/* * * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file * distributed with this work for additional information * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, * software distributed under the License is distributed on an * "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY * KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the * specific language governing permissions and limitations * under the License. * */ using System; using System.Text; using log4net; using NUnit.Framework; using Apache.Qpid.Messaging; using Apache.Qpid.Client.Qms; using Apache.Qpid.Client; namespace Apache.Qpid.Integration.Tests.testcases { /// /// Provides a basis for writing Unit tests that communicate with an AMQ protocol broker. By default it creates a connection /// to a message broker running on localhost on the standard AMQ port, 5672, using guest:guest login credentials. It also /// creates a standard auto-ack channel on this connection. /// public class BaseMessagingTestFixture { private static ILog log = LogManager.GetLogger(typeof(BaseMessagingTestFixture)); /// Used to build dummy data to fill test messages with. private const string MESSAGE_DATA_BYTES = "-- Test Message -- Test Message -- Test Message -- Test Message -- Test Message "; /// The default timeout in milliseconds to use on receives. private const long RECEIVE_WAIT = 2000; /// The default AMQ connection URL to use for tests. public const string connectionUri = "amqp://guest:guest@test/test?brokerlist='tcp://localhost:5672'"; /// The default AMQ connection URL parsed as a connection info. protected IConnectionInfo connectionInfo; /// Holds an array of connections for building mutiple test end-points. protected IConnection[] testConnection = new IConnection[10]; /// Holds an array of channels for building mutiple test end-points. protected IChannel[] testChannel = new IChannel[10]; /// Holds an array of queues for building mutiple test end-points. protected String[] testQueue = new String[10]; /// Holds an array of producers for building mutiple test end-points. protected IMessagePublisher[] testProducer = new IMessagePublisher[10]; /// Holds an array of consumers for building mutiple test end-points. protected IMessageConsumer[] testConsumer = new IMessageConsumer[10]; /// A counter used to supply unique ids. private static int uniqueId = 0; /// Used to hold unique ids per test. protected Guid testId; /// Creates the test connection and channel. [SetUp] public virtual void Init() { log.Debug("public virtual void Init(): called"); // Set up a unique id for this test. testId = System.Guid.NewGuid(); } /// /// Disposes of the test connection. This is called manually because the connection is a field so dispose will not be automatically /// called on it. /// [TearDown] public virtual void Shutdown() { log.Debug("public virtual void Shutdown(): called"); } /// Sets up the nth test end-point. /// /// The index of the test end-point to set up. /// true to set up a producer on the end-point. /// true to set up a consumer on the end-point. /// The routing key for the producer to send on. /// The ack mode for the end-points channel. /// true to use transactions on the end-points channel. /// The exchange to produce or consume on. /// true if the consumers queue should be declared and bound, false if it has already been. /// true to declare the consumers queue as durable. /// If durable is true, the fixed unique queue name to use. public void SetUpEndPoint(int n, bool producer, bool consumer, string routingKey, AcknowledgeMode ackMode, bool transacted, string exchangeName, bool declareBind, bool durable, string subscriptionName) { // Allow client id to be fixed, or undefined. { // Use unique id for end point. connectionInfo = QpidConnectionInfo.FromUrl(connectionUri); connectionInfo.ClientName = "test" + n; } testConnection[n] = new AMQConnection(connectionInfo); testConnection[n].Start(); testChannel[n] = testConnection[n].CreateChannel(transacted, ackMode); if (producer) { testProducer[n] = testChannel[n].CreatePublisherBuilder() .WithExchangeName(exchangeName) .WithRoutingKey(routingKey) .Create(); } if (consumer) { string queueName; // Use the subscription name as the queue name if the subscription is durable, otherwise use a generated name. if (durable) { // The durable queue is declared without auto-delete, and passively, in case it has already been declared. queueName = subscriptionName; if (declareBind) { testChannel[n].DeclareQueue(queueName, durable, true, false); testChannel[n].Bind(queueName, exchangeName, routingKey); } } else { queueName = testChannel[n].GenerateUniqueName(); if (declareBind) { if (durable) { testQueue[n] = queueName; } testChannel[n].DeclareQueue(queueName, durable, true, true); testChannel[n].Bind(queueName, exchangeName, routingKey); } } testConsumer[n] = testChannel[n].CreateConsumerBuilder(queueName).Create(); } } /// Closes down the nth test end-point. public void CloseEndPoint(int n) { log.Debug("public void CloseEndPoint(int n): called"); if (testProducer[n] != null) { testProducer[n].Close(); testProducer[n].Dispose(); testProducer[n] = null; } if (testConsumer[n] != null) { if (testQueue[n] != null) { testChannel[n].DeleteQueue(testQueue[n], false, false, true); } testConsumer[n].Close(); testConsumer[n].Dispose(); testConsumer[n] = null; } if (testConnection[n] != null) { testConnection[n].Stop(); testConnection[n].Close(); testConnection[n].Dispose(); testConnection[n] = null; } } /// /// Consumes n messages, checking that the n+1th is not available within a timeout, and that the consumed messages /// are text messages with contents equal to the specified message body. /// /// /// The number of messages to consume. /// The body text to match against all messages. /// The message consumer to recieve the messages on. public static void ConsumeNMessagesOnly(int n, string body, IMessageConsumer consumer) { ConsumeNMessages(n, body, consumer); // Check that one more than n cannot be received. IMessage msg = consumer.Receive(RECEIVE_WAIT); Assert.IsNull(msg, "Consumer got more messages than the number requested (" + n + ")."); } /// /// Consumes n messages, checking that the n+1th is not available within a timeout, and that the consumed messages /// are text messages with contents equal to the specified message body. /// /// /// The number of messages to consume. /// The body text to match against all messages. /// The message consumer to recieve the messages on. public static void ConsumeNMessages(int n, string body, IMessageConsumer consumer) { IMessage msg; // Try to receive n messages. for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) { msg = consumer.Receive(RECEIVE_WAIT); Assert.IsNotNull(msg, "Consumer did not receive message number: " + i); Assert.AreEqual(body, ((ITextMessage)msg).Text, "Incorrect Message recevied on consumer1."); } } /// Creates the requested number of bytes of dummy text. Usually used for filling test messages. /// /// The number of bytes of dummy text to generate. /// /// The requested number of bytes of dummy text. public static String GetData(int size) { StringBuilder buf = new StringBuilder(size); if (size > 0) { int div = MESSAGE_DATA_BYTES.Length / size; int mod = MESSAGE_DATA_BYTES.Length % size; for (int i = 0; i < div; i++) { buf.Append(MESSAGE_DATA_BYTES); } if (mod != 0) { buf.Append(MESSAGE_DATA_BYTES, 0, mod); } } return buf.ToString(); } } }