AMQP 1.0

The AMQP Working Group released the 1.0 specification in the final quarter of 2011. Future evolution of the protocol will now be driven by the Member Section and Technical Committee(s) at OASIS.

Qpid will of course support this latest version of the protocol. It represents a significant change from previous versions. However this has been anticipated and the Qpid APIs should ease the transition.

The plan for 1.0 implementation is to begin with a 'protocol engine' written in both Java and C. This will be a releasable artefact in its own right and will also form the basis of 1.0 support in the two current Qpid brokers and the various clients. The engine will also likely be the basis of new types of component in the future.

The latest developments on 1.0 support can be found at This is work in progress. We will aim to create unofficial downloadable snapshots of this at suitable points.

The current goal is to have a usable engine available for early preview shortly after the first quarter of 2012. That will be followed by versions of the existing components (brokers and clients) that utilise this engine. We hope to have 1.0 support in an official Qpid release by the end of the year.