# # Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one # or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file # distributed with this work for additional information # regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file # to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the # "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance # with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, # software distributed under the License is distributed on an # "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY # KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the # specific language governing permissions and limitations # under the License. # # # Legacy store library CMake fragment, to be included in CMakeLists.txt # if (DEFINED legacystore_force) set (legacystore_default ${legacystore_force}) else (DEFINED legacystore_force) set (legacystore_default OFF) if (UNIX) # # Find required BerkelyDB # include (finddb.cmake) if (DB_FOUND) # # find libaio # CHECK_LIBRARY_EXISTS (aio io_queue_init "" HAVE_AIO) CHECK_INCLUDE_FILES (libaio.h HAVE_AIO_H) if (HAVE_AIO AND HAVE_AIO_H) # # find libuuid # CHECK_LIBRARY_EXISTS (uuid uuid_compare "" HAVE_UUID) CHECK_INCLUDE_FILES(uuid/uuid.h HAVE_UUID_H) IF (HAVE_UUID AND HAVE_UUID_H) # # allow legacystore to be built # set (legacystore_default ON) ENDIF (HAVE_UUID AND HAVE_UUID_H) endif (HAVE_AIO AND HAVE_AIO_H) endif (DB_FOUND) endif (UNIX) endif (DEFINED legacystore_force) option(BUILD_LEGACYSTORE "Build legacystore persistent store" ${legacystore_default}) if (BUILD_LEGACYSTORE) if (NOT UNIX) message(FATAL_ERROR "Legacystore produced only on Unix platforms") endif (NOT UNIX) if (NOT DB_FOUND) message(FATAL_ERROR "Legacystore requires BerkeleyDB which is absent.") endif (NOT DB_FOUND) if (NOT HAVE_AIO) message(FATAL_ERROR "Legacystore requires libaio which is absent.") endif (NOT HAVE_AIO) if (NOT HAVE_AIO_H) message(FATAL_ERROR "Legacystore requires libaio.h which is absent.") endif (NOT HAVE_AIO_H) if (NOT HAVE_UUID) message(FATAL_ERROR "Legacystore requires uuid which is absent.") endif (NOT HAVE_UUID) if (NOT HAVE_UUID_H) message(FATAL_ERROR "Legacystore requires uuid.h which is absent.") endif (NOT HAVE_UUID_H) # Journal source files set (legacy_jrnl_SOURCES qpid/legacystore/jrnl/aio.cpp qpid/legacystore/jrnl/cvar.cpp qpid/legacystore/jrnl/data_tok.cpp qpid/legacystore/jrnl/deq_rec.cpp qpid/legacystore/jrnl/enq_map.cpp qpid/legacystore/jrnl/enq_rec.cpp qpid/legacystore/jrnl/fcntl.cpp qpid/legacystore/jrnl/jcntl.cpp qpid/legacystore/jrnl/jdir.cpp qpid/legacystore/jrnl/jerrno.cpp qpid/legacystore/jrnl/jexception.cpp qpid/legacystore/jrnl/jinf.cpp qpid/legacystore/jrnl/jrec.cpp qpid/legacystore/jrnl/lp_map.cpp qpid/legacystore/jrnl/lpmgr.cpp qpid/legacystore/jrnl/pmgr.cpp qpid/legacystore/jrnl/rmgr.cpp qpid/legacystore/jrnl/rfc.cpp qpid/legacystore/jrnl/rrfc.cpp qpid/legacystore/jrnl/slock.cpp qpid/legacystore/jrnl/smutex.cpp qpid/legacystore/jrnl/time_ns.cpp qpid/legacystore/jrnl/txn_map.cpp qpid/legacystore/jrnl/txn_rec.cpp qpid/legacystore/jrnl/wmgr.cpp qpid/legacystore/jrnl/wrfc.cpp ) # legacyStore source files set (legacy_store_SOURCES qpid/legacystore/StorePlugin.cpp qpid/legacystore/BindingDbt.cpp qpid/legacystore/BufferValue.cpp qpid/legacystore/DataTokenImpl.cpp qpid/legacystore/IdDbt.cpp qpid/legacystore/IdSequence.cpp qpid/legacystore/JournalImpl.cpp qpid/legacystore/MessageStoreImpl.cpp qpid/legacystore/PreparedTransaction.cpp qpid/legacystore/TxnCtxt.cpp ) # legacyStore include directories get_property(dirs DIRECTORY ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR} PROPERTY INCLUDE_DIRECTORIES) set (legacy_include_DIRECTORIES ${dirs} ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/qpid/legacystore ) if(NOT EXISTS ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/db-inc.h) message(STATUS "Including BDB from ${DB_INCLUDE_DIR}/db_cxx.h") file(WRITE ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/db-inc.h "#include <${DB_INCLUDE_DIR}/db_cxx.h>") endif() add_library (legacystore SHARED ${legacy_jrnl_SOURCES} ${legacy_store_SOURCES} ${legacy_qmf_SOURCES} ) set_target_properties (legacystore PROPERTIES PREFIX "" COMPILE_DEFINITIONS _IN_QPID_BROKER OUTPUT_NAME legacystore SOVERSION ${legacystore_version} INCLUDE_DIRECTORIES "${legacy_include_DIRECTORIES}" ) target_link_libraries (legacystore aio uuid qpidcommon qpidtypes qpidbroker ${DB_LIBRARY} ) else (BUILD_LEGACYSTORE) message(STATUS "Legacystore is excluded from build.") endif (BUILD_LEGACYSTORE)