# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more # contributor license agreements. The ASF licenses this file to You # under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not # use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. For additional information regarding # copyright in this work, please see the NOTICE file in the top level # directory of this distribution. application.none=None application.cancel=Cancel application.done=Done application.yes=Yes application.no=No application.true=True application.false=False # ------------------------------------------------------------- BookmarkForm.jsp bookmarkForm.add.title=Add New Bookmark bookmarkForm.add.subtitle=Adding new bookmark in folder [{0}] bookmarkForm.edit.title=Edit Bookmark bookmarkForm.edit.subtitle=Editing bookmark in folder [{0}] bookmarkForm.correct.title=Correct Bookmark bookmarkForm.correct.subtitle=Correct fields and re-submit bookmarkForm.cancel=Cancel bookmarkForm.description=Description bookmarkForm.folder=Bookmark Folder bookmarkForm.image=Image URL bookmarkForm.name=Name bookmarkForm.priority=Sort Priority bookmarkForm.rssUrl=Newsfeed URL bookmarkForm.save=Save bookmarkForm.url=Bookmark URL bookmarkForm.weight=Display Weight bookmarkForm.error.invalidURL=Invalid URL: {0} # errors from validation Bookmark.error.nameNull=Name is a required field Bookmark.error.nameSize=Name cannot be more than 255 characters Bookmark.error.descriptionSize=Description cannot be more than 255 characters Bookmark.error.urlNull=Url is a required field Bookmark.error.urlBad=The url you entered is not valid Bookmark.error.weightNull=Weight is a required field Bookmark.error.weightNotInt=Weight must be a valid integer Bookmark.error.priorityNull=Priority is a required field Bookmark.error.priorityNotInt=Priority must be a valid integer Bookmark.error.imageBad=The image url you entered is not valid Bookmark.error.feedUrlBad=The feed url you entered is not valid # ----------------------------------------------------------- BookmarksForm.jsp bookmarksForm.root=root bookmarksForm.rootTitle=Bookmarks bookmarksForm.folderTitle=Bookmark Folder [{0}] bookmarksForm.rootPrompt=\ This is your top-level bookmarks folder. \ The bookmarks you keep here will appear in the blogroll section of your blog \ (assuming that you are using one of the default themes). You can create \ bookmark folders here, but you will have to add corresponding bookmark display \ macros to your weblog''s templates if you wish to display their contents. bookmarksForm.folderPrompt=\ This is a bookmark. You can add bookmarks here and even bookmark \ folders, but they will not be displayed on your blog unless add the \ appropriate bookmark display macros to your weblog''s templates. bookmarksForm.subtitle=Manage bookmarks in weblog {0} bookmarksForm.addBookmark=Add Bookmark bookmarksForm.addFolder=Add Bookmark Folder bookmarksForm.checkAll=Select All bookmarksForm.checkNone=Select None bookmarksForm.delete=Delete selected bookmarksForm.delete.confirm=Delete selected bookmarks? bookmarksForm.description=Description bookmarksForm.folder=Bookmark Folder bookmarksForm.priority=Priority bookmarksForm.edit=Edit bookmarksForm.edit.tip=Click to edit this folder or bookmark bookmarksForm.move=Move selected bookmarksForm.move.confirm=Move selected bookmarks? bookmarksForm.name=Name bookmarksForm.path=Path bookmarksForm.visitLink=Visit bookmarksForm.visitLink.tip=Click to visit this site bookmarksForm.warn.notMoving=Can''t move parent folder [{0}] into one of it''s \ children bookmarksForm.error.move=Error performing move, parent to child moves not allowed bookmarksForm.importBookmarks=Import bookmarks via OPML # --------------------------------------------------------- Bookmarks import.jsp bookmarksImport.title=Import OPML Bookmarks bookmarksImport.subtitle=Import bookmarks in to weblog {0} via OPML bookmarksImport.prompt=Upload a standard OPML file to your bookmark collection. \ The bookmarks will be imported into a new bookmark folder with the name \ imported-[timestamp]. You will then be able to edit them and move them to \ other bookmark folders if you wish. bookmarksImport.imported=Imported OPML bookmarks into folder [{0}] bookmarksImport.error=Error importing bookmarks: {0} bookmarksImport.import=Import # ----------------------------------------------------------------- cacheInfo.jsp cacheInfo.title=Cache Information cacheInfo.subtitle=Monitor cache statistics cacheInfo.prompt=This page offers instrumentation data about what is happening \ in the system caches. cacheInfo.clear=Clear # -------------------------------------------------------------------- Calendars calendar.summary=Blog Archive Calendar calendar.prev=Prev calendar.today=Today calendar.next=Next # ------------------------------------------------------------- CategoryForm.jsp categoryForm.edit.title=Edit Category categoryForm.edit.subtitle=Editing category categoryForm.add.title=Add Category categoryForm.add.subtitle=Adding category categoryForm.correct.title=Correct Category categoryForm.correct.subtitle=Correcting category categoryForm.name=Name categoryForm.description=Description categoryForm.image=image categoryForm.save=Save categoryForm.cancel=Cancel categoryForm.error.duplicateName=The category name ''{0}'' is already in use, you will need to choose another # errors from validation Category.error.nameNull=Name is a required field Category.error.nameSize=Name cannot be more than 255 characters Category.error.descriptionSize=Description cannot be more than 255 characters Category.error.imageBad=The image url you entered is not valid # ----------------------------------------------------------- CategoriesForm.jsp categoriesForm.name=Name categoriesForm.subtitle=Manage categories in weblog {0} categoriesForm.description=Description categoriesForm.edit=Edit categoriesForm.root=root categoriesForm.rootTitle=Categories categoriesForm.rootPrompt=\ These are your top-level weblog categories. \ You can use categories to organize your weblog entries and your readers can \ choose to subscribe to separate newsfeeds for each of your categories. \ You can also define sub-categories, but many of the Roller macros display \ only top-level categories. categoriesForm.categoryPrompt=\ You can add sub-categories here, but many of the Roller macros display \ only top-level categories. categoriesForm.addCategory=Add Category categoriesForm.checkAll=Check All categoriesForm.checkNone=Check None categoriesForm.delete=Delete categoriesForm.move=Move categoriesForm.move.confirm=Move selected categories? categoriesForm.path=Path categoriesForm.parent=Category categoriesForm.remove=Remove categoriesForm.warn.notMoving=Can''t move parent category [{0}] into one of it''s \ children categoriesForm.error.move=Error perfor6ming move, parent to child moves not allowed # --------------------------------------------------------- CategoryDeleteOK.jsp categoryDeleteOK.removeCategory=Remove Weblog Category categoryDeleteOK.warningCatInUse=WARNING: This category is in use! categoryDeleteOK.youMustMoveEntries=You must move the weblog entries in the \ category to another category, use the combo-box to select which category \ should receive the entries.

categoryDeleteOK.moveToWhere=Move the contents to another category: categoryDeleteOK.noEntriesInCat=There are no weblog entries in this category, \ OK to delete. categoryDeleteOK.areYouSure=Are you sure you want to delete this weblog category? # ----------------------------------------------------------------- comments.jsp comments.title=Comment comments.header=Post a comment comments.name=Name: comments.email=Email: comments.url=URL: comments.rememberInfo=Remember Information? comments.header2=Comments: comments.htmlsyntax=HTML Syntax: comments.htmldisabled=NOT allowed comments.htmlenabled=Allowed comments.preview=PREVIEW comments.post=POST comments.cancel=CANCEL comments.please=Please enter a comment. comments.disabled=Comments are closed for this entry. comments.mathAuthenticatorQuestion=Please answer this simple math question error.commentAuthFailed=Comment authentication failed! # -------------------------------------------------------- comment validators comment.validator.excessLinksName=Excess Links Comment Validator comment.validator.excessLinksMessage=Comment has more than {0} links comment.validator.excessSizeName=Excess Size Comment Validator comment.validator.excessSizeMessage=Comment has more than {0} characters comment.validator.blacklistName=Blacklist Comment Validator comment.validator.blacklistMessage=Comment contains blacklisted/ignored words comment.validator.trackbackLinkbackName=Trackback Linkback Comment Validator comment.validator.trackbackLinkbackMessage=Trackback from site/page that does not link to your weblog entry comment.validator.akismetName=Akismet Comment Validator comment.validator.akismetMessage=Akismet service (akismet.com) says comment is spam # -------------------------------------------------------- comments-preview.jsp comments.preview.title=Comment comments.preview=PREVIEW comments.preview.edit=Edit your comment # -------------------------------------------------------- comments-display.jsp comments.postedBy=Posted by comments.at=at # ---------------------------------------------------------- Comment management commentManagement.title=Comment Management commentManagement.subtitle=Manage comments across all weblogs in system commentManagement.entry.subtitle=Manage comments for entry titled {0} commentManagement.website.subtitle=Manage comments in weblog {0} commentManagement.tip=You have comments. \ You can change approval, spam status and delete comments via the checkboxes below. \ If you make any changes, be sure to save them by clicking the \ Save changes at the bottom of the page. commentManagement.pendingTip=You have comments pending approval.

\ Please review the approved and spam checkboxes to make sure they are correct. \ Remember to click the Save changes button when you are done \ (even if you make no changes). commentManagement.globalTip=As a global administrator \ You can change spam status and delete comments via the checkboxes below. \ You cannot change pending and approved status here, so you won''t interfere \ with anybody''s comment approval workflow. If you make any changes, be sure to \ save them by clicking the Save changes at the bottom of the page. commentManagement.sendingApprovalNotification=\ Sending e-mail of newly approved comment to those who requested notification commentManagement.nowShowing=Displaying {0} comments commentManagement.noCommentsFound=No comments found commentManagement.pending=Pending commentManagement.approved=Approved commentManagement.spam=Spam commentManagement.next=Next page commentManagement.prev=Previous page commentManagement.query=Query commentManagement.endDate=End date commentManagement.startDate=Start date commentManagement.bulkDeletePrompt1=Your query matched {0} comments, commentManagement.bulkDeletePrompt2=delete them all? commentManagement.confirmBulkDelete=Are you sure you want to delete all {0} selected by your query? commentManagement.deleteSuccess=Successfully deleted {0} comments commentManagement.pendingStatus=Pending status commentManagement.onlyPending=Pending only commentManagement.onlyApproved=Approved only commentManagement.onlyDisapproved=Disappoved only commentManagement.spamStatus=Spam status commentManagement.all=All comments commentManagement.noSpam=No spam commentManagement.onlySpam=Only spam commentManagement.columnApproved=Approved commentManagement.columnSpam=Spam commentManagement.columnDelete=Delete commentManagement.columnComment=Comment commentManagement.update=Save changes commentManagement.updateSuccess=Successfully updated comments commentManagement.updateError=Error updating comments commentManagement.searchString=Search string commentManagement.sidebarTitle=Filter comments commentManagement.sidebarDescription=Filter comments by search string, status, and/or date commentManagement.commentBy=Posted by commentManagement.commentByBoth={0} ({2}) from IP address {3} commentManagement.commentByName={0} from IP address {1} commentManagement.commentByIP=User from IP address {0} commentManagement.postTime=Posted at commentManagement.entryTitled=Regarding commentManagement.editEntry=Edit commentManagement.returnToEntry=Return to entry commentManagement.select=Select commentManagement.all=All commentManagement.none=None commentManagement.readmore=View full comment... # -------------------------------------------------------------- CommentServlet commentServlet.commentAccepted=Your comment has been accepted. commentServlet.commentMarkedAsSpam=Your comment was marked as spam and will not be displayed. commentServlet.previewMarkedAsSpam=If you submit this comment, it will be marked as spam and not displayed. commentServlet.submittedToModerator=Your comment has been submitted to the moderator for approval. commentServlet.previewCommentOnly=This is a comment preview only commentServlet.email.thereAreSystemMessages=Messages from the Roller system: commentServlet.email.thereAreErrorMessages=This comment failed validation for these reasons: # --------------------------------------------------------------- Configuration configForm.title=Roller Configuration configForm.subtitle=Change site-wide configuration settings. configForm.prompt=Changes you make here apply to the entire site. Note that \ these are runtime properties only. Please refer to the Roller documentation \ for information on overriding Roller''s startup properties (in the \ roller.properties file). configForm.siteSettings=Site Settings configForm.siteName=Site Name (for main page and RSS feed) configForm.shortName=Short name (shown in site banner) configForm.siteDescription=Site Description (for main page and RSS feed) configForm.frontpageWeblogHandle=Handle of weblog to serve as frontpage blog configForm.frontpageWeblogAggregated=Enable aggregated site-wide frontpage configForm.siteAdminEmail=Site Administrator''s email address configForm.absoluteUrl=Absolute URL to site (if required) configForm.suspendPingProcessing=Suspend all ping processing? configForm.debugMode=Enable debug mode? configForm.userSettings=User Settings configForm.accountActivation=Require new users to activate accounts via email configForm.accountActivationFromAddress=Email address for account activation messages configForm.allowNewUsers=Allow New Users? configForm.registrationUrl=External registration url configForm.editorPages=Editor Pages configForm.weblogSettings=Weblog Rendering Settings configForm.pageMaxEntries=Max number of entries to allow per page configForm.newsfeedMaxEntries=Number of entries to provide in newsfeeds configForm.styledFeeds=Display styled newsfeeds for browsers configForm.commentSettings=Comment and Trackback Settings configForm.enableComments=Allow weblog comments? configForm.ignoreSpamComments=Don''t save comments thought to be spam configForm.enableTrackbacks=Allow weblog trackbacks? configForm.ignoreSpamTrackbacks=Don''t save trackbacks thought to be spam configForm.commentHtmlAllowed=Allow html in comments? configForm.commentPlugins=Enabled/Disable comment formatting plugins configForm.autoformatComments=Autoformat Comments? configForm.escapeCommentHtml=Escape Comment HTML? configForm.emailComments=Email notification of comments? configForm.moderationRequired=Require comment moderation for all weblogs configForm.enableTrackbackValidation=Enable verification of trackback links? configForm.enableLinkback=Enable referrer linkback extraction? configForm.fileUploadSettings=File Upload Settings configForm.enableFileUploads=Enable File Uploads? configForm.allowedExtensions=Allowed Extensions configForm.forbiddenExtensions=Forbidden Extensions configForm.maxFileSize=Max File Size (MB) configForm.maxDirSize=Max Directory Size (MB) configForm.themeSettings=Theme Settings configForm.newUserThemes=Themes Directory configForm.allowCustomTheme=Allow Custom Themes? configForm.save=Save configForm.rebuildIndex=Rebuild Search Index (All Users) configForm.saved=Configuration settings saved # ---------------------------------------------------------------- Create weblog createWebsite.title=Create Weblog createWebsite.prompt=Use this form to create a new weblog for you or for \ you and a group of your friends. createWebsite.tip.name=The name is the title of your weblog, it will be \ displayed at the top of your weblog page, and in the title field of your \ weblog''s newsfeed. This field should not include HTML. createWebsite.tip.description=The description of your weblog may be displayed \ at the top of your weblog (depending on the theme you choose), and it will be \ used in description or subtitle field of your newsfeed. This field should not \ include HTML. createWebsite.tip.handle=The handle is a short one-word name for your \ weblog. It will be used in your URL, so please limit it to simple ASCII \ alphanumeric characters (a-z, A-Z and 0-9), and do not use HTML. createWebsite.tip.email=Your email address or the email address of the person \ responsible for the weblog that you are creating. createWebsite.tip.timezone=The timezone to be used for entry and display \ of this weblog. createWebsite.tip.locale=The default locale to be used for the display of this \ weblog when the browser does not specify a locale. createWebsite.tip.theme=The theme to be used to display this weblog. Later, \ you can easily switch to another theme or edit the themes templates to \ customize it to your liking. createWebsite.handle=Handle createWebsite.name=Name createWebsite.description=Description createWebsite.emailAddress=Email Address createWebsite.locale=Locale createWebsite.timeZone=Timezone createWebsite.theme=Theme createWebsite.weblogUrl=URL createWebsite.button.save=Create Weblog createWebsite.button.cancel=Cancel createWebsite.created=New weblog [{0}] has been successfully created. # errors from validation CreateWeblog.error.handleNull=Handle is a required field CreateWeblog.error.handleSize=Handle cannot be more than 255 characters CreateWeblog.error.nameNull=Name is a required field CreateWeblog.error.nameSize=Name cannot be more than 255 characters CreateWeblog.error.descriptionSize=Description cannot be more than 255 characters CreateWeblog.error.emailAddressNull=Email address is a required field CreateWeblog.error.emailAddressSize=Email address cannot be more than 255 characters CreateWeblog.error.emailAddressBad=The email address you entered is not properly formatted CreateWeblog.error.localeNull=Locale is a required field CreateWeblog.error.localeSize=Locale cannot be more than 8 characters CreateWeblog.error.timeZoneNull=Time Zone is a required field CreateWeblog.error.timeZoneSize=Time Zone cannot be more than 64 characters createWeblog.error.missingHandle=You must enter a valid handle createWeblog.error.invalidHandle=The handle you specified is not valid createWeblog.error.missingEmailAddress=You must enter a valid email address createWeblog.error.handleExists=A weblog with that handle already exists # ----------------------------------------------------------- Auto-installation databaseError.title=Database error # --------------------------------------------------------------- Entry editors editor.text.name=Text Editor editor.xinha.name=Rich Text Editor (Xinha) # --------------------------------------------------------------- Comment emails email.comment.wrote=wrote email.comment.anonymous=An anonymous user wrote email.comment.respond=Respond to this comment at email.comment.title=Comment email.comment.commentApproved=Comment Approved #---------------------------------------------------------------- Error messages error.untranslated={0} error.add.blogcat=Error adding Weblog Category error.add.blogentry=Error adding Weblog Entry error.add.bookmark=Error adding Bookmark error.add.folder=Error adding Folder error.add.newsfeed=Error adding Newsfeed error.add.user.userNameInUse=Username already in use. error.add.user.missingUserName=You must specify a username. error.add.user.badUserName=Invalid user name (must be alpha-numerics only). error.add.user.missingPassword=You must specify a password. error.add.user.missingEmailAddress=You must specify a valid email address. error.edit.blogcat=Error displaying Edit Weblog Category page error.edit.blogentry=Error displaying Weblog Edit page error.edit.bookmark=Error displaying Edit Bookmark page error.edit.comment=Error displaying Comment page {0} error.edit.folder=Error displaying Edit Bookmark Folder page error.edit.newsfeed=Error displaying Edit Newsfeed page error.editall.blogcat=Error displaying Edit Weblog Categories page error.editall.folder=Error displaying Edit Bookmarks page error.upload.dirmax=You cannot exceed the maximum directory size of {0} MB. error.upload.disabled=File Upload has been turned off error.upload.file=No file selected error.upload.filemax=File larger than maximum allowed: {0} MB error.upload.forbiddenFile=You can only upload files with these extensions and content-types: {0} error.general=ERROR: Unexpected Exception [{0}] has been logged. error.importing.entries=Unable to parse entries out of selected file error.move.bookmarks=Error removing Bookmarks error.password.mismatch=Wrong username and password combination error.preview.comment=Error getting Comment preview {0} error.remove.blogcat=Error removing Weblog Category error.remove.blogentry=Error removing Weblog Entry error.remove.bookmark=Error removing Bookmark error.remove.bookmarks=Error removing Bookmarks error.remove.folder=Error removing Bookmark Folder error.remove.newsfeed=Error removing Newsfeed error.removeok.blogcat=Error displaying Remove Weblog Category page error.removeok.blogentry=Error displaying Remove Weblog Entry page error.removeok.bookmark=Error displaying Remove Bookmark page error.removeok.folder=Error displaying Remove Bookmark Folder page error.removeok.newsfeed=Error displaying Remove Newsfeed page error.update.blogcat=Error updating Weblog Category error.update.blogentry=Error updating Weblog Entry error.update.bookmark=Error updating Bookmark error.update.comment=Error saving Comment {0} error.update.folder=Error updating Bookmark Folder error.update.newsfeed=Error updating Newsfeed error.update.rollerConfig=Error updating RollerConfig error.bake.weblog=Error baking your Weblog error.trackback=Error sending trackback. Possible cause: incorrect \ trackback URL. {0} error.trackbackNotAllowed=Error sending trackback. The site administrator \ does not permit sending tracbacks to the URL you specified. errorPage.title=Unexpected Exception errorPage.message=Roller has encountered and logged an unexpected exception. errorPage.reason=Reason error.title.403=Access Denied error.text.403=You do not have the privilege necessary to access the page you \ requested. error.title.404=Sorry! We couldn't find your document error.text.404=The file that you requested could not be found on this server. error.permissions.deniedSave=Access Denied (you logged in as a different user?) error.permissionDenied.title=Permission Denied error.permissionDenied.prompt=Possible causes: error.permissionDenied.reason0=You requested a weblog entry that you do not have \ permission to edit (perhaps one you''ve already submitted for review?). error.permissionDenied.reason1=You tried to save an object from "stale" web page, \ left by an earlier login under a different user account. error.permissionDenied.reason2=You logged in using incorrect capitalization of \ your username. To resolve this problem, logout and login again with your \ correct username. error.permissionDenied.reason3=Your blog server''s database connection is \ misconfigured. To resolve this problem, see your system administrator. #-------------------------------------------------------------- Struts Validator errors.header=
error.internationalized={0} errors.required={0} is required. errors.minlength={0} can not be less than {1} characters. errors.maxlength={0} can not be greater than {1} characters. errors.invalid={0} is invalid. errors.byte={0} must be a byte. errors.short={0} must be a short. errors.integer={0} must be an integer. errors.long={0} must be a long. errors.float={0} must be a float. errors.double={0} must be a double. errors.date={0} is not a date. errors.range={0} is not in the range {1} through {2}. errors.creditcard={0} is an invalid credit card number. errors.email={0} may only include letters, numbers, and spaces. errors.noslashes={0} may not include '/' slash characters. error.noTrackbackUrlSpecified=You did not specify a Trackback URL # -------------------------------------------------------------------- error.jsp errorPage.title=Unexpected Exception errorPage.message=Roller has encountered and logged an unexpected exception. errorPage.reason=Reason errorPage.noException=No stack trace. # --------------------------------------------------------------- FolderForm.jsp folderForm.add.title=Add Folder folderForm.add.subtitle=Adding new bookmark folder in folder [{0}] folderForm.edit.title=Edit Folder folderForm.edit.subtitle=Editing bookmark folder in folder [{0}] folderForm.correct.title=Correct Folder folderForm.correct.subtitle=Correcting bookmark folder edits folderForm.name=Name folderForm.save=Save folderForm.cancel=Cancel folderForm.description=Description folderForm.save.exception=ERROR saving folder, perhaps name is not unique? \ The error message is: {0} folderForm.error.duplicateName=The folder name {0} is already in use, you will need to choose another # errors from validation Folder.error.nameNull=Name is a required field Folder.error.nameSize=Name cannot be more than 255 characters Folder.error.descriptionSize=Description cannot be more than 255 characters # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Footer footer.productName=Powered by Apache Roller Weblogger Version {0} footer.reportIssue=Report an Issue footer.userGuide=User Guide footer.macros=Macros footer.mailingLists=Mailing Lists # ------------------------------------------------------ index / setup page index.heading=Welcome to Roller! index.prompt=Follow these steps to finalize your Roller installation: index.error=ERROR quering the Roller database, are you sure you ran the \ database creation or database migration script? index.createUser=Create a user index.createUserDone=DONE: this site has {0} user(s) index.createUserHelp=\ Before you can start to use Roller, you need to create a user so you \ can login, manage Roller and start blogging. Note that the first user \ you create will be given the Global Admin rights necessary to \ manage Roller, manage Roller users and designate other Global Admins. index.createUserBy=Create your first user via the index.createUserPage=New User Registration Page index.createWeblog=Create a weblog index.createWeblogDone=DONE: this site has {0} weblog(s) index.createWeblogHelp=\ Before you can start blogging, you need to create at least one weblog. \ Just so you know, you can create as many as you want. Each Roller user \ can have multiple weblogs and each Roller weblog can have multiple \ authors. index.createWeblogBy=Create your first weblog via the index.createWeblogPage=New Weblog Creation Page index.setFrontpage=Designate a frontpage weblog index.setFrontpageHelp=\ You must specify a weblog to serve as the frontpage of your Roller site. \ You can do this by going to the Server Admin->Configuration page. \ In the field labelled "Handle of the weblog to server as the frontpage" enter \ the handle of the weblog you want to front your site. Once you''re done \ you won''t see this irritating page any longer. index.setFrontpageBy=Designate a frontpage weblog on the index.setFrontpagePage=Server Admin Page # ------------------------------------------------------ Invitations management invitations.title=Manage invitations invitations.subtitle=Manage invitations in weblog {0} invitations.prompt=This page lists the outstanding invitations in this weblog. \ You may choose to cancel invitations and if email notification is enabled the \ uninvited party will receive a invitation revoked message. invitations.revoke=Cancel invitations.noInvitations=No invitations invitations.confirm.revoke=Revoke selected invitations? invitations.revokationSubject=Roller: invitation to join weblog "{0}" ({1}) \ REVOKED invitations.revokationContent=Your invitation to join weblog "{0}" ({1}) has \ been revoked. invitations.weblog=Weblog invitations.user=User invitations.permission=Permission invitations.action=Action invitations.revoked=Invitation successfully revoked. invitations.error.notFound=Invitation already revoked. # --------------------------------------------------------------- Invite member inviteMember.title=Invite New Member inviteMember.subtitle=Invite a new user to join this weblog inviteMember.prompt=Invite a user to join this weblog by selecting his or \ her email address below, picking a permission for them and clicking the send \ invitation button. If the user is not shown in the list below, type the first \ couple of letters of the username or email address view matches. inviteMember.userName=Username inviteMember.administrator=Admin inviteMember.author=Author inviteMember.limited=Limited inviteMember.permissions=Permissions inviteMember.button.save=Send Invitation inviteMember.error.userNotFound=User not found system inviteMember.error.userAlreadyInvited=User already invited to this weblog inviteMember.error.userAlreadyMember=User already a member of this weblog inviteMemberDone.title=Invitation Sent inviteMemberDone.message=User [{0}] has been invited to join this weblog inviteMemberDone.inviteAnother=Invite another inviteMember.userInvited=User successfully invited inviteMember.notificationSubject=Roller: invitation to join weblog "{0}" ({1}) inviteMember.notificationContent=You have been invited to join weblog "{0}" ({1}). \ Click the following link and login as user [{2}] to accept or decline this \ invitation <{3}>. # ------------------------------------------------------------------- Installer installer.bannerTitleLeft=Apache Roller Weblogger installer.bannerTitleRight=Auto-Installer # database error installer.error.connection.pageTitle=Database connection error installer.cannotConnectToDatabase=Cannot connect to database installer.whatHappened=What happened? installer.whatHappenedDatabaseConnectionError=\ A database error occurred, probably because your database connection is \ misconfigured. You will have to fix this problem and then restart or redeploy \ Roller before you can proceed. Here''s what happened when Roller \ tried to establish a connection: installer.whyDidThatHappen=Why did that happen? installer.aboutTheException=In case the clues above are not enough to help you \ figure out what is going wrong, here are some more details. The root cause of \ the problem is an exception of type installer.heresTheStackTrace=\ To help you debug the problem, here is the stack trace for that exception: # unknown error installer.error.unknown.pageTitle=Unknown error installer.unknownError=An unknown error has occurred installer.whatHappenedUnknown=An unknown and unexpected error occured when \ Roller tried to check database status or bootstrap itself. Roller can''t \ determine what happened so you will have to look at your servers log files \ and diagnose the problem yourself. Follow the instructons on the Roller wiki \ and seek help from the \ Roller user mailing list. # create tables installer.database.creation.pageTitle=Database table creation installer.noDatabaseTablesFound=No database tables found installer.noDatabaseTablesExplanation=\ Roller is able to connect to your database of type [{0}], but found no tables. installer.createTables=Would you like Roller to create the tables for you? installer.yesCreateTables=Yes - create tables now installer.tablesCreated=Tables created successfully installer.tablesCreatedExplanation=Database tables were created successfully \ as you can see below. installer.tryBootstrapping=Database tables are present and up-to-date. \ Click here to complete the installation process and start \ using Roller. installer.errorCreatingTables=Error creating tables installer.errorCreatingTablesExplanation=Error creating tables, possibly due \ to an error in the database creation script or because you are using an \ unsupported database. You will have to fix this problem and then restart or \ redeploy Roller before you can proceed. Below are the success/error messages \ issued during the creation process: # upgrade tables installer.database.upgrade.pageTitle=Database table upgrade installer.databaseUpgradeNeeded=Database tables need to be upgraded installer.databaseUpgradeNeededExplanation=\ Roller is able to connect to your database of type [{0}] and found tables, \ but the tables need to be upgraded. installer.upgradeTables=Would you like Roller to upgrade the tables for you? installer.yesUpgradeTables=Yes - upgrade tables now installer.tablesUpgraded=Tables were upgraded successfully installer.tablesUpgradedExplanation=\ Database tables were upgraded successfully as you can see below. installer.errorUpgradingTables=Error upgrading tables installer.errorUpgradingTablesExplanation=Error upgrading tables, possibly due \ to an error in the database creation script or because you are using an \ unsupported database. You will have to fix this problem and then restart or \ redeploy Roller before you can proceed. Below are the success/error messages \ issued during the upgrade process: # ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Login loginPage.title=Welcome to Roller loginPage.prompt=Please enter your username and password to login. loginPage.userName=Username loginPage.password=Password loginPage.rememberMe=Remember Me loginPage.login=Login loginPage.reset=Reset # -------------------------------------------------------------- Bookmark Macro macro.bookmark.urlFeed=URL of site''s RSS feed macro.bookmark.error=The requested Bookmark Folder does not exist: {0} # --------------------------------------------------------------- Referer Macro macro.referer.furtherReading=For further reading on today''s posts: macro.referer.todaysHits=Today''s Page Hits: # -------------------------------------------------------------------- RSS Macro macro.rss.all=All macro.rss.excerpts=excerpts # --------------------------------------------------------- Search Results Macro macro.searchresults.results=Search Results macro.searchresults.title=Define ''{0}'' on Dictionary.com macro.searchresults.searchFor=You searched {0} for macro.searchresults.hits_1={0} entries found.
You can also macro.searchresults.hits_2=try this same search on \ Google. macro.searchresults.again=Search Again macro.searchresults.incategory=- In Category - error.searchProblem=There was a problem with your search. # ----------------------------------------------------- Search Results Day Macro macro.searchresultsday.entrypermalink.title=Permanent link to this weblog entry macro.searchresultsday.userpermalink.title=Link to user''s home page macro.searchresultsday.categorypermalink.title=Show entries for this category # ----------------------------------------------------------------- Weblog Macro macro.weblog.daypermalink.title=Permanent link to this day macro.weblog.entrypermalink.title=Permanent link to this weblog entry macro.weblog.entrypermalink.edit=Edit macro.weblog.linkbacks=Linkbacks macro.weblog.comments=Comments macro.weblog.comment=Comment macro.weblog.comment.unknown=Unknown macro.weblog.addcomment=Add a Comment macro.weblog.datepattern=MMMMM dd, yyyy 'at' hh:mm aa z macro.weblog.date.timestampFormat=MMM dd yyyy, hh:mm:ss a z macro.weblog.date.toStringFormat=EEEE MMMM dd, yyyy macro.weblog.preview=Comment Preview macro.weblog.commentpermalink.title=comment permalink macro.weblog.readMore=Read More macro.weblog.readMoreLink=[Read More] macro.weblog.postedby=Posted by macro.weblog.on=on macro.weblog.postedbywebsite=
Website: {1} macro.weblog.website=
Website: {1} macro.weblog.name=Name: macro.weblog.email=E-Mail: macro.weblog.url=URL: macro.weblog.rememberinfo=Remember Information? macro.weblog.yourcomment=Your Comment: macro.weblog.htmlsyntax=HTML Syntax: macro.weblog.htmldisabled=NOT allowed macro.weblog.htmlenabled=Allowed macro.weblog.commentwarning=Please enter a comment. macro.weblog.postcommentHeader=Post a Comment: macro.weblog.postcomment=Post Comment macro.weblog.post=Post macro.weblog.postpreview=Preview macro.weblog.clear=Clear Info macro.weblog.searchalert=Please enter a search term to continue. macro.weblog.searchbutton=Search macro.weblog.searchdictionary=You searched this site for \ "{2}". macro.weblog.searchhits={0} entries found. macro.weblog.searchagain=Search Again macro.weblog.searchgoogle=You can also \ try this same search on \ Google. macro.weblog.trackback=Trackback URL: macro.weblog.editentry=Edit macro.weblog.allcategories=All macro.weblog.nolanguages=This site does not support multiple langauges. macro.weblog.notifyMeOfComments=Notify me by email of new comments macro.weblog.noEntriesForDate=No entries found for specified date # -------------------------------------------------------------------- Main page mainPage.frontPage=Roller mainPage.recentEntries=Recent Weblog Entries mainPage.pinnedEntries=Featured Weblog Entries mainPage.category=Category mainPage.read=Read mainPage.hotWeblogs=Hot Blogs : Daily Hits mainPage.searchWeblogs=Search for blogs mainPage.searchButton=Search mainPage.hits=hits mainPage.link=Link mainPage.rss.tip=Combined RSS feed for site. mainPage.rss.instructions=Right-click, copy link and paste into your newsfeed reader mainPage.postedBy=By mainPage.actions=Actions mainPage.status=Status mainPage.weblog=Working in weblog mainPage.loggedInAs=logged in as mainPage.currentWebsite=editing weblog mainPage.sidebarHelpTitle=What is this? mainPage.adminWarning=You have Global Admin
permission, use it wisely. mainPage.mainMenu=Main Menu # ------------------------------------------------------------------ Maintenance maintenance.title=Weblog Maintenance maintenance.subtitle=Perfom weblog maintenance operations. maintenance.prompt.index=Rebuild the search index for your Roller weblog. maintenance.button.index=Rebuild Search Index maintenance.prompt.flush=Flush the page cache for your Roller weblog. maintenance.button.flush=Flush Cache maintenance.message.indexed=Successully scheduled search index rebuild for your \ Roller weblog maintenance.message.flushed=Successfully flushed the page cache of your \ Roller weblog # ----------------------------------------------------------- Member permissions memberPermissions.title=Weblog Member Permissions memberPermissions.subtitle=Manage permissions of users in weblog {0} memberPermissions.description=You can change permissions of weblog members, \ or remove them from the weblog entire using the controls in the table below \ and clicking Save to commit your changes. Note that you are not allowed to \ demote or remove yourself from the weblog. memberPermissions.userName=Username memberPermissions.administrator=Admin memberPermissions.author=Author memberPermissions.limited=Limited memberPermissions.remove=Remove memberPermissions.noSelfDemotions=You''re not allowed to demote yourself memberPermissions.membersRemoved=Removed {0} user(s) memberPermissions.membersChanged=Changed permission for {0} user(s) memberPermissions.confirmRemove=Are you sure you want to remove members from this \ weblog? memberPermissions.button.save=Save memberPermissions.inviteMember=Invite new member memberPermissions.whyInvite=Invite somebody to help you write your weblog. memberPermissions.manageInvitations=Manage invitations memberPermissions.whyManageInvitations=View existing invitations, with option to revoke. memberPermissions.permissionsHelpTitle=What are permissions? memberPermissions.permissionHelp=\ Admin permission allows user to post entries, manage weblog and its users
\ Author permission allows user to post entries, but not to manage weblog
\ Limited permission allows user to save draft entries only # --------------------------------------------------------- New user registation newUser.addNewUser=New User Registration newuser.loginName=User Name s newuser.fullName=Full Name newuser.password=Password newuser.eMailAddress=Email Address newuser.theme=Theme newuser.locale=Locale newuser.timeZone=Time Zone newUser.created=New user successfully created. Create another? newUser.error.mismatchedPasswords=ERROR: passwords to not match newuser.newUserCreationDisabled=I''m sorry, but the administrator of this site \ has turned off new user registrations. # --------------------------------------------------------------- Navigation Bar navigationBar.header=Navigation navigationBar.main=Main navigationBar.newEntry=New Entry navigationBar.settings=Settings navigationBar.logout=Logout navigationBar.login=Login navigationBar.register=Register navigationBar.youMay=You may # -------------------------------------------------------------- Page management pagesForm.title=Templates pagesForm.subtitle=Manage templates that define weblog {0} pagesForm.tip=You can edit the templates that define the layout, colors and \ fonts of your weblog. You can also create new templates to define entirely \ new pages. This is for advanced users only, if you''re not comfortable \ with HTML, you might want to leave your templates alone. pageForm.advancedSettings=Advanced Settings pagesForm.name=Name pagesForm.action=Action pagesForm.link=Link pagesForm.description=Description pagesForm.edit=Edit pagesForm.remove=Remove pagesForm.required=(required) pagesForm.hiddenNote=NOTE: Template with names that start with '_' are hidden. \ They will not be shown in the navigation bar. pagesForm.addNewPage=Add a new template pagesForm.addNewPage.success=New template {0} added successfully. pagesForm.add=Add pagesForm.emptyPage=Empty template... pagesForm.themesReminder=Reminder: You are currently using the {0} shared \ theme, so some template edits may not effect how your blog looks. editPages.title.removeOK=Confirm remove of template pagesForm.launch=launch pagesForm.outputContentType=Type pagesForm.column.navbar=Navbar pagesForm.column.hidden=Hidden page pageCache.flushed=Page cache has been successfully flushed. pagesForm.error.alreadyExists=The template {0} already exists. # -------------------------------------------------------------------- Page edit pageForm.title=Edit Template pageForm.subtitle=Edit template {0} in weblog {1} pageForm.tip=You can edit this template to change what it generates. \ Refer the the Roller Template Guide for information about the objects \ and code you are allowed to use in a template. This is for advanced \ users only, if you''re not comfortable with HTML, you might want to leave \ your templates alone. pageForm.tip.required=You can edit this template to change what it generates.\ Refer the the Roller Template Guide for information about the objects \ and code you are allowed to use in a template. This is for advanced \ users only, if you''re not comfortable with HTML, you might want to leave \ your templates alone. NOTE: this is a required weblog template, you cannot \ change the name, link or description. pageForm.name=Name pageForm.link=Link pageForm.hidden=Hidden pageForm.hidden.tip=Hidden pages cannot be accessed via a weblog URL pageForm.navbar=Include in page menu pageForm.navbar.tip=Include in menu produced by showPageMenu() macro pageForm.description=Description pageForm.template=Template pageForm.save=Save pageForm.newTemplateContent= pageForm.save.success=Template updated successfully. pageForm.launch=launch pageForm.useAutoContentType=Automatically set content type pageForm.useManualContentType=Use manually specified content-type pageForm.templateLanguage=Template Language pageForm.outputContentType=Content-Type pageForm.outputContentTypeHTML=HTML (text/html) pageForm.outputContentTypeXHTML=XHTML (application/xhtml+xml) pageForm.outputContentTypeJavaScript=JavaScript (text/script) pageForm.outputContentTypeStyle=CSS (test/style) pageForm.outputContentTypeCustom=Custom... pageRemove.subtitle=Confirm removal of page pageRemove.youSure=Are you sure you want to remove this page? pageRemove.pageId=Page ID pageRemove.pageName=Page Name # errors from validation Template.error.nameNull=Name is a required field Template.error.nameSize=Name cannot be more than 255 characters Template.error.linkSize=Link cannot be more than 255 characters Template.error.descriptionSize=Description cannot be more than 255 characters # ---------------------------------------------------- Ping Target Admin/Editing commonPingTargets.subtitle=Manage common weblog ping targets for all weblogs. commonPingTargets.commonPingTargets=Common Weblog Ping Targets commonPingTargets.explanation=These target sites are available to all weblogs \ for weblog update pings. customPingTargets.customPingTargets=Custom Weblog Ping Targets customPingTargets.subtitle=Manage custom ping targets for weblog {0} customPingTargets.explanation=Use this page to setup sites that you wish to ping \ that are not already available from the \ common ping targets. Sites will normally advertise a ping url that you should use. \ Sites that you configure here are only available \ for use within this website. customPingTargets.disAllowedExplanation=The use of custom ping targets is \ not permitted on this site. To get an additional common ping target added, \ Please contact an administrator. pings.title=Configure Automatic Weblog Pings pings.subtitle=Setup automatic pings for weblog {0} pings.explanation=Pings allow you to notify sites that your weblog has changed \ so that the sites can read your feed to retrieve updates. \ You can enable automatic pings for sites that you wish to notify whenever \ your weblog changes. You can also trigger pings manually \ to specific sites from this page. Note: Normally, you are \ expected to register your weblog with a site before starting \ to send that site pings. pings.commonPingTargets=Common Ping Targets pings.commonPingTargetsExplanation=These ping targets have been configured by the \ site administrator for use by all users. \ You can send pings to any of these well-known sites. pings.customPingTargets=Custom Ping Targets pings.customPingTargetsExplanationEmpty=You can also add sites yourself using the \ menu item Custom Ping Targets. \ Your custom ping targets are only available for your own use. Currently you \ have no custom ping targets. pings.customPingTargetsExplanationNonEmpty=These are sites you have set up for \ yourself as custom ping targets. These are only available for your own use. ping.successful=The ping was successful. ping.transmittedButError=The ping was transmitted but the server \ responded with the following error message. ping.transmissionFailed=The ping transmission failed. Check to make sure the \ ping target URL is correct. ping.unknownHost=The hostname in the ping target URL is unknown. ping.networkConnectionFailed=There were network connection problems reaching the \ ping target site. ping.pingProcessingIsSuspended=Ping processing has been suspended temporarily by \ a site administrator. pingResult.OK=OK pingTarget.pingTarget=Ping Target customPingTarget.subtitle=Editing custom ping target in weblog {0} commonPingTarget.subtitle=Editing common ping target pingTarget.name=Name pingTarget.pingUrl=Ping URL pingTarget.autoEnabled=Auto Ping? pingTarget.addNew=Add New pingTarget.save=Save pingTarget.edit=Edit pingTarget.remove=Remove pingTarget.confirmRemoveTitle=Remove Ping Target Confirmation pingTarget.confirmCommonRemove=Removing this target will also remove all user''s \ automatic ping configurations that use this target. Are you sure? pingTarget.confirmCustomRemove=Removing this target will also remove all of your \ automatic ping configurations that use this target. Are you sure? pingTarget.removeOK=Yes, Remove pingTarget.cancel=No, Cancel pingTarget.enable=Enable pingTarget.enabled=ON pingTarget.disable=Disable pingTarget.disabled=OFF pingTarget.auto=Automatic pingTarget.manual=Manual pingTarget.sendPingNow=Send Ping Now pingTarget.saved=Ping target saved. pingTarget.nameNotUnique=The name of this target conflicts with another one in \ the same set of targets. pingTarget.malformedUrl=The URL is not properly formed. pingTarget.unknownHost=The hostname in this URL doesn''t seem to exist. # --------------------------------------------------------------- Planet Roller planet.rankings=Technorati Rankings planet.hotBlogs=Hot Blogs On-site planet.links=links planet.title.unconfigured=Planet Aggregator (unconfigured) planet.description.unconfigured=Planet aggregator is enabled but has not yet been configured. planetConfig.title=Planet Configuration planetConfig.subtitle=Configure Roller''s built-in newsfeed aggregator. planetConfig.prompt=Set the title, description, email address and site URL \ to be included in newsfeeds produced by the aggregator. You can also setup a \ proxy if one is required required by your network. ConfigForm.siteSettings=Planet Settings ConfigForm.title=Planet title\t ConfigForm.description=Planet description\t\t ConfigForm.adminName=Name of Planet administrator \t\t ConfigForm.adminEmail=Email of Planet administrator ConfigForm.absoluteUrl=Absolute URL to Planet page ConfigForm.proxyHost=Proxy host for feed fetcher ConfigForm.proxyPort=Proxy port for feed fetcher ConfigForm.message.saveSucceeded=Saved Planet configuration ConfigForm.error.saveFailed=Error saving Planet configuration planetConfig.title.control=Experimental Planet Control planetConfig.prompt.control=Launch background tasks (for testing purposes only) planetConfig.numWebsites=Number of Roller hosted weblogs planetConfig.numSubscrtions=Number of Roller hosted subscriptions planetConfig.button.post=Save planetConfig.button.refreshEntries=Refresh Entries planetConfig.button.syncWebsites=Synchronize Roller weblogs planetConfig.success.saved=Configuration saved planetConfig.success.refreshed=Refresh operation started planetConfig.success.synced=weblog synchronization started planetConfig.error.cacheDirNotFound=Cache directory not found planetConfig.error.cacheDirNotWritable=Cache directory not writable planetConfig.error.badProxyPort=Proxy port is invalid # ----------------------------------------------------- PlanetSubscriptions.jsp planetSubscriptions.title=Subscriptions planetSubscriptions.titleGroup=Subscriptions [{0}] planetSubscriptions.subtitle.add=\ Manage newsfeed subscriptions in group [{0}]. planetSubscriptions.prompt.add=To add a new subscription simply enter a \ newsfeed URL then click the Save button. planetSubscriptions.subtitle.addMain=\ Managing the main list of newsfeed subscriptions. planetSubscriptions.prompt.addMain=Use this page to add \ subscriptions to the list of newsfeeds that are to be included on the main \ Planet aggregator page. To add a new subscription simply enter a \ newsfeed URL then click the Save button. planetSubscriptions.subtitle.edit=Editing an existing subscription. planetSubscriptions.prompt.edit=\ Make your changes and Save. Or, click Delete to permanently delete it. planetSubscriptions.existingTitle=Existing Subscriptions planetSubscriptions.existingPrompt=Select an existing subscription to edit. planetSubscriptions.unconfigured=Planet Roller not yet configured planetSubscription.edit=Edit planetSubscriptions.column.title=Title planetSubscriptions.column.feedUrl=Feed URL planetSubscriptions.column.delete=Delete planetSubscription.tip.title=Title of blog planetSubscription.tip.siteUrl=URL of blog planetSubscription.tip.feedUrl=URL of blog newsfeed planetSubscription.title=Title planetSubscription.feedUrl=Newsfeed URL planetSubscription.siteUrl=Website URL planetSubscriptions.button.save=Save planetSubscriptions.button.cancel=Cancel planetSubscriptions.button.delete=Delete planetSubscription.edit.tip=Edit this subscription planetSubscription.success.deleted=Subscription successfully deleted planetSubscription.foundExisting=Found existing subscription [{0}], adding it instead planetSubscription.success.saved=Saved subscription planetSubscription.error=Must specify newfeed URL planetSubscription.error.title=Title is required planetSubscription.error.feedUrl=Newsfeed URL is required planetSubscription.error.siteUrl=Website URL is required planetSubscriptions.error.duringSave=Duplicate subscription? - {0} planetSubscription.error.deleting=Error deleting object # ------------------------------------------------------------ PlanetGroups.jsp planetGroups.pagetitle=Custom Planet Groups planetGroups.subtitle=Add custom aggregation groups, each available as a newsfeed. planetGroups.prompt.add=To create a group, \ just enter a display name and a unique handle to be used in the newsfeed URL \ then click Save. planetGroups.prompt.edit=You are editing a custom aggregation group. Make \ your changes and then click Save. Or, use click Delete to remove it. planetGroups.existingTitle=Existing Custom Aggregation Groups planetGroups.existingPrompt=Select an existing custom aggregation group to edit. planetGroups.unconfigured=Planet Roller not yet configured planetGroups.edit=Edit planetGroups.column.title=Title planetGroups.column.feedUrl=Feed URL planetGroups.column.edit=Edit planetGroups.column.subscriptions=Subscriptions planetGroups.column.handle=Handle planetGroups.tip.title=Title of group planetGroups.tip.handle=Handle of this group planetGroups.tip.subscriptions=Edit group subscriptions planetGroups.edit.tip=Edit this group planetGroups.title=Title planetGroups.handle=Handle planetGroups.button.save=Save planetGroups.button.cancel=Cancel planetGroups.button.delete=Delete planetGroups.success.deleted=Group successfully deleted planetGroups.success.saved=Saved group planetGroups.error.title=Title is required planetGroups.error.handle=Handle is required planetGroups.error.duringSave=Duplicate group? - {0} planetGroups.error.nameReserved=Can''t use handle ''all'' planetGroups.error.deleting=Error deleting object # ----------------------------------------------------------------- referers.jsp referers.todaysReferers=Referrers referers.subtitle=Referrer rankings for weblog {0} referers.tip=This page tells you where your weblog''s hits are coming from \ today. Hits with indeterminate referrers, such as those from newsfeed readers \ and bookmarks are counted as ''direct'' hits. If you are getting referrer spam, \ use the Preferences:Settings Spam Prevention feature to set ignore words \ (referrers that contain ignore words will be rejected). referers.url=Referring URL referers.hits=Day Hits referers.deleteSelected=Delete Selected referers.hitCounters=Hits Counted Today referers.reset=Reset Hit Count referers.deletedReferers=Deleted specified referrers referers.noReferersSpecified=You did not specify any referrers to delete # ------------------------------------------------------------------ Statistics statCount.weblogCommentCountType=Weblog comment count statCount.weblogEntryCommentCountType=Weblog entry comment count statCount.weblogDayHits=Today''s hit count # ------------------------------------------------------------------ Stylesheet Editor stylesheetEdit.title=Stylesheet stylesheetEdit.subtitle=Edit weblog custom stylesheet stylesheetEdit.tip=This form allows you to edit the stylesheet for your theme. stylesheetEdit.revertTip=If you run into any problems you don''t know how to \ fix you can start over at any time by clicking the restore button. stylesheetEdit.save=Save stylesheetEdit.revert=Restore Stylesheet stylesheetEdit.noStylesheetOverride=\ Unfortunately, the theme you're using does not provide a custom \ stylesheet for you to edit. You can customize your theme or contact \ your system administrator to see about enabling this feature. stylesheetEdit.save.success=Stylesheet updated successfully. stylesheetEdit.revert.success=Stylesheet reverted successfully. stylesheetEdit.error.customTheme=Cannot revert stylesheet on custom themes. # ------------------------------------------------------------------ Tabbed Menu tabbedmenu.main=Main tabbedmenu.website.user=Your Profile tabbedmenu.user.websites=Your Weblogs tabbedmenu.createWebsite=Create Weblog tabbedmenu.weblog=Create & Edit tabbedmenu.weblog.newEntry=New Entry tabbedmenu.weblog.archives=Entries tabbedmenu.weblog.categories=Categories tabbedmenu.weblog.commentManagement=Comments tabbedmenu.bookmarks.allFolders=Bookmarks tabbedmenu.bookmarks.import=Import tabbedmenu.weblog.referers=Referrers tabbedmenu.website.files=File Uploads tabbedmenu.design=Design tabbedmenu.design.stylesheet=Stylesheet tabbedmenu.website=Preferences tabbedmenu.website.settings=Settings tabbedmenu.website.themes=Theme tabbedmenu.website.pages=Templates tabbedmenu.website.members=Members tabbedmenu.website.inviteMember=Invite Member tabbedmenu.website.maintenance=Maintenance tabbedmenu.weblog.pingSetup=Pings tabbedmenu.weblog.customPingTargets=Custom Ping Targets tabbedmenu.weblog.export=Export tabbedmenu.weblog.import=Import tabbedmenu.weblog.flushCache=Flush Cache tabbedmenu.admin=Server Admin tabbedmenu.admin.config=Configuration tabbedmenu.admin.userAdmin=User Admin tabbedmenu.admin.commentManagement=Comments tabbedmenu.admin.createUser=New User tabbedmenu.admin.pingTargets=Ping Targets tabbedmenu.admin.cacheInfo=Cache Info tabbedmenu.planet=Planet Admin tabbedmenu.admin.planetConfig=Configuration tabbedmenu.admin.planetSubscriptions=Subscriptions tabbedmenu.admin.planetGroups=Custom Groups tabbedmenu.planet.localEntries=Recent Posts tabbedmenu.planet.planetEntries=Planet # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Search search.title=Search Results searchForm.button=Search searchForm.alert=Please enter a search term to continue. searchPager.home=Main searchPager.next=Next page searchPager.prev=Previous page searchSummary.text=Showing {0} - {1} of total {2} search results # ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Theme themeEditor.title=Weblog Theme themeEditor.subtitle=Select theme for weblog {0} themeEditor.sharedTheme=Shared Theme themeEditor.sharedThemeDescription=This option is for users who don''t \ want to fuss with designing their weblog on their own and prefer the \ easier option of using a predefined theme. themeEditor.customTheme=Custom Theme themeEditor.customThemeDescription=This option is for the creative \ bloggers who want to be able to create a blog design of their own. \ Beware though, managing a blog design of your own takes a bit of effort. themeEditor.yourCurrentTheme=Your current theme is themeEditor.selectTheme=Select a new shared theme for your blog themeEditor.youMayCustomize=If you like you may customize a personal copy of \ this theme. themeEditor.templatesLink=Start editing your blog templates. themeEditor.templatesDescription=Now that you are using a custom theme the \ design of your blog is defined entirely by you using a series of templates. \ You can modify your templates as much as you like and if you ever decide you \ want to start over you can do so by copying one of the existing themes. themeEditor.previewLink=See how your blog will look with this theme. themeEditor.previewDescription=How can you know if this is really the \ theme for you until you see it on your blog right? Click the link above \ to launch a full page preview of how your blog will look with the selected theme. themeEditor.customStylesheetLink=Modify the styling of your selected theme. themeEditor.customStylesheetDescription=If you are happy with your theme \ but want to make a few styling choices of your own such as choosing \ different fonts, colors, etc, then try making your own stylesheet or \ borrow one from someoone else using your theme. themeEditor.import=I want to copy the templates from an existing theme into my weblog. themeEditor.importWarning=WARNING: this operation may overwrite some of your \ existing templates. themeEditor.importRequired=Since this is the first time you are going to try a \ custom theme you must copy the templates from an existing theme. \ Please select the theme you would like to use as a starting point for your customizations. themeEditor.save=Update Theme # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Uploads uploadFiles.title=File Uploads uploadFiles.subtitle=Upload files for use in weblog {0} uploadFiles.tip=You can upload files for use in this weblog. If you''ve \ uploaded an image you can include it in your weblog via an HTML \ <img src="[IMAGE-URL]" /> tag. If you''ve uploaded a podcast, you can \ include it in an entry by providing it''s URL in the entry''s MediaCast field. uploadFiles.manageFiles=Manage Uploaded Files uploadFiles.uploadDisabled=Upload has been turned off. uploadFiles.exceededQuota=You have exceeded your file upload quota. uploadFiles.upload=Upload uploadFiles.quotaNote=You may upload files smaller than {0} MB in size, up to a \ total of {1} MB for all files. uploadFiles.uploadPrompt=Select a file for upload: uploadFiles.noFiles=No files found. uploadFiles.createDir=New Directory uploadFiles.createDirButton=Create uploadFiles.button.delete=Delete Selected uploadFiles.uploadedFiles=Uploaded file(s): uploadFiles.uploadedFile={0} uploadFiles.deletedFiles=Deleted {0} file(s) uploadFiles.noFilesSpecified=You have chosen no files to upload uploadFiles.createdDir=Created new uploads directory in path {0} uploadFiles.error.badPath=The path [{0}] is invalid. Paths may not contain "/", "\\", or ".." uploadFiles.error.createDir=Failed to create directory [{0}] uploadFiles.error.upload=Upload failed for [{0}] uploadFiles.error.delete=Delete failed for [{0}], possibly a non-empty directory? # ------------------------------------------------------------------- User admin userAdmin.title.searchUser=Find user to edit userAdmin.subtitle.searchUser=Select user to administer userAdmin.prompt.searchUser=Find user by typing first letters of username \ or password. Select user and click edit button to edit the user''s profile \ and the user''s weblogs. userAdmin.title.editUser=Edit user profile userAdmin.subtitle.editUser=Editing profile and permissions for user {0} userAdmin.prompt.editUser=You can change a user''s profile, give them \ global admin privileges or disable them. \ NOTE: You can also reset a users password here, but if they use Roller''s \ remember me feature, they may have to clear browser cookies before they can \ login again. userAdmin.prompt.newUser=Create a new user userAdmin.title.createNewUser=Creating new user userAdmin.subtitle.createNewUser=Create new user, all fields are required. userAdmin.cookieLogin=You cannot change passwords when logging in with the \ Remember Me feature. Please logout and log back in to \ change passwords. userAdmin.editUser=Edit User userAdmin.userSettings=User Settings userAdmin.delete=Delete userAdmin.deleted=Specified user has been deleted userAdmin.fullname=Full Name userAdmin.enabled=Enabled userAdmin.enterUserName=Enter username of user to be edited userAdmin.invalidNewUserName=Specified user cannot be found userAdmin.name=Name userAdmin.password=Password userAdmin.passwordConfirm=Password (Confirm) userAdmin.email=Email userAdmin.rebuildIndex=Rebuild User''s Search Index userAdmin.edit=Edit userAdmin.save=Save userAdmin.saved=User settings have been saved userAdmin.title=User Administration userAdmin.userAdmin=Administrator userAdmin.warning=NOTE: This operation cannot be undone!! userAdmin.subtitle.userCreation=New user creation userAdmin.prompt.orYouCan=Or you can userAdmin.prompt.createANewUser=create a new user userAdmin.userWeblogs=Users Weblogs userAdmin.userMemberOf=User is a member of the following weblog(s) userAdmin.userHasNoWeblogs=User is a member of no weblogs. userAdmin.newEntry=New Entry userAdmin.editEntries=Edit Entries userAdmin.manage=Manage userAdmin.tip.screenName=User''s screen name (with no HTML). userAdmin.tip.fullName=User''s full name (with no HTML). userAdmin.tip.userName=A short one-word username for the user account.\ Please limit it to simple ASCII alphanumeric characters (a-z, A-Z and 0-9), \ and do not use HTML. userAdmin.tip.password=User''s password. userAdmin.tip.passwordConfirm=Confirm user''s password. userAdmin.tip.email=Valid email address neeeded for automated notification. userAdmin.tip.enabled=Disabled users are unable to login to Roller. userAdmin.tip.userAdmin=Check to give this user Global Admin permission. userAdmin.tip.locale=User''s preferred locale. userAdmin.tip.timeZone=User''s preferred timezone. userAdmin.userSaved=User profile saved userAdmin.cantChangeOwnRole=Cannot change your own role userAdmin.error.userNotFound=Specified user not found userAdmin.error.unexpected=Unexpected error # --------------------------------------------------------------- User register userRegister.prompt=Use this form to register a new Roller user, please \ create only one user account per person. userRegister.button.save=Register User userRegister.button.cancel=Cancel userRegister.tip.screenName=Your desired screen name (with no HTML). userRegister.tip.fullName=Your full name (with no HTML). userRegister.tip.userName=A short one-word username for your user account. \ Please limit it to simple ASCII alphanumeric characters (a-z, A-Z and 0-9), \ and do not use HTML. userRegister.tip.email=Please enter valid email address, the site administrator \ may disable your account if he/she cannot reach you via email. userRegister.tip.timeZone=Your preferred timezone. userRegister.tip.locale=Your preferred locale. userRegister.tip.password=Your password. userRegister.tip.passwordConfirm=Confirm your password. Register.disabled=The administrator of this site has disabled user registrations \ at this time. Please contact the system administrators if you think this is \ incorrect. # errors from validation Register.error.nameNull=User Name is a required field Register.error.nameSize=User Name cannot be more than 255 characters Register.error.passwordNull=Password is a required field Register.error.passwordSize=Password cannot be more than 255 characters Register.error.passwordConfirmNull=Password confirm is a required field Register.error.passwordConfirmSize=Password confirm cannot be more than 255 characters Register.error.screenNameNull=Screen Name is a required field Register.error.screenNameSize=Screen Name cannot be more than 255 characters Register.error.fullNameNull=Full name is a required field Register.error.fullNameSize=Full name cannot be more than 255 characters Register.error.emailAddressNull=Email address is a required field Register.error.emailAddressSize=Email address cannot be more than 255 characters Register.error.emailAddressBad=The email address you entered is not properly formatted Register.error.localeNull=Locale is a required field Register.error.localeSize=Locale cannot be more than 20 characters Register.error.timeZoneNull=Time Zone is a required field Register.error.timeZoneSize=Time Zone cannot be more than 20 characters # ---------------------------------------------------------------- User settings userSettings.button.save=Save Profile userSettings.button.cancel=Cancel userSettings.userSettings=User Settings userSettings.username=Username userSettings.screenname=Screen Name userSettings.fullname=Full Name userSettings.password=Password userSettings.passwordConfirm=Password (Confirm) userSettings.email=Email userSettings.locale=Locale userSettings.timeZone=Timezone userSettings.save=Save userSettings.cookieLogin=You cannot change passwords when logging in with the \ Remember Me feature. Please logout and log back in to \ change passwords. userSettings.passwordResetError=Password was not reset. Password fields did not \ match? userSettings.saved=User settings were successfully saved. userSettings.needPasswordTwice=Must enter both password and confirmation password. # ------------------------------------------------------------------ Weblog edit weblogEdit.title.newEntry=New Entry weblogEdit.subtitle.newEntry=Create a new entry in weblog {0} weblogEdit.title.editEntry=Edit Entry weblogEdit.subtitle.editEntry=Editing weblog entry in weblog {0} weblogEdit.otherSettings=Other Settings weblogEntry.pendingEntrySubject=\ Roller: new post pending review in weblog "{0}" ({1}) weblogEntry.pendingEntryContent=User [{0}] has submitted a new weblog entry \ for your review. Please review this post and either publish it or save it as a \ draft so that user [{1}] may edit it again.\ \ Link to edit the pending post:\ <{2}> weblogEntry.notFound=Cannot find requested weblog entry weblogEdit.summary=Summary (optional) weblogEdit.content=Content weblogEdit.actionCol=Actions weblogEdit.autoformat=Autoformat weblogEdit.calendarTitle=Weblog Entry Archive weblogEdit.category=Category weblogEdit.cancelSpelling=Cancel Spellcheck weblogEdit.changesSaved=Changes saved weblogEdit.check=Spell Check weblogEdit.comments=Comments weblogEdit.commentSettings=Comment settings weblogEdit.correctSpelling=Submit Corrections \t weblogEdit.entryCol=Weblog Entries weblogEdit.edit=Edit weblogEdit.returnToEditMode=Return To Edit Mode weblogEdit.entryRemoved=Entry removed weblogEdit.entrySaved=Entry saved weblogEdit.date=Date weblogEdit.draft=Draft weblogEdit.draftEntries=Recent Drafts weblogEdit.deleteEntry=Delete Entry weblogEdit.formatEntryWith=Format entry with plugins: weblogEdit.fullPreviewMode=Full Preview weblogEdit.hours=Hours weblogEdit.link=Link weblogEdit.locale=Language weblogEdit.minutes=Minutes weblogEdit.noUpdateTime=Not updated weblogEdit.pageTitle=Edit Weblog weblogEdit.pendingEntries=Pending Entries weblogEdit.pending=Pending weblogEdit.publishedEntries=Recent Entries weblogEdit.previewMode=Preview weblogEdit.post=Post to Weblog weblogEdit.ping=Ping Weblogs.com weblogEdit.permaLink=Permalink weblogEdit.published=Published weblogEdit.pubTime=Pub Time  weblogEdit.recentEntries=Recent Weblog Entries weblogEdit.remove=Remove weblogEdit.save=Save as Draft weblogEdit.scheduled=Scheduled weblogEdit.scheduledEntries=Scheduled Entries weblogEdit.seconds=Seconds weblogEdit.status=Status weblogEdit.spellMode=Spellcheck weblogEdit.submitForReview=Submit for Review weblogEdit.submittedForReview=Entry submitted for review weblogEdit.tags=Tags weblogEdit.title=Title weblogEdit.unsaved=Not saved weblogEdit.updateTime=Last updated weblogEdit.allowComments=Allow comments weblogEdit.commentDays=for weblogEdit.unlimitedCommentDays=unlimited days weblogEdit.days1=1 day weblogEdit.days2=2 days weblogEdit.days3=3 days weblogEdit.days4=4 days weblogEdit.days5=5 days weblogEdit.days7=7 days weblogEdit.days10=10 days weblogEdit.days20=20 days weblogEdit.days30=30 days weblogEdit.days60=60 days weblogEdit.days90=90 days weblogEdit.pluginsToApply=Plugins To Apply weblogEdit.miscSettings=Advanced Settings weblogEdit.rightToLeft=Text reads right-to-left weblogEdit.pinnedToMain=Pinned to main weblogEdit.trackback=Trackback weblogEdit.trackbacks=Trackbacks weblogEdit.sendTrackback=Send Trackback weblogEdit.trackbackUrl=Trackback URL weblogEdit.trackbackSuccess=Trackback succeeded. weblogEdit.trackbackFailure=Trackback failed, remote server said "{0}" weblogEdit.trackbackErrorTransport=Trackback failed, could not reach trackback url. Are you sure you put in the right url? weblogEdit.trackbackErrorResponse=Trackback failed, error in sending. Response was {0} - {1} weblogEdit.trackbackErrorParsing=Trackback failed, url indicated success but response message was improperly formatted. Response was: {0} weblogEdit.trackbackError404=Trackback failed, could not reach trackback url. Are you sure you put in the right url? weblogEdit.hasComments=Comments [{1}] weblogEdit.enclosureURL=Enclosure URL weblogEdit.enclosureType=Type weblogEdit.enclosureLength=Length weblogEdit.encosureInvalid=Enclosure URL is invalid weblogEdit.mediaCastFailedFetchingInfo=Unable to reach the enclosure. Check the hostname in the URL. weblogEdit.mediaCastUrlMalformed=The enclosure URL was malformed. weblogEdit.mediaCastResponseError=The enclosure server returned an error. Do you have the right URL? weblogEdit.mediaCastLacksContentTypeOrLength=Unable to use enclosure URL. Server provided no content type or no length. weblogEdit.mediaCastErrorRemoving=Error removing MediaCast from weblog entry weblogEdit.error.incompleteEntry=Entry must have a title # errors from validation Entry.error.titleNull=Title is a required field Entry.error.titleSize=Title cannot be more than 255 characters Entry.error.localeNull=Locale is a required field Entry.error.categoyrNull=Category is a required field Entry.error.textNull=Content is a required field # -------------------------------------------------------- Weblog entries Pager weblogEntriesPager.latest.home=Main weblogEntriesPager.latest.next=Next page weblogEntriesPager.latest.prev=Previous page weblogEntriesPager.single.home=Main # argument ${0} is truncated title of weblog entry weblogEntriesPager.single.next={0} weblogEntriesPager.single.prev={0} weblogEntriesPager.day.home=Main # argument ${0} is date of next day weblogEntriesPager.day.next=Next page of day ({0}) weblogEntriesPager.day.prev=Previous page of day ({0}) weblogEntriesPager.day.nextCollection=Next day ({0}) weblogEntriesPager.day.prevCollection=Previous day ({0}) weblogEntriesPager.day.dateFormat=MMM d, yyyy weblogEntriesPager.month.home=Main # argument ${0} is date of next month weblogEntriesPager.month.next=Next page of month ({0}) weblogEntriesPager.month.prev=Previous page of month ({0}) weblogEntriesPager.month.nextCollection=Next month ({0}) weblogEntriesPager.month.prevCollection=Previous month ({0}) weblogEntriesPager.month.dateFormat=MMM yyyy # ---------------------------------------------------------- Weblog Entry Remove weblogEntryRemove.removeWeblogEntry=Remove Weblog Entry weblogEntryRemove.yes=Yes weblogEntryRemove.no=No weblogEntryRemove.areYouSure=Are you sure you want to remove this Weblog Entry? weblogEntryRemove.entryTitle=Entry Title weblogEntryRemove.entryId=Entry ID # --------------------------------------------------- Weblog Entry Export/Import weblogEntryExport.title=Export Entries weblogEntryExport.exportSuccess={0} weblogEntryExport.exportFiles={0} weblogEntryImport.importFiles={0} weblogEntryImport.title=Import Entries from Atom/RSS weblogEntryImport.selectXML=Select the XML file containing the entries to import. weblogEntryImport.XMLFile=XML file: weblogEntryImport.button.import=Import # --------------------------------------------------- Weblog Entry Export/Import weblogEntryQuery.title=Edit Entries weblogEntryQuery.subtitle=Find and edit entries in weblog {0} weblogEntryQuery.tip=You can select an entry from the list below to edit \ or use the Filter entries control to look for entries in a specific category, \ date range or status. weblogEntryQuery.queryResults=Weblog entries weblogEntryQuery.sidebarTitle=Filter entries weblogEntryQuery.sidebarDescription=\ Filter weblog entries by category, date, and/or status. weblogEntryQuery.noneFound=No entries found that match filter criteria. weblogEntryQuery.filterByCategory=Filter By Category weblogEntryQuery.filterByPublishTime=Filter By Publish Time weblogEntryQuery.filterByStatus=Filter By Status weblogEntryQuery.limitResultsReturned=Limit Results Returned weblogEntryQuery.section.filterYourView=Filter your view of your archive: weblogEntryQuery.section.dateRange=Date range weblogEntryQuery.label.startDate=Start Date weblogEntryQuery.label.endDate=End Date weblogEntryQuery.section.select.entryAttributes=Entries to be included weblogEntryQuery.label.category=Category weblogEntryQuery.label.tags=Tags weblogEntryQuery.label.text=Search string weblogEntryQuery.label.any=Any weblogEntryQuery.label.status=Status weblogEntryQuery.label.allEntries=All Entries weblogEntryQuery.label.draftOnly=Draft Only weblogEntryQuery.label.publishedOnly=Published Only weblogEntryQuery.label.pendingOnly=Pending Only weblogEntryQuery.label.scheduledOnly=Scheduled Only weblogEntryQuery.weblogEntries=Weblog Entries weblogEntryQuery.edit=Edit weblogEntryQuery.view=View weblogEntryQuery.link=Link weblogEntryQuery.posttitle=Title weblogEntryQuery.category=Category weblogEntryQuery.pubTime=Published weblogEntryQuery.updateTime=Updated weblogEntryQuery.status=Status weblogEntryQuery.pending=Pending weblogEntryQuery.draft=Draft weblogEntryQuery.section.format=Format to be used weblogEntryQuery.label.separateEntries=Separate Entries by weblogEntryQuery.label.day=Day weblogEntryQuery.label.month=Month weblogEntryQuery.label.year=Year weblogEntryQuery.label.exportTo=Export To weblogEntryQuery.label.atom=Atom weblogEntryQuery.label.rss=RSS weblogEntryQuery.label.maxEntries=Max Entries weblogEntryQuery.section.searchResults=Search Results weblogEntryQuery.button.query=Filter weblogEntryQuery.button.export=Export weblogEntryQuery.label.sortby=Sort by weblogEntryQuery.label.pubTime=Publish time weblogEntryQuery.label.updateTime=Update time weblogEntryQuery.nowShowing=Displaying {0} weblog entries weblogEntryQuery.prev=Previous page weblogEntryQuery.next=Next page weblogEdit.previewSummary=Preview: Summary weblogEdit.previewContent=Preview: Content weblogEdit.spellCheckContent=Spellcheck: Content # ------------------------------------------------------------------ Weblog Main weblogMain.search=Search weblogMain.navigation=Navigation weblogMain.links=Links weblogMain.language=Language weblogMain.referers=Referrers weblogMain.archives=Archives weblogMain.poweredBy=Powered By # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Website websiteSettings.title=Weblog Settings websiteSettings.subtitle=Manage settings for weblog {0} websiteSettings.tip=Change weblog title, description, comment and referrer \ spam prevention settings. # --- General settings websiteSettings.generalSettings=General Settings websiteSettings.websiteTitle=Title websiteSettings.websiteDescription=Tagline websiteSettings.icon=Icon websiteSettings.about=About your blog websiteSettings.emailAddress=Email address of weblog owner websiteSettings.editor=Weblog editor page to be used websiteSettings.entryDisplayCount=Number of entries to display on weblog websiteSettings.active=Weblog is active (and should be included in community listings) websiteSettings.editorSettings=Editor websiteSettings.error.entryDisplayCount=You have chosen a value too high for ''number of entries to display'' # --- i18n settings websiteSettings.languageSettings=Internationalization Settings websiteSettings.enableMultiLang=I publish my weblog in multiple languages websiteSettings.showAllLangs=Show my weblog entries from all languages on my homepage # These are hidden now websiteSettings.templateSettings=Template Settings websiteSettings.homePage=Page to be used as the homepage websiteSettings.categories=Categories websiteSettings.defaultCategory=Default root category of weblog # --- Comments websiteSettings.commentSettings=Comments websiteSettings.allowComments=Allow Comments for your weblog? websiteSettings.moderateComments=Moderate comments websiteSettings.emailComments=Email notification of comments? websiteSettings.emailFromAddress=Default from e-mail address for notifications websiteSettings.commentsOffForInactiveWeblog=Turned comments off for inactive weblog # --- Default comments settings websiteSettings.defaultCommentSettings=Default comment settings websiteSettings.defaultAllowComments=By default, allow comments for new entries websiteSettings.defaultCommentDays=Default time to allow comments for new entries websiteSettings.applyCommentDefaults=Apply comment defaults to existing entries (this time only)? # --- Weblog API websiteSettings.bloggerApi=Weblog Client API websiteSettings.enableBloggerApi=Enable weblog client support? websiteSettings.bloggerApiCategory=Category for posts received via clients # --- Formatting websiteSettings.formatting=Formatting websiteSettings.autoformat=Autoformat new entries? # --- Spam prevention websiteSettings.spamPrevention=Spam Prevention websiteSettings.ignoreUrls=List of words and regex expressions listed one per \ line to be added to the blacklist used to check comments, trackbacks and referrers. websiteSettings.acceptedBlacklist=Accepted {0} string and {1} regex blacklist rules websiteSettings.error.processingBlacklist=Error processing blacklist: {0} websiteSettings.error.sameTemplate=CHANGES REJECTED: cannot set default page \ template and day template to same template # --- Buttons websiteSettings.savedChanges=Saved changes to weblog settings websiteSettings.button.update=Update Weblog Settings websiteSettings.button.rebuildIndex=Rebuild Search Index # --- Global admin settings websiteSettings.adminSettings=Global Admin only settings websiteSettings.pageModels=Comma-separated list of custom page model classes \ to be loaded for this weblog # --- Remove weblog websiteSettings.button.remove=Remove Weblog websiteSettings.removeWebsiteHeading=Remove Weblog? websiteSettings.removeWebsite=You are the last contributor to this weblog, \ would you like to remove it? websiteSettings.removeWebsiteWarning=\ WARNING: removing a weblog will remove everything: all of the weblog \ entries,
bookmarks, comments and settings. Weblog removal is \ NOT REVERSIBLE. websiteRemove.title=Confirm Weblog Remove websiteRemove.subtitle=Weblog removal is NOT REVERSABLE websiteRemove.youSure=Are you sure you want to remove weblog [{0}]? websiteRemove.websiteId=Weblog ID websiteRemove.websiteName=Weblog Name websiteSettings.label1=Default Entry Formatters websiteSettings.label2=(applied in the listed order) # errors from validation WeblogConfig.error.nameNull=Name is a required field WeblogConfig.error.nameSize=Name cannot be more than 255 characters WeblogConfig.error.descriptionSize=Description cannot be more than 255 characters # ------------------------------------------------------------- Welcome new user welcome.title=Welcome to Roller welcome.accountCreated=Your new user account has been created. welcome.addressIs=Your new Weblog''s address is welcome.rssAddressIs=Your main newsfeed address is welcome.clickHere=Click here welcome.toLoginAndPost=to login. # ----------------------------------------------------------------- Your profile yourProfile.title=Your Profile yourProfile.tip.userName=You can''t change your username. yourProfile.description=Change your password, default locale, timezone and other settings. yourProfile.saved=Changes to your profile have been saved. yourProfile.unsaved=Unsaved changes, must press Save button to persist. yourProfile.button.save=Save # ---------------------------------------------------------------- Your Weblogs yourWebsites.title=Main Menu yourWebsites.subtitle=Welcome to Roller yourWebsites.actions=Actions yourWebsites.prompt.noBlog=You''ve got a user account, but no weblog. \ Would you like to yourWebsites.createOne=create one? yourWebsites.prompt.noBlogNoCreate=You''ve got a user account, but no \ weblog. Ask your administrator to create one for you. yourWebsites.prompt.hasBlog=Select a weblog to edit, manage, or configure. yourWebsites.weblogs.title=Your Weblogs yourWebsites.existingWebsites=Your Existing Weblogs yourWebsites.invited=You''ve been invited to join the weblog yourWebsites.accept=accept yourWebsites.decline=decline yourWebsites.tableTitle=Title yourWebsites.tableDescription=Description yourWebsites.select=Select yourWebsites.resign=Resign yourWebsites.permission=Permission yourWebsites.confirmResignation=Are you sure you wish to resign from weblog yourWebsites.notAllowed=Not allowed yourWebsites.weblog=Link yourWebsites.description=Description yourWebsites.newEntry=New Entry yourWebsites.editEntries=Entries yourWebsites.manageComments=Comments yourWebsites.theme=Theme yourWebsites.manage=Settings yourWebsites.createWeblog=Create new weblog yourWebsites.createWeblog.desc=\ Feel like you''ve got more to say? Maybe another weblog is what you need. yourWebsites.editProfile=Edit user profile yourWebsites.editProfile.desc=Change password, contact info, select language. yourWebsites.globalAdmin=Server administration yourWebsites.globalAdmin.desc=Make site-wide administration changes. yourWebsites.planetAdmin=Planet administration yourWebsites.planetAdmin.desc=\ Manage the planet aggregator. Add feeds, organize groups, set configs. yourWebsites.invitations=Weblog Invitations yourWebsites.invitationsPrompt=You have one or more invitations to accept or \ decline: yourWebsites.youAreInvited=You are invited to join weblog [{0}] - yourWebsites.selected=You are now working in weblog [{0}] yourWebsites.declined=You have declined an invitation to join weblog [{0}] yourWebsites.accepted=You are now a member of weblog [{0}] yourWebsites.resigned=You have resigned from weblog [{0}] yourWebsites.permNotFound=Sorry, that invitation was just revoked. yourWebsites.userCount=Members: yourWebsites.todaysHits=Today''s hits: # ---------------------------------------------------------------- Activating User Account with E-mail error.add.user.mailSendException=ERROR sending email, is your address valid? error.add.user.mailSetupException=ERROR in email configuration, contact Roller administrator error.add.user.activationCodeInUse=\ An error occured while generating an activation code for your user account. \ Please try again. error.activate.user.missingActivationCode=Activation code is missing. error.activate.user.invalidActivationCode=\ Invalid activation code. You must have already activated your account. \ If not, please contact your Roller administrator for assistance. user.account.activation.mail.subject=Roller: Activation Code for your user account user.account.activation.mail.content=\ \

To activate your new Roller user account with username [{1}], please click the link below:



welcome.user.account.activated=Your user account is activated. welcome.user.account.not.activated=In order to login to the system, you have to \ activate your user account by clicking the link that is sent to you via e-mail.