The documentation in this directory is written in DocBook 4.5. The original content was taken from the Apache Qpid Wiki. 1. Building the Documentation You need the following to build the documentation: - Apache FOP, version 0.95 or higher - Docbook 4.5 - Docbook XSL stylesheets - Tested with xsl-stylesheets (1.75.2 & 1.65.1-2) - xsltproc - xmllint On many Linux machines, these can usually be installed from standard repos. For instance, on Fedora they can be installed as follows: $ sudo yum install fop docbook-dtds docbook-style-xsl libxslt libxml2 After installing, use make to build the documentation: $ make By default, the Makefile builds a PDF. It supports the following targets: pdf Make the PDF html Make HTML pages all Make both PDF and HTML clean Delete the build and output directories You will see quite a few error messages. Many of these are due to unresolved links, and these should go away. Many are due to the verbosity of Apache FOP, which generates many warnings. 2. Editing Tools For Emacs, I like nxml-mode, especially if you learn how to use tag completion, outlining, etc. This is described in some detail in For vi, the macros described in this Linux Journal article may be helpful: Commercial XML editors provide good support for DocBook. On Windows, I like Stylus Studio ( On Linux, I like Oxygen ( Here's a page on authoring tools for DocBook: 3. File Structure The source files are in qpid/doc/book/src. The following XInclude tree shows the organization of files in the document. Book.xml Book-Info.xml Introduction.xml AMQP.xml Getting-Started.xml Download.xml AMQP-Messaging-Broker-CPP.xml Running-CPP-Broker.xml Cheat-Sheet-for-configuring-Queue-Options.xml Cheat-Sheet-for-configuring-Exchange-Options.xml Using-Broker-Federation.xml SSL.xml LVQ.xml queue-state-replication.xml Starting-a-cluster.xml ACL.xml Managing-CPP-Broker.xml QMan-Qpid-Management-bridge.xml Qpid-Management-Framework.xml Management-Design-notes.xml QMF-Python-Console-Tutorial.xml AMQP-Messaging-Broker-Java.xml Java-Broker-Feature-Guide.xml Qpid-Java-FAQ.xml Java-Environment-Variables.xml Qpid-Troubleshooting-Guide.xml Add-New-Users.xml Configure-ACLs.xml Configure-Java-Qpid-to-use-a-SSL-connection.xml Configure-Log4j-CompositeRolling-Appender.xml Configure-the-Broker-via-config.xml.xml Configure-the-Virtual-Hosts-via-virtualhosts.xml.xml Debug-using-log4j.xml How-to-Tune-M3-Java-Broker-Performance.xml Qpid-Java-Build-How-To.xml Use-Priority-Queues.xml Qpid-JMX-Management-Console.xml Configuring-Management-Users.xml Configuring-Qpid-JMX-Management-Console.xml Management-Console-Security.xml Qpid-JMX-Management-Console-FAQ.xml Qpid-JMX-Management-Console-User-Guide.xml Qpid-Management-Features.xml MessageStore-Tool.xml Qpid-Java-Broker-Management-CLI.xml AMQP-Java-JMS-Messaging-Client.xml System-Properties.xml Connection-URL-Format.xml Binding-URL-Format.xml AMQP-C++-Messaging-Client.xml AMQP-.NET-Messaging-Client.xml NET-User-Guide.xml Excel-AddIn.xml WCF.xml AMQP-Python-Messaging-Client.xml PythonBrokerTest.xml AMQP-Ruby-Messaging-Client.xml AMQP-Compatibility.xml Qpid-Interoperability-Documentation.xml