The Apache Software Foundation


Apache Roller (incubating) is a full-featured, multi-user and group-blog server suitable for blog sites large and small. This is the project's homepage, which provides a brief overview of the software and project as well as links to project news, downloads, user documentation, install guide, mailing-lists, bug tracker, wiki and the FAQ.


Roller is a Java web application that should be able to run on any Java EE server and any relational database. Currently, Roller is best supported on Tomcat and MySQL -- but users have reported success running Roller on Glassfish, Websphere, JBoss, Resin, Gernonimo, Derby, PostgresSQL, Oracle, etc.)

Here are some of Roller's key features:

  • Multi-user blogging: can support tens of thousands of users and blogs
  • Group blogging with three permisson levels (editor, author and limited)
  • Support for comment moderation and comment spam prevention measures
  • Bloggers have complete control over blog layout/style via templates
  • Built-in search engine indexes weblog entry content
  • Pluggable cache and rendering system
  • Support for blog clients that support MetaWeblog API
  • All blogs have entry and comment feeds in both RSS 2.0 and Atom 1.0 formats

 Project Status

As a web application, Roller is a stable and production-ready blog server in it's third major revision. It powers internal and external employee blogs and Sun, IBM and other companies as well as the Java blogging community. But as a project, Roller is in incubation.

The Roller project is in the process of moving to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) and is currently part of the Apache Incubator program. The ASF incubation process is designed to ensure that projects entering Apache have a strong and diverse community, have Apache compatible licensing and work according to the ASF's philosophy and guidelines for collaborative development.