%{ /* * Copyright 2004 Apache Software Foundation * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you * may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You * may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or * implied. See the License for the specific language governing * permissions and limitations under the License. * * $Id$ * * This file originally written by Sterling Hughes. * */ /* NOTE The seemingly unusual generated Python code (sometime using * ";" to separate statements, newline placement, etc) is such that * for vast majority of cases the line number of the input file will * match the line number of the output! */ #include "psp_parser.h" #define OUTPUT_WHITESPACE(__wsstring) \ psp_string_0((__wsstring)); \ psp_string_append(&PSP_PG(pycode), (__wsstring)->blob) #define CLEAR_WHITESPACE(__wsstring) psp_string_clear((__wsstring)); %} %option noyywrap nounistd %x TEXT %x PYCODE %x INDENT %x DIR %x COMMENT %% \r\n|\n { psp_string_appendl(&PSP_PG(pycode), STATIC_STR("req.write(\"\"\"")); yyless(0); BEGIN TEXT; } . { psp_string_appendl(&PSP_PG(pycode), STATIC_STR("req.write(\"\"\"")); yyless(0); BEGIN TEXT; } "\\n" { psp_string_appendl(&PSP_PG(pycode), STATIC_STR("\\\\n")); } "\\r" { psp_string_appendl(&PSP_PG(pycode), STATIC_STR("\\\\r")); } "\\t" { psp_string_appendl(&PSP_PG(pycode), STATIC_STR("\\\\t")); } "<%=" { /* expression */ psp_string_appendl(&PSP_PG(pycode), STATIC_STR("\"\"\",0); req.write(str(")); PSP_PG(is_psp_echo) = 1; BEGIN PYCODE; } "<%" { /* python code */ psp_string_appendl(&PSP_PG(pycode), STATIC_STR("\"\"\",0);")); CLEAR_WHITESPACE(&PSP_PG(whitespace)); PSP_PG(seen_newline) = 0; BEGIN PYCODE; } "<%@" { /* directive */ BEGIN DIR; } "<%--" { /* comment */ BEGIN COMMENT; } \r\n|\n { psp_string_appendc(&PSP_PG(pycode), '\n'); } . { if (yytext[0] == '"') { psp_string_appendl(&PSP_PG(pycode), STATIC_STR("\\\"")); } else { psp_string_appendc(&PSP_PG(pycode), yytext[0]); } } <> { yypop_buffer_state(yyscanner); if (!YY_CURRENT_BUFFER) { /* this is really the end */ psp_string_appendl(&PSP_PG(pycode), STATIC_STR("\"\"\",0)\n")); yyterminate(); } else { /* we are inside include, continue scanning */ BEGIN DIR; } } \r\n|\n { psp_string_appendc(&PSP_PG(pycode), '\n'); PSP_PG(seen_newline) = 1; BEGIN INDENT; } "%>" { if (PSP_PG(is_psp_echo)) { psp_string_appendl(&PSP_PG(pycode), STATIC_STR("),0); req.write(\"\"\"")); PSP_PG(is_psp_echo) = 0; } else { if (!PSP_PG(seen_newline)) { /* this will happen is you have <%%> */ psp_string_appendc(&PSP_PG(pycode), ';'); } if (PSP_PG(after_colon)) { /* this is dumb mistake-proof measure, if %> is immediately following where there should be an indent */ psp_string_appendc(&PSP_PG(whitespace), '\t'); PSP_PG(after_colon) = 0; } OUTPUT_WHITESPACE(&PSP_PG(whitespace)); psp_string_appendl(&PSP_PG(pycode), STATIC_STR("req.write(\"\"\"")); } BEGIN TEXT; } ":" { psp_string_appendc(&PSP_PG(pycode), yytext[0]); PSP_PG(after_colon) = 1; } . { psp_string_appendc(&PSP_PG(pycode), yytext[0]); PSP_PG(after_colon) = 0; } ^[\t ]* { CLEAR_WHITESPACE(&PSP_PG(whitespace)); psp_string_appendl(&PSP_PG(whitespace), yytext, yyleng); psp_string_appendl(&PSP_PG(pycode), yytext, yyleng); BEGIN PYCODE; } "%>" { yyless(0); BEGIN PYCODE; } \r\n|\n { CLEAR_WHITESPACE(&PSP_PG(whitespace)); yyless(0); BEGIN PYCODE; } . { CLEAR_WHITESPACE(&PSP_PG(whitespace)); yyless(0); BEGIN PYCODE; } "include"[ ]+"file"[ ]?=[ ]?"\""[^ ]+"\"" { char *filename; char *path; FILE *f; /* find a quote */ filename = strchr(yytext, '"') + 1; filename[strchr(filename, '"')-filename] = '\0'; /* XXX The absolute path check won't work on Windows, * needs to be corrected */ if (PSP_PG(dir) && filename[0] != '/') { path = malloc(strlen(filename)+strlen(PSP_PG(dir))+1); if (path == NULL) { PyErr_NoMemory(); yyterminate(); } strcpy(path, PSP_PG(dir)); strcat(path, filename); } else { path = filename; } Py_BEGIN_ALLOW_THREADS f = fopen(path, "rb"); Py_END_ALLOW_THREADS if (f == NULL) { PyErr_SetFromErrnoWithFilename(PyExc_IOError, path); } else { yypush_buffer_state(yy_create_buffer(f, YY_BUF_SIZE, yyscanner), yyscanner); BEGIN(TEXT); } if (PSP_PG(dir)) free(path); } "%>" { BEGIN TEXT; } "--%>" { BEGIN TEXT; } %% /* this is for emacs Local Variables: mode:C End: */