/* * * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file * distributed with this work for additional information * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, * software distributed under the License is distributed on an * "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY * KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the * specific language governing permissions and limitations * under the License. * */ using System; using org.apache.qpid.transport.codec; using System.Collections.Generic; using org.apache.qpid.transport.util; using org.apache.qpid.transport.network; using System.IO; namespace org.apache.qpid.transport { ${ from genutil import * cls = klass(type)["@name"] segments = type["segments"] if type.name in ("control", "command"): override = "override" base = "Method" size = 0 pack = 2 if segments: payload = "true" else: payload = "false" if type.name == "control" and cls == "connection": track = "Frame.L1" elif cls == "session" and type["@name"] in ("attach", "attached", "detach", "detached"): track = "Frame.L2" elif type.name == "command": track = "Frame.L4" else: track = "Frame.L3" else: override = "" base = "Struct" size = type["@size"] pack = num(type["@pack"]) payload = "false" track = "4" PACK_TYPES = { 1: "byte", 2: "int", 4: "int" } typecode = code(type) } public sealed class $name : $base { public const int TYPE = $typecode; public override int getStructType() { return TYPE; } public override int getSizeWidth() { return $size; } public override int getPackWidth() { return $pack; } public $override bool hasPayload() { return $payload; } public $override byte EncodedTrack { get{ return $track; } set { throw new NotImplementedException(); } } ${ from dotnetgenutil import * if pack > 0: out(" private $(PACK_TYPES[pack]) packing_flags = 0;\n"); fields = get_fields(type) params = get_dotnetparameters(type, fields) options = get_options(fields) for f in fields: if not f.empty: out(" private $(f.type) _$(f.name);\n") if segments: out(" private Header _header;\n") out(" private MemoryStream _body = new MemoryStream();\n") } ${ if fields: out(" public $name() {}\n") } public $name($(", ".join(params))) { ${ for f in fields: if f.option: continue out(" $(f.set)($(f.name));\n") if segments: out(" Header = header;\n") out(" Body = body;\n") if options or base == "Method": out(""" for (int i=0; i < _options.Length; i++) { switch (_options[i]) { """) for f in options: out(" case Option.$(f.option): packing_flags |= $(f.flag_mask(pack)); break;\n") if base == "Method": out(""" case Option.SYNC: Sync = true; break; case Option.BATCH: Batch = true; break; """) out(""" case Option.NONE: break; default: throw new Exception("invalid option: " + _options[i]); } } """) } } public $override void dispatch(C context, MethodDelegate mdelegate) { mdelegate.$(dromedary(name))(context, this); } ${ for f in fields: if pack > 0: out(""" public bool $(f.has)() { return (packing_flags & $(f.flag_mask(pack))) != 0; } public $name $(f.clear)() { packing_flags = (byte) (packing_flags & ~$(f.flag_mask(pack))); ${ if (not f.empty and not (f.default == "null")): out(" _$(f.name) = $(f.default);") } Dirty = true; return this; } """) out(""" public $(f.type) $(f.get)() { ${ if f.empty: out(" return $(f.has)();") else: out(" return _$(f.name);") } } public $name $(f.set)($(f.type) value) { ${ if not f.empty: out(" _$(f.name) = value;") } ${ if pack > 0: out(" packing_flags |= $(f.flag_mask(pack));") } Dirty = true; return this; } public $name $(f.name)($(f.type) value) { return $(f.set)(value); } """) } ${ if segments: out(""" public override Header Header { get { return _header;} set { _header = value;} } public $name header(Header header) { Header = header; return this; } public override MemoryStream Body { get{ return _body;} set{ _body = value;} } public $name body(MemoryStream body) { Body = body; return this; } """) } public override void write(Encoder enc) { ${ if pack > 0: out(" enc.writeUint%s(packing_flags);\n" % (pack*8)); for f in fields: if f.empty: continue if pack > 0: out(" if ((packing_flags & $(f.flag_mask(pack))) != 0)\n ") pre = "" post = "" if f.type_node.name == "struct": pre = "%s.TYPE, " % cname(f.type_node) elif f.type_node.name == "domain": post = "" pre = "(short)" out(" enc.write$(f.coder)($(pre)_$(f.name)$(post));\n") } } public override void read(Decoder dec) { ${ if pack > 0: out(" packing_flags = ($(PACK_TYPES[pack])) dec.readUint%s();\n" % (pack*8)); for f in fields: if f.empty: continue if pack > 0: out(" if ((packing_flags & $(f.flag_mask(pack))) != 0)\n ") pre = "" post = "" arg = "" if f.type_node.name == "struct": pre = "(%s)" % cname(f.type_node) arg = "%s.TYPE" % cname(f.type_node) elif f.type_node.name == "domain": pre = "%sGetter.get(" % cname(f.type_node) post = ")" out(" _$(f.name) = $(pre)dec.read$(f.coder)($(arg))$(post);\n") } } public override Dictionary Fields { get{ Dictionary result = new Dictionary(); ${ for f in fields: if pack > 0: out(" if ((packing_flags & $(f.flag_mask(pack))) != 0)\n ") out(' result.Add("_$(f.name)", $(f.get)());\n') } return result; } } } }