Info ==== AMQP 0.10 Native .NET client supporting WCF and xcel In order to build this client from the sources you'll need the following folders : - /java/lib - /python - /specs Setup ===== Install: Microsoft Visual Studio 2008 (VS2008). It's also possible to build with vs2005 by creating a new solution and adding Client.csproj NAnt 0.85 - only required for builds outside VS2008 (.net 1.1, .net 2.0, mono 2.0) Ant 1.6.5 (requires Java) Cygwin (or alternatively build via cmd but alter instructions below accordingly) Set up PATH to include Nant.exe: $ PATH=/cygdrive/c/WINDOWS/Microsoft.NET/Framework/v2.0.50727:$PATH Set up PATH to include ant: $ PATH=$ANT_HOME/bin:$PATH Building ======== Generate code from /dotnet/client-010/gentool: $ cd /dotnet/client-010/gentool $ ant You can build from Visual Studio 2008 normally. Alternatively, you can build debug releases for any supported framework from the command line using Nant: To build .NET 2.0 executables (to bin/net-2.0): $ cd /dotnet/client-010/ $ nant To build for Mono on Linux (to bin/mono-2.0): $ cd /dotnet/client-010/ $ nant -t:mono-2.0 Releasing ========= For .NET 2.0 $ cd /dotnet/client-010/ $ nant release-pkg Generates ./bin/net-2.0/release/ For Mono $ cd /dotnet/client-010/ $ nant -t:mono-2.0 release-pkg Generates ./bin/mono-2.0/release/