Apache Rave Change Log https://issues.apache.org/jira/secure/ReleaseNote.jspa?projectId=12311290 (select the version of release and output as text to create this file) Release Notes - Rave - Version 0.11 ================================================================================================================ ** Sub-task * [RAVE-532] - Bootstrap-enable widget controls * [RAVE-534] - Bootstrap-enable page tabs and tab controls * [RAVE-535] - Make title bar more appealing * [RAVE-537] - Widget store: fix layout * [RAVE-538] - Widget store: fix item list display * [RAVE-540] - Widget store: rework navigational options * [RAVE-545] - Upgrade jQuery to 1.7.2 * [RAVE-547] - support openview sidebar view * [RAVE-549] - support openview DIALOG view * [RAVE-550] - support openview MODALDIALOG view * [RAVE-557] - Sync Git Repo to SVN Branch * [RAVE-558] - Merge the bootstrap branch into trunk once all changes are completed * [RAVE-563] - Update the Widget Open View components: modal dialog, dialog, and slideout * [RAVE-564] - Update the Person Profile page * [RAVE-567] - Clean up implementation * [RAVE-575] - Add widget: link to Wookie instance is missing * [RAVE-594] - Verify LICENSE & NOTICE * [RAVE-595] - Update JIRA issues * [RAVE-596] - Execute Functional Tests * [RAVE-597] - Create Release Candidate * [RAVE-598] - Publish Release ** Technical task * [RAVE-102] - Implement Rave inter-gadget messaging with OpenSocial ** Bug * [RAVE-553] - Exception thrown when new user logs in * [RAVE-559] - JPA error on deletion of OAuthTokenInfo * [RAVE-590] - Add widget: when form submission does not validate, additional fields are hidden by the Javascript ** Improvement * [RAVE-511] - Use User model for new user creation * [RAVE-552] - Refactor base_layout.jsp to allow for better customization * [RAVE-562] - Upgrade cargo to version 1.2, use mvn cargo:run instead of mvn cargo:start. * [RAVE-576] - The user search form needs an id attribute. * [RAVE-583] - Refactor global widgetsByRegionIdMap javascript variable ** New Feature * [RAVE-541] - Create the Default User page automatically based on a Page Template * [RAVE-571] - Support passing parameters when changing between views ** Story * [RAVE-95] - Implement Rave inter-widget event wrapper with OpenSocial * [RAVE-560] - Upgrade Rave Shindig to 2.5 beta 1 Release Notes - Rave - Version 0.10.1 ================================================================================================================ ** Bug * [RAVE-553] - Exception thrown when new user logs in ** New Feature * [RAVE-541] - Create the Default User page automatically based on a Page Template ** Task * [RAVE-542] - Create 0.10 release of rave-master pom Release Notes - Rave - Version 0.10 ================================================================================================================ ** Sub-task * [RAVE-519] - Centralize JavaScript imports * [RAVE-520] - Concatenate and Minify Rave JavaScript files * [RAVE-522] - Administrative Preference to choose which JavaScript file to serve ** Bug * [RAVE-485] - W3C widgets sometimes render on screen outside of the container object * [RAVE-504] - Sub Pages are not in correct render order * [RAVE-512] - OpenSocial gadgets on non-active Person Profile tabs are not autosizing properly * [RAVE-526] - Support height attribute of open social gadget definition ** Improvement * [RAVE-492] - Although wookie is now bundled with rave, a user is still unable to add a w3c widget. * [RAVE-495] - Unable to login to Wookie as admin user when currently deployed with rave. * [RAVE-507] - Update all Spring XSD references to 3.1 * [RAVE-510] - Use localized datetime in categories admin screen * [RAVE-518] - JavaScript Improvements ** New Feature * [RAVE-506] - Static Content Fetcher * [RAVE-541] - Create the Default User page automatically based on a Page Template