Source Code Repositories

Web Browsing of SVN

To browse via the web use the ViewVC interface:

Or to browse the source tree directly:

Checking out from SVN

The source code can be checked out anonymous over HTTP:

        svn co

Committers can check out the code using HTTPS:

        svn co

Read only GIT repo

A read only GIT repo is available:

It can be cloned with

        git clone git:// qpid


        git clone qpid

and then git pull will fetch updates.

If you have commit access it is also possible to commit back with git svn dcommit by following the instructions on the GitAtApache page.

Setting up your subversion client

When adding files to subversion, it's important that your subversion client is properly setup to the appropriate subversion properties are set. The client can do it automatically by modifying the auto-props section of the subversion config file. Use the contents of: