Info ==== AMQP version currently 0.8 (see /Qpid.Common/amqp.xml) Setup ===== Install: Microsoft Visual Studio 2005 (VS2005) MsBee 1.0 (Visual Studio plugin for targetting .NET 1.1) - only required if you want to build .NET 1.1. binaries. Ant 1.6.5 Cygwin (or alternatively build via cmd but alter instructions below accordingly) Set up PATH to include MSBuild.exe: $ PATH=/cygdrive/c/WINDOWS/Microsoft.NET/Framework/v2.0.50727:$PATH Set up PATH to include ant: $ PATH=$ANT_HOME/bin:$PATH Building ======== Generate framing from /Qpid.Common/amqp.xml specificiation file: $ build-framing To build .NET 2.0 executables (to bin/Release): $ build To build .NET 1.1 executables via MsBee (to bin/FX_1_1/Debug): $ build-dotnet11 To build for Mono on Linux (to build/mono20): $ build-mono Releasing ========= For .NET 1.1 $ release dotnet11 1.0M1 Generates ./build/release/ For .NET 2.0 $ release dotnet20 1.0M1 Generates ./build/release/ For Mono $ release mono 1.0M1 Generates ./build/release/