#** 300-to-310-migration.vm: Velocity template that generates vendor-specific database scripts DON'T RUN THIS, IT'S NOT A DATABASE CREATION SCRIPT!!! **# create table roller_weblogentrytag ( id varchar(48) not null primary key, entryid varchar(48) not null, websiteid varchar(48) not null, userid varchar(48) not null, name varchar(255) not null, time $TIMESTAMP_SQL_TYPE not null ); create index wet_entryid_idx on roller_weblogentrytag( entryid ); create index wet_websiteid_idx on roller_weblogentrytag( websiteid ); create index wet_userid_idx on roller_weblogentrytag( userid ); create index wet_name_idx on roller_weblogentrytag( name ); create table roller_weblogentrytagagg ( id varchar(48) not null primary key, websiteid varchar(48) , name varchar(255) not null, total integer not null, lastused $TIMESTAMP_SQL_TYPE not null ); create index weta_websiteid_idx on roller_weblogentrytagagg( websiteid ); create index weta_name_idx on roller_weblogentrytagagg( name ); create index weta_lastused_idx on roller_weblogentrytagagg( lastused ); create table roller_tasklock ( id varchar(48) not null primary key, name varchar(255) not null, islocked $BOOLEAN_SQL_TYPE_FALSE, timeacquired $TIMESTAMP_SQL_TYPE_NULL, timeleased integer, lastrun $TIMESTAMP_SQL_TYPE_NULL ); alter table roller_tasklock add constraint rtl_name_uq unique ( name$!INDEXSIZE ); create table roller_hitcounts ( id varchar(48) not null primary key, websiteid varchar(48) not null, dailyhits integer ); create index rhc_websiteid_idx on roller_hitcounts(websiteid); -- The rag_group_subscription table has been simplified and no longer needs a -- primary key but we don't want to drop the field just yet because that would -- make it impossible to abort a 3.1 upgrade and return to 3.0. #dropNotNullFromTableId("rag_group_subscription")