Package qpid :: Module managementdata :: Class ManagementData
[frames] | no frames]

Class ManagementData

Instance Methods
registerObjId(self, objId)
displayObjId(self, objIdIndex)
rawObjId(self, displayId)
displayClassName(self, cls)
dataHandler(self, context, className, list, timestamps)
Callback for configuration and instrumentation data updates
ctrlHandler(self, context, op, data)
configHandler(self, context, className, list, timestamps)
instHandler(self, context, className, list, timestamps)
methodReply(self, broker, sequence, status, sText, args)
Callback for method-reply messages
closeHandler(self, context, reason)
schemaHandler(self, context, classKey, configs, insts, methods, events)
Callback for schema updates
setCli(self, cliobj)
__init__(self, disp, host, username='guest', password='guest')
refName(self, oid)
valueDisplay(self, classKey, key, value)
getObjIndex(self, classKey, config)
Concatenate the values from index columns to form a unique object name
getClassKey(self, className)
classCompletions(self, prefix)
Provide a list of candidate class names for command completion
typeName(self, typecode)
Convert type-codes to printable strings
accessName(self, code)
Convert element access codes to printable strings
notNone(self, text)
isOid(self, id)
listOfIds(self, classKey, tokens)
Generate a tuple of object ids for a classname based on command tokens.
Generate a display of the list of classes
listObjects(self, tokens)
Generate a display of a list of objects in a class
showObjects(self, tokens)
Generate a display of object data for a particular class
Generate a display of the list of classes in the schema
schemaTable(self, className)
Generate a display of details of the schema of a particular class
getClassForId(self, objId)
Given an object ID, return the class key for the referenced object
callMethod(self, userOid, methodName, args)
makeIdRow(self, displayId)
listIds(self, select)
do_list(self, data)
do_show(self, data)
do_schema(self, data)
do_call(self, data)
do_id(self, data)