Qpid JCA Resource Adapter Installation/Configuration Instructions Overview ======== The Qpid Resource Adapter is a JCA 1.5 compliant resource adapter that allows for JEE integration between EE applications and AMQP 0.10 message brokers. The adapter provides both outbound and inbound connectivity and exposes a variety of options to fine tune your messaging applications. Currently the adapter only supports C++ based brokers and has only been tested with Apache Qpid C++ broker. The following document explains general configuration information for the Qpid JCA RA. Details for specific application server platforms are provided in separate README files typically designated as README-.txt. Configuration ============= As per the JCA specification, there are four main components of a JCA resource adapter: The ResourceAdapter JavaBean The ManagedConnectionFactory JavaBean The ActivationSpec JavaBean Administered Objects Each of these components provide configuration options in the form of properties. The Resource Adapter JavaBean provides a set of global configuration options while the ManagedConnectionFactory JavaBean allows for the configuration of outbound connectivity options. The ActivationSpec JavaBean provides configuration options for inbound connectivity. When a ManagedConnectionFactory JavaBean or ActivationSpec JavaBean are deployed they can choose to inherit the configuration properties from the ResourceAdapter or provide specific properties which in turn will override the defaults. While some of the properties from the three componets are specific to the JCA adapter, a majority of the properties directly correspond the the Qpid JMS client. As such, it is strongly encouraged your familiarize yourself with the correct syntax, configuration options for the JMS client as well as the JCA adapter. Similarly, familiarity with the 1.5 JCA specification is encouraged though not strictly required. The ResourceAdapter JavaBean ============================ The ResourceAdapter JavaBean provides global configuration options for both inbound and outbound connectivity. The set of ResourceAdapter properties are described below. The ResourceAdapter properties can be found in the META-INF/ra.xml deployment descriptor which is provided with the adapter. Note, deploying a ResourceAdapter, ManagedConnectionFactory or ActivationSpec is application server specific. As such, this document provides an explanation of these properties but not how they are configured as this is environment specific. ResourceAdapter JavaBean Properties =================================== ClientID The unique client identifier. From the JMS API this is used only in the context of durable subscriptions. Default: client_id SetupAttempts The number of attempts the ResourceAdapter will make to successfully setup an inbound activation on deployment, or when an exception occurs at runtime. Default: 5 SetupInterval The interval in milliseconds the adapter will wait between setup attempts. Default: 5000 UseLocalTx Whether or not to use local transactions instead of XA. Default: false DefaultUserName The default user name to use. Default: guest DefaultPassword The default password to use. Default: guest Host The hostname/ip address of the broker. Default: localhost Port The port of the broker. Default: 5672 Path The virtual path for the connection factory. Default: test ConnectionURL The full connection URL to the broker. Default:amqp://guest:guest@/test?brokerlist='tcp://localhost:5672' TransactionManagerLocatorClass The class responsible for locating the transaction manager within a specific application server. This is a ResourceAdapter Java Bean specific property and is application server specific. As such, it is currently commented out. Two examples have been provided. Default: none TransactionManagerLocatorMethod The specific method on the class above used to acquire a reference to the platform specific transaction manager. This is a ResourceAdapter Java Bean specific property and is application server specific. As such, it is currently commented out. Two examples have been provided. Default:none Note, if you require XA support, both the TransactionManagerLocatorClass and the TransactionManagerLocatorMethod properties MUST be set. While application servers typically provide a mechanism to do this in the form of a specific deployment descriptor, or GUI console, the ra.xml file can also be modified directly. The ManagedConnectionFactory JavaBean ===================================== The ManagedConnectionFactory JavaBean provides outbound connectivity for the Qpid JCA adapter. In addition to most of the properties inherited from the ResourceAdapter JavaBean, the ManagedConnectionFactory JavaBean provides specific properties only applicable to outbound connectivity. sessionDefaulType The default type of Session. Currently unused. Default: java.jms.Queue useTryLock Multi-purpose property used to specify both that a lock on the underlying managed connection should be used, as well as the wait duration to aquire the lock. Primarily used for transaction management. A null or zero value will atttempt to acquire the lock without a duration. Anything greater than zero will wait n number of seconds before failing to acquire the lock. Default:0 KeyStorePassword The KeyStore password for SSL Default:none KeyStorePath The path to the KeyStore. Default:none CertType The type of certificate. Default:SunX509 The ActivationSpec JavaBean =========================== The ActivationSpec JavaBean provides inbound connectivity for the Qpid JCA adapter. In addition to most of the properties inherited from the ResourceAdapter JavaBean, the ActivationSpec JavaBean provides specific properties only applicable to inbound connectivity. As opposed to the ResourceAdapter and ManagedConnectionFactory JavaBean a majority of the ActivationSpec JavaBean properties have no default value. It is expected that these will be provided via Java annotations or deployment descriptor configuration properties. The Qpid JCA adapter provides inbound connectivity in conjunction with the Message Driven Bean architecture from the EJB 3.x specification. UseJNDI Whether or not to attempt looking up an inbound destination from JNDI. If false, an attempt will be made to construct the destination from the other ActivationSpec properties. Default: true Destination The name of the destination on which to listen for messages. Default:none DestinationType The type of destination on which to listen. Valid values are javax.jms.Queue or java.jms.Topic. Default:none MessageSelector The JMS properties that will be used in selecting specific message. Please see the JMS specification for further details. Default:none AcknowlegeMode Whether or not the client or consumer will acknowledge any messages it receives. Ignored in a transacted scenario. Please see the JMS specification for more details. Default:AUTO_ACKNOWLEDGE SubscriptionDurablity Whether or not the subscription is durable. Default:none SubscriptionName The name of the subscription. Default:none MaxSession The maximum number of sessions that this activation supports. Default:15 TransactionTimeout The timeout for the XA transaction for inbound messages. Default:0 PrefetchLow Qpid specific -- TODO more explanation PrefetchHigh Qpid specific -- TODO more explanation Administered Objects ====================== The JCA specification provides for administered objects. Ass per the specification, administered objects are JavaBeans that specific to the messaging provider. The Qpid JCA Resource Adapter provides two administered objects that can be used to configure JMS destinations and a specialized JMS Connection Factory respectively. Both these administered objects have properities to support configuration and deployment. QpidDestinationProxy ==================== The QpidDestinationProxy allows a developer, deployer or adminstrator to create destinations (queues or topic) and bind these destinations into JNDI. The following lists the properties applicable to the QpidDestinationProxy destinationType The type of destination to create. Valid values are QUEUE or TOPIC. destinationAddress The address string of the destination. Please see the Qpid Java JMS client documentation for valid values. QpidConnectionFactoryProxy The QpidConnectionFactoryProxy allows for a non-JCA ConnectionFactory to be bound into the JNDI tree. This ConnectionFactory can in turn be used outside of the application server. Typically a ConnectionFactory of this sort is used by Swing or other two-tier clients not requiring JCA. The QpidConnectionFactoryProxy provides one property connectionURL This is the url used to configure the connection factory. Please see the Qpid Java Client documentation for further details. Transaction Support =================== The Qpid JCA Resource Adapter provides three levels of transaction support: XA, LocalTransactions and NoTransaction. Typical usage of the Qpid JCA Resource adapter implies the use of XA transactions, though there are certain scenarios where this is not preferred. Transaction support configuration is application server specific and as such, is explained in the corresponding documentation for each supported application server. However, there are two limitations with the Qpid JCA adapter at this time: 1) Currently, the Qpid C++ broker does not support he use of XA within the context of clustered brokers. As such, if you are running in a cluster, you will need to configure the adapter to use LocalTransactions. 2)XARecovery is currently not implemented. In the case of a system failure, in doubt transactions will have to be manually resolved by and administrator or otherwise qualified personnel. Conclusion ========== The above documentation provides a general description of the capabilities and configuration properites of the Qpid JCA Resource Adapter. As previously mentioned, deploying an adapter in an application server requires specific descriptors and configuration mechanisms. Please see the accompanying doc for your application server for further details.