/* Javadoc style sheet */ /* Define colors, fonts and other style attributes here to override the defaults */ body { background-color: white; background-repeat: repeat-x; background-position: bottom; background-attachment: fixed; color: #555; font-family: 'Lucida Sans', 'Helvetica', 'Sans-serif', 'sans'; font-size: 8pt; line-height: 1.8em; height: 99%; padding: 0; margin: 10px; } a:link { color: #6600ff; font-weight: bold; text-decoration: none; } a:visited { color: #3300aa; font-weight: bold; text-decoration: none; } /* Table colors */ .TableHeadingColor { background: #ccc } .TableSubHeadingColor { background: #EEEEFF } /* Light mauve */ .TableRowColor { background: #FFFFFF } /* White */ /* Font used in left-hand frame lists */ td,p,.FrameTitleFont { font-family: 'Lucida Sans', 'Helvetica', 'Sans-serif', 'sans'; font-size: 8pt; line-height: 1.8em; } .FrameHeadingFont { font-family: 'Lucida Sans', 'Helvetica', 'Sans-serif', 'sans'; font-size: 8pt; line-height: 1.8em; } .FrameItemFont { font-family: 'Lucida Sans', 'Helvetica', 'Sans-serif', 'sans'; font-size: 8pt; line-height: 1.8em; } /* Navigation bar fonts and colors */ .NavBarCell1 { background-color:#ddd;}/* Light mauve */ .NavBarCell1Rev { background-color:#fff;}/* Dark Blue */ .NavBarFont1 { font-family: 'Lucida Sans', 'Helvetica', 'Sans-serif', 'sans'; font-size: 8pt; line-height: 1.8em;} .NavBarFont1Rev { font-family: 'Lucida Sans', 'Helvetica', 'Sans-serif', 'sans'; font-size: 8pt; line-height: 1.8em;} .NavBarCell2 { font-family: 'Lucida Sans', 'Helvetica', 'Sans-serif', 'sans'; font-size: 8pt; line-height: 1.8em;} .NavBarCell3 { font-family: 'Lucida Sans', 'Helvetica', 'Sans-serif', 'sans'; font-size: 8pt; line-height: 1.8em;}