#** createdb.vm: Velocity template that generates vendor-specific database scripts DON'T RUN THIS, IT'S NOT A DATABASE CREATION SCRIPT!!! **# -- Run this script to create the Roller Planet tables in your database. -- ***************************************************** -- Create the tables and indices create table rag_properties ( name varchar(255) not null primary key, value $db.TEXT_SQL_TYPE ); create table rag_planet ( id varchar(48) not null primary key, title varchar(255) not null, handle varchar(32) not null ); alter table rag_planet add constraint ragp_handle_uq unique ( handle ); create table rag_group ( id varchar(48) not null primary key, planet_id varchar(48), handle varchar(32) not null, title varchar(255) not null, description varchar(255), max_page_entries integer default 30, max_feed_entries integer default 30, cat_restriction $db.TEXT_SQL_TYPE, group_page varchar(255) ); alter table rag_group add constraint ragg_handle_uq unique ( planet_id, handle ); create table rag_subscription ( id varchar(48) not null primary key, title varchar(255) not null, feed_url varchar(255) not null, site_url varchar(255), author varchar(255), last_updated $db.TIMESTAMP_SQL_TYPE, inbound_links integer default -1, inbound_blogs integer default -1 ); alter table rag_subscription add constraint rags_feed_url_uq unique ( feed_url$!db.INDEXSIZE_LARGE ); create table rag_group_subscription ( group_id varchar(48) not null, subscription_id varchar(48) not null ); create index raggs_gid_idx on rag_group_subscription(group_id); create index raggs_sid_idx on rag_group_subscription(subscription_id); create table rag_entry ( id varchar(48) not null primary key, subscription_id varchar(48) not null, handle varchar(255), title varchar(255), guid varchar(255), permalink $db.TEXT_SQL_TYPE not null, author varchar(255), content $db.TEXT_SQL_TYPE, categories $db.TEXT_SQL_TYPE, published $db.TIMESTAMP_SQL_TYPE not null, updated $db.TIMESTAMP_SQL_TYPE ); create index rage_sid_idx on rag_entry(subscription_id); -- ***************************************************** -- Now add the foreign key relationships