<%@ include file="/taglibs.jsp" %> <% org.apache.roller.ui.rendering.search.SearchAction.PageModel model = (org.apache.roller.ui.rendering.search.SearchAction.PageModel) request.getAttribute("model"); org.apache.roller.ui.rendering.search.SearchResultsPageModel searchResults = model.getSearchModel(); request.setAttribute("searchResults", searchResults); %> <%-- Display the search pager --%> <%-- Display search summary --%>

<%-- "You searched for blah" and link it to dictionary.com --%> "". <%-- "X entries found, try your search on google.com?" --%> <%-- Form to search again --%>

<%-- Combobox allows restrict by category --%>

<%-- Display results, if we have them --%>

- of found.

<%-- Search results is map of maps, keyed by date objects --%> <% request.setAttribute("keys", searchResults.getResults().keySet()); %> <%-- Iterate through keys of map --%> <%-- Get map of entries for one day --%> <%-- Display date --%>

<%-- Loop to display entries --%>

| | | |
(restrict search to just this blog)
<%-- daybox --%>

<%-- Display the search pager --%>
