Apache Incubator Qpid C++ M2 Release Notes ------------------------------------------- The Qpid M2 release contains support the for AMQP 0-8 specification. You can access the 0-8 specification using the following link. http://www.amqp.org/tikiwiki/tiki-index.php?page=Download For full details of Qpid capabilities, as they currently stand, see our detailed project documentation at: http://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/pages/viewpage.action?pageId=28284 Please take time to go through the README file provided with the distro to get a good understanding about build system etc. Known Issues ------------ You can view the outstanding task list for Qpid by visiting our JIRA: http://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/QPID Bug QPID-437 c++ broker doesn't obey the mandatory flag M2 Tasks Completed ------------------- Test QPID-412 Implement initial C++ interop tests Task QPID-124 Connect AMQP version from ProtocolInitiation object to all version-aware objects New Feature QPID-154 Logging/tracing for C++. New Feature QPID-98 implement durable exchanges New Feature QPID-41 Persistent storage for messages & durable queues Improvement QPID-450 C++ demos Improvement QPID-64 C++ cluster design. Improvement QPID-62 C++ event queue design. Bug QPID-481 c++ broker dosen't implement channel.flow Bug QPID-467 Complete Interop Testing Bug QPID-123 Sporadic failure on Python tests