Apache Rave Change Log https://issues.apache.org/jira/secure/ReleaseNote.jspa?projectId=12311290 (select the version of release and output as text to create this file) =========================================================================================================== Release Notes - Rave - Version 0.20 =========================================================================================================== ** Technical task * [RAVE-525] - Break Rave-shindig into multiple composable modules ** Bug * [RAVE-863] - Featured Widgets no longer visually distinguishable * [RAVE-870] - Canvas "sneeze guard" doesn't cover whole screen * [RAVE-872] - Widget user dialog fails with strings as IDs * [RAVE-875] - Jpa package is incompatible with alternative providers, such as eclispelink * [RAVE-879] - Gadgets requiring security token fail after Shindig upgrade ** Improvement * [RAVE-881] - German translation for Rave ** New Feature * [RAVE-877] - Dynamic Features Included in ContainerJS ** Story * [RAVE-873] - Add Pooling Support to Mongo =========================================================================================================== Release Notes - Rave - Version 0.19 =========================================================================================================== ** Sub-task * [RAVE-532] - Bootstrap-enable widget controls * [RAVE-533] - Re-implement page background * [RAVE-858] - Style tags on widget store's main page ** Bug * [RAVE-848] - profile controller not reporting exceptions * [RAVE-866] - Duplicate jars in rave-shindig ** Dependency upgrade * [RAVE-862] - Check and update 3rd party dependencies * [RAVE-861] - Upgrade to Shindig 2.5-beta5 ** Improvement * [RAVE-822] - Widget added message barely noticeable * [RAVE-864] - Create archetype as starting point for custom projects ** Story * [RAVE-818] - MongoDB Support * [RAVE-851] - Opening an embedded experience in Rave does not work =========================================================================================================== Release Notes - Rave - Version 0.18 =========================================================================================================== ** Sub-task * [RAVE-731] - Refactor Widget model to replace object graphs with IDs along the edges of the groups * [RAVE-753] - Convert interfaces to use Strings as the IDs * [RAVE-774] - Refactor People according to strategy on wiki * [RAVE-834] - Perform final reverse merge from trunk into branch * [RAVE-835] - Merge branch into trunk * [RAVE-836] - Revert version in pom files * [RAVE-853] - Verify LICENSE & NOTICE * [RAVE-855] - Execute functional tests * [RAVE-856] - Create release candidate * [RAVE-857] - Publish release ** Bug * [RAVE-749] - The email field in the profile page is not validated when user edits the value * [RAVE-775] - username for OpenID users * [RAVE-805] - Catch error when trying to visit a user's page who does not exist * [RAVE-812] - OpenID Integration Test is failing * [RAVE-813] - Script Registration order is getting lost in DefaultScriptManager * [RAVE-816] - Incorrect widget initialization order * [RAVE-817] - dependencies missing in maven central repository * [RAVE-837] - Error while deleting Category * [RAVE-838] - Performance problems after model-split merge * [RAVE-839] - Mobile broken after model-split merge * [RAVE-840] - Profile page widgets no longer render after model-split merge * [RAVE-841] - Accepting a shared page no longer is working * [RAVE-845] - Cannot delete a user which has one or more friend associations ** Improvement * [RAVE-454] - Reformate Widget Store with better UX * [RAVE-717] - Screenshot alignment on the widget detail page * [RAVE-802] - Make it easier to set default height of widgets through database preference * [RAVE-806] - Show stack trace error or fiendly error message page depending on jsDebugMode * [RAVE-809] - Convert the hasPermission checks to use a string based permission vs enum based. * [RAVE-846] - Add integration tests: Category Administration ** New Feature * [RAVE-808] - Add ability to hide / show a widget ** Story * [RAVE-729] - Split model into multiple interface groups =========================================================================================================== Release Notes - Rave - Version 0.17 =========================================================================================================== ** Sub-task * [RAVE-731] - Refactor Widget model to replace object graphs with IDs along the edges of the groups * [RAVE-753] - Convert interfaces to use Strings as the IDs * [RAVE-774] - Refactor People according to strategy on wiki * [RAVE-834] - Perform final reverse merge from trunk into branch * [RAVE-835] - Merge branch into trunk * [RAVE-836] - Revert version in pom files ** Bug * [RAVE-775] - username for OpenID users * [RAVE-805] - Catch error when trying to visit a user's page who does not exist * [RAVE-812] - OpenID Integration Test is failing * [RAVE-813] - Script Registration order is getting lost in DefaultScriptManager * [RAVE-816] - Incorrect widget initialization order * [RAVE-817] - dependencies missing in maven central repository * [RAVE-837] - Error while deleting Category * [RAVE-839] - Mobile broken after model-split merge * [RAVE-840] - Profile page widgets no longer render after model-split merge * [RAVE-841] - Accepting a shared page no longer is working ** Improvement * [RAVE-454] - Reformate Widget Store with better UX * [RAVE-717] - Screenshot alignment on the widget detail page * [RAVE-802] - Make it easier to set default height of widgets through database preference * [RAVE-806] - Show stack trace error or fiendly error message page depending on jsDebugMode ** New Feature * [RAVE-808] - Add ability to hide / show a widget ** Story * [RAVE-729] - Split model into multiple interface groups ** Task * [RAVE-842] - Tag and release 0.17 Release Notes - Rave - Version 0.16 =========================================================================================================== ** Bug * [RAVE-781] - WidgetTags are failing * [RAVE-795] - Widgets ignore iframe size on iPad * [RAVE-796] - Widget menu not closed on iPad * [RAVE-801] - Profile picture placeholder is retrieved from external source * [RAVE-804] - Empty marketplace URL enables the marketplace link in Add new widget ** Improvement * [RAVE-792] - Make login name case-insensitive * [RAVE-797] - Make widgets draggable on mobile devices ** Task * [RAVE-800] - Add missing translations * [RAVE-803] - Release version 0.16 Release Notes - Rave - Version 0.15 =========================================================================================================== ** Sub-task * [RAVE-783] - Verify LICENSE & NOTICE * [RAVE-784] - CLONE - Update JIRA issues * [RAVE-785] - Execute functional tests * [RAVE-786] - Create release candidate * [RAVE-787] - CLONE - Publish release ** Bug * [RAVE-528] - Demo portal: unchecking featured widget still makes it sort in top of the store * [RAVE-674] - Modal dialog boxes should have a focus in input field once invoked * [RAVE-705] - Shindig 2.5.0-beta2 no longer supports OpenSocial < 1.0: gifts gadget no longer works, possibly other features too * [RAVE-746] - Cannot change preferences through admin interface * [RAVE-747] - initial_data.sql is not working in MySQL * [RAVE-757] - Update the documentation instructions on the article "Extend Apache Rave to build your own portal" * [RAVE-762] - Guice binding module does not support primary beans * [RAVE-763] - Cannot add multiple base package names to Spring Guice binding * [RAVE-771] - Profile page for OpenID user does not work because of URL encoding * [RAVE-788] - Profile link by ID posts data to incorrect URL ** Improvement * [RAVE-468] - Update instructions to use a different database * [RAVE-691] - Table name for PortalPreference#values is generated, should get proper name * [RAVE-744] - Update and align to latest Springframework project releases * [RAVE-751] - Add client side concept of page owner and viewer * [RAVE-752] - Update to Shindig 2.5-beta3 * [RAVE-756] - Support window hashchange event * [RAVE-768] - OpenSocial Container Config has a hard-coded debug flag set to on * [RAVE-770] - Update slideout popup to respect preferredWidth & preferredHeight module prefs. * [RAVE-776] - Don't render Widgets on hidden sub-pages / tabs upon initial page load * [RAVE-778] - Hide main browser scrollbar when widget slideout renders * [RAVE-780] - Allow direct linking to subpages on person profile page ** New Feature * [RAVE-396] - Concatenate and Compress Javascript and CSS files * [RAVE-690] - Manage Friend Data in Rave * [RAVE-761] - Friend Requests in Rave ** Story * [RAVE-742] - Option to choose initial status of user-added widgets * [RAVE-743] - Add a widget to a page without requiring a page refresh ** Umbrella * [RAVE-782] - Release 0.15 Release Notes - Rave - Version 0.14 =========================================================================================================== ** Sub-task * [RAVE-452] - Clean up User Profile layout * [RAVE-536] - Admin area: fix layout * [RAVE-579] - Rework the notification mechanism * [RAVE-683] - Revamp like/dislike display ** Bug * [RAVE-624] - Shindig common container is hard coded to debug script * [RAVE-658] - Rave footer is coming twice on submit of newpassword and request user pages * [RAVE-703] - Missing JpaPersonProperties in JpaPerson * [RAVE-712] - Owner does not see that sharing has been declined * [RAVE-713] - Null bean error in SpringBindingModule * [RAVE-714] - Security token Id does not match shindig person id * [RAVE-716] - Late event registrations are never called * [RAVE-722] - Shindig webapp component can't be re-deployed without a container restart * [RAVE-723] - Widget comment button seems to be working for only canonical user * [RAVE-732] - Unable to render two widgets of the same type on the same page * [RAVE-733] - Wrong display name shown in page title on top left for person profile view ** Improvement * [RAVE-556] - User Display name empty * [RAVE-657] - Create new user button on new account page * [RAVE-673] - Rework login screen * [RAVE-702] - Implementation of FriendsWithFriend * [RAVE-720] - Support navigating to secondary named views (i.e. canvas.foo, canvas.bar) * [RAVE-726] - Update the Rave Extension SSO Provider for Rave 0.14-SNAPSHOT * [RAVE-727] - Providing options for relationship status * [RAVE-735] - Bootstrap the log in error messages ** Story * [RAVE-709] - Remove version numbers in URLs for Spring XSDs Release Notes - Rave - Version 0.13 (Note: only tagged, not released, see RAVE-704) ================================================================================================================ ** Sub-task * [RAVE-577] - Reformat canvas view * [RAVE-578] - Detect & factor out jQuery UI references * [RAVE-619] - Fix search box in widget store * [RAVE-632] - Refactor Tag and WidgetTag * [RAVE-635] - Refactor Group * [RAVE-644] - Fix ModelPermissionEvaluators * [RAVE-645] - Refactor WidgetComment * [RAVE-647] - Refactor Region and Region Widget * [RAVE-648] - Refactor PageTemplate * [RAVE-653] - Refactor PageUser * [RAVE-662] - Ensure no JPA model references in the Service or Controller layers * [RAVE-663] - Refactor RegionWidgetPreference * [RAVE-664] - Refactor Authority * [RAVE-665] - Move Jpa implementation to rave-jpa module * [RAVE-666] - Jpa Implementation Cleanup * [RAVE-667] - Fix serialization/deserialization * [RAVE-669] - Refactor User * [RAVE-670] - Refactor OAuthTokenInfo * [RAVE-671] - Refactor OauthConsumerStore * [RAVE-672] - Refactor ApplicationData ** Technical task * [RAVE-626] - Modify POM files so that they produce a different version * [RAVE-627] - Revert POM files prior to merging into trunk * [RAVE-628] - reintegrate branch into trunk * [RAVE-629] - Create new rave-jpa module * [RAVE-630] - Refactor Person * [RAVE-631] - Refactor Page * [RAVE-646] - Refactor WidgetRating * [RAVE-650] - Refactor Widget * [RAVE-651] - Refactor Page Layout * [RAVE-652] - Cleanup TODO * [RAVE-659] - PortalPreference * [RAVE-686] - Merge changes from trunk ** Bug * [RAVE-618] - Conflict between two features: open-views and pubsub-2 * [RAVE-637] - After moving an accepted, shared page, the user has to approve the sharing again * [RAVE-680] - Rave is not generating Foreign Keys with default JPA implementation ** Improvement * [RAVE-675] - Set default log level for OpenJPA to WARN * [RAVE-684] - Re-structure static content directories * [RAVE-685] - Upgrade to Shindig 2.5.0-beta2 * [RAVE-688] - Add function to render OpenSocial gadget in any custom supplied view ** New Feature * [RAVE-687] - Add callbacks to Rave container initialization events ** Story * [RAVE-625] - Models as Interfaces ** Task * [RAVE-668] - Add Spanish translations Release Notes - Rave - Version 0.12 ================================================================================================================ ** Sub-task * [RAVE-539] - Widget store: fix widget detail display * [RAVE-543] - Implement LESS compilation for Bootstrap * [RAVE-586] - Break out the navbar * [RAVE-592] - Rename header.tag to navbar.tag * [RAVE-606] - Factor out "old" CSS files * [RAVE-614] - Update Bootstrap JavaScript to 2.0.3 ** Bug * [RAVE-599] - OpenSocial query for listing viewer friends returns always zero results * [RAVE-600] - JavaScript Closure Compiler is failing * [RAVE-623] - Logging for OpenAjax.hub methods causes error and silently fails ** Improvement * [RAVE-601] - Upgrade wro4j to 1.4.5 to fix Bootstrap processing errors * [RAVE-602] - Improve overlap between Modernizr, CSS3 Mediaqueries, and HTMLShiv Javascript Libraries * [RAVE-604] - refactor tags into their own JSP tag for easier overlaying * [RAVE-605] - Add a consumer notification ability to the StaticContentFetcherService * [RAVE-613] - Support registering custom popup types with the container ** New Feature * [RAVE-612] - Add ability to hide/display the widget title and widget border * [RAVE-615] - An easy way to determine the version of RAVE ** Task * [RAVE-633] - Upgrade the version of wookie bundled with rave to 0.10.0 ** Test * [RAVE-610] - Add integration tests to the project Release Notes - Rave - Version 0.11 ================================================================================================================ ** Sub-task * [RAVE-532] - Bootstrap-enable widget controls * [RAVE-534] - Bootstrap-enable page tabs and tab controls * [RAVE-535] - Make title bar more appealing * [RAVE-537] - Widget store: fix layout * [RAVE-538] - Widget store: fix item list display * [RAVE-540] - Widget store: rework navigational options * [RAVE-545] - Upgrade jQuery to 1.7.2 * [RAVE-547] - support openview sidebar view * [RAVE-549] - support openview DIALOG view * [RAVE-550] - support openview MODALDIALOG view * [RAVE-557] - Sync Git Repo to SVN Branch * [RAVE-558] - Merge the bootstrap branch into trunk once all changes are completed * [RAVE-563] - Update the Widget Open View components: modal dialog, dialog, and slideout * [RAVE-564] - Update the Person Profile page * [RAVE-567] - Clean up implementation * [RAVE-575] - Add widget: link to Wookie instance is missing * [RAVE-594] - Verify LICENSE & NOTICE * [RAVE-595] - Update JIRA issues * [RAVE-596] - Execute Functional Tests * [RAVE-597] - Create Release Candidate * [RAVE-598] - Publish Release ** Technical task * [RAVE-102] - Implement Rave inter-gadget messaging with OpenSocial ** Bug * [RAVE-553] - Exception thrown when new user logs in * [RAVE-559] - JPA error on deletion of OAuthTokenInfo * [RAVE-590] - Add widget: when form submission does not validate, additional fields are hidden by the Javascript ** Improvement * [RAVE-511] - Use User model for new user creation * [RAVE-552] - Refactor base_layout.jsp to allow for better customization * [RAVE-562] - Upgrade cargo to version 1.2, use mvn cargo:run instead of mvn cargo:start. * [RAVE-576] - The user search form needs an id attribute. * [RAVE-583] - Refactor global widgetsByRegionIdMap javascript variable ** New Feature * [RAVE-541] - Create the Default User page automatically based on a Page Template * [RAVE-571] - Support passing parameters when changing between views ** Story * [RAVE-95] - Implement Rave inter-widget event wrapper with OpenSocial * [RAVE-560] - Upgrade Rave Shindig to 2.5 beta 1 Release Notes - Rave - Version 0.10.1 ================================================================================================================ ** Bug * [RAVE-553] - Exception thrown when new user logs in ** New Feature * [RAVE-541] - Create the Default User page automatically based on a Page Template ** Task * [RAVE-542] - Create 0.10 release of rave-master pom Release Notes - Rave - Version 0.10 ================================================================================================================ ** Sub-task * [RAVE-519] - Centralize JavaScript imports * [RAVE-520] - Concatenate and Minify Rave JavaScript files * [RAVE-522] - Administrative Preference to choose which JavaScript file to serve ** Bug * [RAVE-485] - W3C widgets sometimes render on screen outside of the container object * [RAVE-504] - Sub Pages are not in correct render order * [RAVE-512] - OpenSocial gadgets on non-active Person Profile tabs are not autosizing properly * [RAVE-526] - Support height attribute of open social gadget definition ** Improvement * [RAVE-492] - Although wookie is now bundled with rave, a user is still unable to add a w3c widget. * [RAVE-495] - Unable to login to Wookie as admin user when currently deployed with rave. * [RAVE-507] - Update all Spring XSD references to 3.1 * [RAVE-510] - Use localized datetime in categories admin screen * [RAVE-518] - JavaScript Improvements ** New Feature * [RAVE-506] - Static Content Fetcher * [RAVE-541] - Create the Default User page automatically based on a Page Template