#** 3xx-to-400-migration.vm: Velocity template that generates vendor-specific database scripts DON'T RUN THIS, IT'S NOT A DATABASE CREATION SCRIPT!!! **# -- remove old id column of group subscription table alter table rag_group_subscription drop column id; -- remove old usercookie table which has been unused since 0.x? drop table if exists usercookie; -- remove old assoc tables which were EOLed in 3.2 drop table if exists folderassoc; drop table if exists weblogcategoryassoc; -- remove old rollerconfig table which has been deprecated since 1.2 -- NOTE: since this breaks the pre-1.2 -> 4.0+ direct upgrade path then -- maybe we want to attempt to fix that by doing that upgrade via sql? drop table if exists rollerconfig; -- remove old approved, spam, pending columns from comment table alter table roller_comment drop column approved; alter table roller_comment drop column spam; alter table roller_comment drop column pending; -- remove bastard columns from various tables -- NOTE: these are only here as options, we don't *have* to do them --alter table website drop column userid; --alter table website drop column weblogdayid; --alter table weblogentry drop column publishentry; --alter table weblogentry drop column link;