Title: Downloads ## Apache Roller Releases Releases of the Apache Roller blog server are made available to the general public at no charge, under the Apache License, in both binary and source distributions. General Availability (GA) Releases - Ready for Prime Time! Roller 5.1.2 ("best available") Previous source and binary distributions, including documentation, are available in the Apache archives. Project releases are approved by vote of the Apache Roller Project Management Committee (PMC). Support for a release is provided by project volunteers on the project mailing lists. Bugs found in a release may be discussed on the list and reported through the issue tracker. The user mailing list and issue tracker are the only support options hosted by the Apache Roller project. Note: When downloading from a mirror, please be sure to verify that checksums and signatures are correct. To do so, use the checksum and signature files from the main Apache site at http://www.apache.org/dyn/closer.cgi/roller/roller-5.1/v5.1.2/bin/ Find here the KEYS file, which contains all OpenPGP keys we use to sign releases: http://www.apache.org/dist/roller/ The PGP signatures can be verified using PGP or GPG. First download the KEYS as well as the asc signature file for the particular distribution. Make sure you get these files from the main distribution directory, rather than from a mirror. Then verify the signatures using % pgpk -a KEYS % pgpv ${filename}.tar.gz.asc or % pgp -ka KEYS % pgp ${filename}.tar.gz.asc or % gpg --import KEYS % gpg --verify ${filename}.tar.gz.asc Alternatively, you can verify the MD5 signature on the files. A Unix program called md5 or md5sum is included in many Unix distributions. It is also available as part of GNU Textutils. Windows users can get binary md5 programs from here, here, or here. If you want to build directly from the sources, please check the Project Wiki.