Apache Qpid - AMQP Messaging for Java JMS, C++, Python, Ruby, and .NET Apache Qpid Documentation
Classes | Functions
qpid::messaging Namespace Reference


class  Address
 Represents an address to which messages can be sent and from which messages can be received. More...
class  Connection
 A connection represents a network connection to a remote endpoint. More...
class  Duration
 A duration is a time in milliseconds. More...
struct  MessagingException
 This is the base class for all messaging related exceptions thrown by this API. More...
struct  InvalidOptionString
 Thrown when the syntax of the option string used to configure a connection in not valid. More...
struct  KeyError
 Thrown to indicate a failed lookup of some local object. More...
struct  LinkError
struct  AddressError
struct  ResolutionError
 Thrown when a syntactically correct address cannot be resolved or used. More...
struct  AssertionFailed
 Thrown when creating a sender or receiver for an address for which some asserted property of the node is not matched. More...
struct  NotFound
 Thrown on attempts to create a sender or receiver to a non-existent node. More...
struct  MalformedAddress
 Thrown when an address string with invalid syntax is used. More...
struct  ReceiverError
struct  FetchError
struct  NoMessageAvailable
 Thrown by Receiver::fetch(), Receiver::get() and Session::nextReceiver() to indicate that there no message was available before the timeout specified. More...
struct  SenderError
struct  SendError
struct  TargetCapacityExceeded
 Thrown to indicate that the sender attempted to send a message that would result in the target node on the peer exceeding a preconfigured capacity. More...
struct  SessionError
struct  TransactionError
struct  TransactionAborted
 Thrown on Session::commit() if reconnection results in the transaction being automatically aborted. More...
struct  UnauthorizedAccess
 Thrown to indicate that the application attempted to do something for which it was not authorised by its peer. More...
struct  ConnectionError
struct  TransportFailure
 Thrown to indicate loss of underlying connection. More...
class  FailoverUpdates
 A utility to listen for updates on cluster membership and update the list of known urls for a connection accordingly. More...
class  Handle
 A handle is like a pointer: refers to an underlying implementation object. More...
class  Message
 Representation of a message. More...
struct  EncodingException
class  Receiver
 Interface through which messages are received. More...
class  Sender
 Interface through which messages are sent. More...
class  Session
 A session represents a distinct 'conversation' which can involve sending and receiving messages to and from different addresses. More...


std::ostreamoperator<< (std::ostream &out, const Address &address)
Duration operator* (const Duration &duration, uint64_t multiplier)
Duration operator* (uint64_t multiplier, const Duration &duration)
bool operator== (const Duration &a, const Duration &b)
bool operator!= (const Duration &a, const Duration &b)
void decode (const Message &message, qpid::types::Variant::Map &map, const std::string &encoding=std::string())
 Decodes message content into a Variant::Map.
void decode (const Message &message, qpid::types::Variant::List &list, const std::string &encoding=std::string())
 Decodes message content into a Variant::List.
void encode (const qpid::types::Variant::Map &map, Message &message, const std::string &encoding=std::string())
 Encodes a Variant::Map into a message.
void encode (const qpid::types::Variant::List &list, Message &message, const std::string &encoding=std::string())
 Encodes a Variant::List into a message.

Function Documentation

void qpid::messaging::decode ( const Message &  message,
qpid::types::Variant::Map map,
const std::string encoding = std::string() 

Decodes message content into a Variant::Map.

messagethe message whose content should be decoded
mapthe map into which the message contents will be decoded
encodingif specified, the encoding to use - this overrides any encoding specified by the content-type of the message
void qpid::messaging::decode ( const Message &  message,
qpid::types::Variant::List list,
const std::string encoding = std::string() 

Decodes message content into a Variant::List.

messagethe message whose content should be decoded
listthe list into which the message contents will be decoded
encodingif specified, the encoding to use - this overrides any encoding specified by the content-type of the message
void qpid::messaging::encode ( const qpid::types::Variant::Map map,
Message &  message,
const std::string encoding = std::string() 

Encodes a Variant::Map into a message.

mapthe map to be encoded
messagethe message whose content should be set to the encoded map
encodingif specified, the encoding to use - this overrides any encoding specified by the content-type of the message
void qpid::messaging::encode ( const qpid::types::Variant::List list,
Message &  message,
const std::string encoding = std::string() 

Encodes a Variant::List into a message.

listthe list to be encoded
messagethe message whose content should be set to the encoded list
encodingif specified, the encoding to use - this overrides any encoding specified by the content-type of the message
bool qpid::messaging::operator!= ( const Duration &  a,
const Duration &  b 
Duration qpid::messaging::operator* ( const Duration &  duration,
uint64_t  multiplier 
Duration qpid::messaging::operator* ( uint64_t  multiplier,
const Duration &  duration 
std::ostream& qpid::messaging::operator<< ( std::ostream out,
const Address &  address 
bool qpid::messaging::operator== ( const Duration &  a,
const Duration &  b 

Qpid C++ API Reference
Generated on Thu Aug 23 2012 for Qpid C++ Client API by doxygen 1.7.5