# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one # or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file # distributed with this work for additional information # regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file # to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the # "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance # with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, # software distributed under the License is distributed on an # "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY # KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the # specific language governing permissions and limitations # under the License. # Location of feature manifests (comma separated) shindig.features.default=res://features/features.txt # Location of container configurations (comma separated) shindig.containers.default=res://containers/default/container.js # A file containing blacklisted gadgets. shindig.blacklist.file= ### Inbound OAuth support # The URL base to use for full OAuth support (three-legged) shindig.oauth.base-url=/oauth/ shindig.oauth.authorize-action=/WEB-INF/authorize.jsp ### Outbound OAuth support shindig.signing.state-key= shindig.signing.key-name= shindig.signing.key-file= shindig.signing.global-callback-url=@gadget.server.base@/gadgets/oauthcallback shindig.signing.enable-signed-callbacks=true # Set to true if you want to allow the use of 3-legged OAuth tokens when viewer != owner. # This setting is not recommeneded for pages that allow user-controlled javascript, since # that javascript could be used to make unauthorized requests on behalf of the viewer of the page shindig.signing.viewer-access-tokens-enabled=false # If enabled here, configuration values can be found in container configuration files. shindig.locked-domain.enabled=false # TODO: This needs to be moved to container configuration. shindig.content-rewrite.only-allow-excludes=false shindig.content-rewrite.include-urls=.* shindig.content-rewrite.exclude-urls= shindig.content-rewrite.include-tags=body,embed,img,input,link,script,style shindig.content-rewrite.expires=86400 shindig.content-rewrite.proxy-url=/gadgets/proxy?container=default&url= shindig.content-rewrite.concat-url=/gadgets/concat?container=default& shindig.content-rewrite.enable-split-js-concat=true # # Default set of forced libs to allow for better caching # # NOTE: setting this causes the EndToEnd test to fail the opensocial-templates test shindig.gadget-rewrite.default-forced-libs=core:rpc #shindig.gadget-rewrite.default-forced-libs= # # Allow supported JavaScript features required by a gadget to be externalized on demand shindig.gadget-rewrite.externalize-feature-libs=false # Configuration for image rewriter shindig.image-rewrite.max-inmem-bytes = 1048576 shindig.image-rewrite.max-palette-size = 256 shindig.image-rewrite.allow-jpeg-conversion = true shindig.image-rewrite.jpeg-compression = 0.75 shindig.image-rewrite.min-threshold-bytes = 200 # Configuration for the os:Flash tag shindig.flash.min-version = 9.0.115 # Configuration for template rewriter shindig.template-rewrite.extension-tag-namespace=http://ns.opensocial.org/2009/extensions # These values provide default TTLs for HTTP responses that don't use caching headers. shindig.cache.http.defaultTtl=3600000 shindig.cache.http.negativeCacheTtl=60000 # A default refresh interval for XML files, since there is no natural way for developers to # specify this value, and most HTTP responses don't include good cache control headers. shindig.cache.xml.refreshInterval=300000 # Add entries in the form shindig.cache.lru..capacity to specify capacities for different # caches when using the LruCacheProvider. # It is highly recommended that the EhCache implementation be used instead of the LRU cache. shindig.cache.lru.default.capacity=1000 shindig.cache.lru.expressions.capacity=1000 shindig.cache.lru.gadgetSpecs.capacity=1000 shindig.cache.lru.messageBundles.capacity=1000 shindig.cache.lru.httpResponses.capacity=10000 # The location of the EhCache configuration file. shindig.cache.ehcache.config=res://org/apache/shindig/common/cache/ehcache/ehcacheConfig.xml # True to enable JMX integration with cache stats shindig.cache.ehcache.jmx.enabled=true # true to enable JMX stats. shindig.cache.ehcache.jmx.stats=true # true to skip expensive encoding detection. # if true, will only attempt to validate utf-8. Assumes all other encodings are ISO-8859-1. shindig.http.fast-encoding-detection=true # Configuration for the HttpFetcher # Connection timeout, in milliseconds, for requests. shindig.http.client.connection-timeout-ms=5000 # Maximum size, in bytes, of the object we fetched, 0 == no limit shindig.http.client.max-object-size-bytes=0 # Strict-mode parsing for proxy and concat URIs ensures that the authority/host and path # for the URIs match precisely what is found in the container config for it. This is # useful where statistics and traffic routing patterns, typically in large installations, # key on hostname (and occasionally path). Enforcing this does come at the cost that # mismatches break, which in turn mandates that URI generation always happen in consistent # fashion, ie. by the class itself or tightly controlled code. shindig.uri.proxy.use-strict-parsing=false shindig.uri.concat.use-strict-parsing=false # Host:port of the proxy to use while fetching urls. Leave blank if proxy is # not to be used. org.apache.shindig.gadgets.http.basicHttpFetcherProxy= org.apache.shindig.serviceExpirationDurationMinutes=60 # # Older versions of shindig used 'data' in the json-rpc response format # The spec calls for using 'result' instead, however to avoid breakage we # allow you to set it back to the old way here # # valid values are # result - new form # data - old broken form # both - return both fields for full compatibility # shindig.json-rpc.result-field=result # Remap "Internal server error"s received from the basicHttpFetcherProxy server to # "Bad Gateway error"s, so that it is clear to the user that the proxy server is # the one that threw the exception. shindig.accelerate.remapInternalServerError=true shindig.proxy.remapInternalServerError=true