#** * RSS feed links and badges. * @author Lance Lavandowska (conversion to Velocimacros) *# #** * Show links to category feeds for categories that are immediate children * of the specified category. *# #macro( showRSSLinksForCategory $category ) $text.get("macro.rss.all") [$text.get("macro.rss.excerpts")]
#set( $categories = $pageModel.getWeblogCategories($category) ) #foreach( $cat in $categories ) $cat.path [$text.get("macro.rss.excerpts")]
#end #end #** * Show links to all available RSS feeds for your weblog. *# #macro( showRSSLinks )#showRSSLinksForCategory("nil")#end #** * Show RSS Autodiscovery link for your weblog. *# #macro( showRSSAutodiscoveryLink ) #end #** * Show RSS badge with link to your weblog's main RSS feed. *# #macro( showRSSBadge ) XML #end