERROR has occured errorPageMessage=An unexpected error has occured and the stack trace below has been logged errorStackTraceTitle=Stack trace # groupForm.jsp groupPageTitle=Edit group groupReturnToList=Return to groups list groupHelp=\ You can set the title, handle, descrption and list of feeds for each group. \ What's a group? \ A group is a collection of RSS or Atom feed subscriptions that will be aggregated together to form a Planet. \ The GeneratePlanetTask program (runs every hour or so) will generate a set of HTML, OPML and RSS files for each group you define. groupHandle=Handle groupTitle=Title groupDescription=Description groupSubscriptions=Subscriptions in this group groupAddSubscription=Add subscription groupConfirmSubscriptionRemove=Are you sure you want to remove subscription: groupAction=Action groupSubscriptionDetails=Subscription details groupSubscriptionTitle=Title groupSubscriptionName=Handle groupSubscriptionFeedURL=Feed URL groupSubscriptionSiteURL=Site URL groupUploadOpml=Import OPML subscriptions groupMaxPageEntries=Max page entries groupMaxFeedEntries=Max feeds entries # groupsList.jsp groupsPageTitle=Roller-Planet groups groupsListTitle=Groups groupsHelp=You can define multiple groups within your Roller-Planet server, \ each made up of one or more RSS or Atom feed subscriptions. Roller-Planet will \ generate a set of HTML, OPML and RSS files for each group you define. Below \ are the groups you've currently got defined. groupsNewGroupName=Group name groupsNoGroups=No groups defined groupsAddGroup=Add group groupsAction=Action groupsDeleteGroup=Delete groupsHandle=Handle groupsTitle=Tile groupsConfirmGroupRemove=Are you sure you want to remove group: groupsGroupURL=Group URL # login.jsp loginPageTitle=Login to Roller-Planet admin console loginUsername=Username loginPassword=Password loginButton=Login loginTryAgain=Login incorrect, please try again.. # main.jsp mainTitle=Welcome to Roller-Planet mainPlanetLink=Main page of Roller-Planet site mainRegistrationLink=Blog registration page mainConsoleLink=Roller-Planet Admin Console # registrationForm.jsp regPageTitle=Aggregation Request regFormTitle=Aggregation Request regHelp=Enter your blog title, URLs and contact information. We'll review it within a reasonable time and add you to the aggregator. regPrivateFields=These fields will NOT be displayed in the aggregator, they're only needed for registration purposes. regSubject=Aggregation request for site {0} regBloggerRequestedAddition=A blogger has requested that his/her blog be added to the aggregator regBlogTitle=Blog title regBlogURL=Blog URL regFeedURL=Blog feed URL regFullName=Full name regEmail=Email address regRelationship=Relationship regOtherID=Other ID regOtherURL=Other URL regAgreeToTerms=I agree to this site's terms of service regMustAgreeToTerms=You must agree to terms of service # subscriptionForm.jsp regThanksPageTitle=Thanks for registering regThanksText=We examine your registration information and add up to the aggregator as soon as possible # subscriptionForm.jsp subscriptionPageTitle=Edit subscription subscriptionHelp=A subscription is an RSS or Atom feed that can be included \ in one or more Roller-Planet groups. subscriptionTitle=Title subscriptionName=Handle subscriptionFeedURL=Feed URL subscriptionSiteURL=Site URL subscriptionReturnToGroup=Return to group subscriptionAddSubscription=Add another subscription # uploadOpmlForm.jsp uploadOpmlPageTitle=Import OPML uploadOpmlHelp=Import OPML subscriptions to group uploadOpmlReturnToGroup=Return to group uploadOpmlButton=Upload