Note: The binary release includes jar files from Apache River Incubating Release 2.1 Starting Up the Jini Infrastructure =================================== This project is intended to make it painfully simple to start up an instance of the complete Jini infrastructure based on multicast discovery, using a simple command line. To start the infrastructure, unpack the distribution to a directory of your choice, then go to the directory and enter: java -jar JiniInfrastructure.jar where is the name you want to use for the discovery group. For instance: java -jar JiniInfrastructure MyGroup The project starts up a class server at localhost:8085, then starts Reggie, Fiddler, Mahalo, Mercury, Norm, and Outrigger using the given discovery group. Enjoy. Building the Infrastructure Starter Container ============================================= The container was originally built using Netbeans 6.9 and has the appropriate project contents checked into Subversion. To build correctly, you need to define a few libraries in Netbeans: To do this, go to the "Tools->Libraries" menu. Define the following libraries: 'ApacheRiverPlatform' containing 'jsk-platform.jar' 'jsk-resources.jar' from the River distribution. 'ApacheRiverLib' containing 'jsk-lib.jar'. 'ApacheRiverServiceStarter' containing 'start.jar' 'tools.jar' 'ApacheRiverServices' containing 'browser-dl.jar' 'browser.jar' 'fiddler-dl.jar' 'fiddler.jar' 'mahalo-dl.jar' 'mahalo.jar' 'mercury-dl.jar' 'mercury.jar' 'norm-dl.jar' 'norm.jar' 'outrigger-dl.jar' 'outrigger.jar' 'reggie-dl.jar' 'reggie.jar' These libraries are already referenced in the project's classpath. The project has a dependency on a sister project 'RiverConfigurationResources', which should be also checked out from the svn repository in the same directory as this project.