# # Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one # or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file # distributed with this work for additional information # regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file # to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the # "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance # with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, # software distributed under the License is distributed on an # "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY # KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the # specific language governing permissions and limitations # under the License. # PREFIX=/usr/local EXEC_PREFIX=$(PREFIX)/bin DATA_DIR=$(PREFIX)/share PYTHON_LIB=$(shell python -c "from distutils.sysconfig import get_python_lib; print get_python_lib(prefix='$(PREFIX)')") PYTHON_VERSION=$(shell python -c "from distutils.sysconfig import get_python_version; print get_python_version()") ddfirst=$(shell ddir=$(DATA_DIR) && echo $${ddir:0:1}) ifeq ($(ddfirst),/) AMQP_SPEC_DIR=$(DATA_DIR)/amqp else AMQP_SPEC_DIR=$(PWD)/$(DATA_DIR)/amqp endif DIRS=qmf qpid mllib models examples tests tests_0-8 tests_0-9 tests_0-10 SRCS=$(shell find $(DIRS) -name "*.py") qpid_config.py BUILD=build TARGETS=$(SRCS:%.py=$(BUILD)/%.py) PYCC=python -O -c "import compileall; compileall.main()" all: build $(BUILD)/%.py: %.py @mkdir -p $(shell dirname $@) ./preppy $(PYTHON_VERSION) < $< > $@ build: $(TARGETS) .PHONY: doc doc: @mkdir -p $(BUILD) PYTHONPATH=. epydoc -v qpid.messaging -o $(BUILD)/doc --no-private --no-sourcecode --include-log install: build install -d $(PYTHON_LIB) install -d $(PYTHON_LIB)/mllib install -pm 0644 LICENSE.txt NOTICE.txt $(BUILD)/mllib/*.* $(PYTHON_LIB)/mllib $(PYCC) $(PYTHON_LIB)/mllib install -d $(PYTHON_LIB)/qpid install -pm 0644 LICENSE.txt NOTICE.txt README.txt $(BUILD)/qpid/*.* $(PYTHON_LIB)/qpid TDIR=$(shell mktemp -d) && \ sed s@AMQP_SPEC_DIR=.*@AMQP_SPEC_DIR='"$(AMQP_SPEC_DIR)"'@ \ $(BUILD)/qpid_config.py > $${TDIR}/qpid_config.py && \ install -pm 0644 $${TDIR}/qpid_config.py $(PYTHON_LIB) && \ rm -rf $${TDIR} install -d $(PYTHON_LIB)/qpid/tests install -pm 0644 $(BUILD)/qpid/tests/*.* $(PYTHON_LIB)/qpid/tests $(PYCC) $(PYTHON_LIB)/qpid install -d $(PYTHON_LIB)/qmf install -pm 0644 LICENSE.txt NOTICE.txt qmf/*.* $(PYTHON_LIB)/qmf $(PYCC) $(PYTHON_LIB)/qmf install -d $(PYTHON_LIB)/tests install -pm 0644 $(BUILD)/tests/*.* $(PYTHON_LIB)/tests $(PYCC) $(PYTHON_LIB)/tests install -d $(PYTHON_LIB)/tests_0-8 install -pm 0644 $(BUILD)/tests_0-8/*.* $(PYTHON_LIB)/tests_0-8 $(PYCC) $(PYTHON_LIB)/tests_0-8 install -d $(PYTHON_LIB)/tests_0-9 install -pm 0644 $(BUILD)/tests_0-9/*.* $(PYTHON_LIB)/tests_0-9 $(PYCC) $(PYTHON_LIB)/tests_0-9 install -d $(PYTHON_LIB)/tests_0-10 install -pm 0644 $(BUILD)/tests_0-10/*.* $(PYTHON_LIB)/tests_0-10 $(PYCC) $(PYTHON_LIB)/tests_0-10 install -d $(EXEC_PREFIX) install -pm 0755 qpid-python-test commands/* $(EXEC_PREFIX) clean: rm -rf $(BUILD)