#** * The deprecated #showNewsfeeds() macro. * @author Lance Lavandowska (conversion to Velocimacros) * @author Dave Johnson (conversion from Digestor to Flock) *# #** * Display an RSS newschannel as a list that may be styled via CSS. * @param feedUrl URL of RSS newschannel you wish to display. * @param showDescription True to show full content for each item in channel. * @param maxItems Maximum number of news items to display from newschannel. * @param expandingFolders True to display channel as a folding folder. *# #macro( showNewsfeed $feedUrl $showDescription $maxItems $expandingFolders ) #set( $channel = $newsfeedCache.getChannel( $feedUrl ) ) #if( $channel ) #set( $channelId = $utilities.stringReplace( $channel.title, " ", "_" ) ) #set( $channelId = $utilities.stringReplace( $channelId, "'", "_" ) ) #if( $expandingFolders )
+ $channel.title
#end #else
Unable to display feed
#end #end