#** * Website and page information and display. * @author Lance Lavandowska (conversion to Velocimacros) *# #** * Sets content type header for page, must be first line in template. **# #macro( setContentType $ctype ) $pageHelper.setContentType($ctype)## comment here kills trailing whitespace #end #** * Set the META tag for ContentType. We do this in addition to * setting the Response header because the header does not get * cached. So in order to maintain the ContentType we must present * it inside the rendered page itself. **# #macro( showContentType $ctype ) #end #** * Display website title. *# #macro( showWebsiteTitle )$website.Name#end #** * Display website description. *# #macro( showWebsiteDescription )$website.Description#end #** * Include a page and evaluate it as a template. * @param pageName Name of page to be included. *# #macro( includePage $pageName ) #set( $iPageId = false )## This is required for such constructs; see velocity docs and ROL-689 #set( $iPageId = $pageModel.getPageIdByName( $pageName ) ) #if ( !$iPageId ) ## no page found, parse pageName #set( $iPageId = $pageName ) #end #parse( $iPageId ) #end #** * Show name of current page. *# #macro( showPageName )$page.Name#end #** * Show current page's description. *# #macro( showPageDescription )$page.Description#end #** * Show current page's update time. *# #macro( showPageUpdateTime )$page.UpdateTime#end #** * Shows weblog category chooser with support for hierarhical categories. * To style completely with CSS, set $divider to "" (empty string). * @param parentCategory Name of top-level category to display. * @param divider The text to place between each category. *# #macro( showWeblogSubcategoryChooser2 $parentCategory $divider ) #set( $rawUrl = "${ctxPath}/page/${website.handle}" )
#set( $weblogUrl = $rawUrl ) #set( $chosenCat = "" ) #if( $req.getParameter( $WEBLOGCATEGORYNAME_KEY ) ) #set( $chosenCat = $req.getParameter( $WEBLOGCATEGORYNAME_KEY ) ) $text.get( "macro.weblog.allcategories" ) #else $text.get( "macro.weblog.allcategories" ) #end #if ( $req.getParameter($PAGEID_KEY) ) #set( $pageParam = "&$PAGEID_KEY=$req.getParameter($PAGEID_KEY)" ) #end #set( $cats = $pageModel.getWeblogCategories($parentCategory) ) #foreach( $cat in $cats ) ## $pageHelper.strutsUrlHelper() wasn't working, so do it manually #set( $catParam = "?$WEBLOGCATEGORYNAME_KEY=$utilities.encode($cat.path)" ) #set( $weblogUrl = "$rawUrl$catParam$!pageParam" ) $divider #if( $chosenCat == $cat.path ) $cat.Name #else $cat.Name #end #end
#end #** * Shows weblog category chooser using "|" as divider. * @param parentCategory Name of top-level category to display. *# #macro( showWeblogSubcategoryChooser $parentCategory ) #showWeblogSubcategoryChooser2( $parentCategory "|" ) #end #** * Shows weblog category chooser for all categories using "|" as divider. *# #macro( showWeblogCategoryChooser )#showWeblogSubcategoryChooser2("nil" "|")#end #** * Display weblog calandar for one specific category. * @param big True to display a BIG calendar, good for an archive page. * @param parentCategory Name of top-level category to display. *# #macro( displayWeblogCalendar $big $cat) $pageHelper.showWeblogCalendar( $big, $cat ) #end #** * Show weblog calandar. *# #macro( showWeblogCalendar ) #displayWeblogCalendar( false 'nil' ) #end #** * Display a BIG weblog calendar, good for an archive page. *# #macro( showBigWeblogCalendar ) #displayWeblogCalendar( true 'nil' ) #end #** * Show RSD (Really Simple Discovery) link for your weblog. *# #macro( showRSDLink ) #end