Info ==== There are two separate .NET clients: one that implements AMQP 0-8 (and can communicate with the Java broker) and another that implements 0-10 (and can communicate with the C++ broker). This README contains instructions for building the 0-8 client. Instructions for building and installing the 0-10 client are located in client-010/README.txt. Setup ===== Essential: .NET 2.0 or later Ant 1.6.5 (Java build tool, Either: NAnt 0.85 - only required for builds outside Visual Studio OR Microsoft Visual Studio 2008 (VS2008) Ensure that your PATH includes ant, e.g.: $ PATH=c:\java\ant\bin:%PATH% If using nant, set up PATH to include Nant.exe, e.g.: $ set PATH=C:\dotnet\nant\bin;%PATH% If using msbuild, it is recommended to use a "Visual Studio Command Prompt" Building ======== Generate framing from /Qpid.Common/amqp.xml specification file by running this script: $ build-framing.bat Alternatively, just switch to /Qpid.Common and run "ant" there. You can build from Visual Studio 2008 or from the command-line by running msbuild. The script build-msbuild.bat provides some standard options to do a full build. If you are using nant, the script build-nant.bat contains standard arguments that do a full build. To build for Mono on Linux (to bin/mono-2.0) the build-mono shell script is provided. Running the Examples ==================== The tree contains two paired examples that demonstrate some of the features of the library: Producer/Consumer and TopicPublisher/TopicListener. To run on Mono on Linux (cd to bin/mono-2.0) and execute mono Consumer.exe (in one window , and mono Producer.exe in another window) or: mono TopicListener.exe (in one window , and mono TopicPublisher.exe in another window) Both examples assume you have a broker running on localhost:5672. You must run Consumer/TopicListener before Producer/TopicPublisher in order that queue is created before the first message is sent. The source code for the examples is in directory Qpid.Client.Tests/interop. Releasing ========= nant can be used to create a release zip archive. A script is provided: For .NET 2.0 $ release net-2.0 Generates ./bin/net-2.0/release/ For Mono $ release mono-2.0 Generates ./bin/mono-2.0/release/