High Level Security Services Overview

Jetspeed 2 provides the four following high level security services:

  • UserManager : Service providing user management capabilities.
  • GroupManager : Service providing group management capabilities.
  • RoleManager : Service providing role management capabilities.
  • PermissionManager : Service providing permission management capabilities.

Using High Level Security Services in Portlets

In order to access Jetspeed high level security services in your portlets, Jetspeed provide a custom extension to the portlet.xml metadata. All Jetspeed custom metadata is located in the jetspeed-portlet.xml configuration file in the WEB-INF folder of the portlet application. The custom js:services tag provides the ability to expose portal services to a portlet through the javax.portlet.PortletContext.

Jetspeed portal services are configured in the spring assembly file located in the portal WEB-INF/assembly/jetspeed-services configuration file. The UserManager for instance is configured as follow:

<!-- Portlet Services  -->
<bean id="PortalServices" 
  	 class="org.apache.jetspeed.services.JetspeedPortletServices" >
  	     <entry key="UserManager">
  	   	    <ref bean="org.apache.jetspeed.security.UserManager"/>

The UserManager services is then available to be loaded in a specific portlet PortletContext. Portlet developers need to specify the portal services they would like to use. The following example shows how to expose the portal UserManager to a portlet application:

   <js:service name='UserManager'/>

Once a portal service is loaded in the portlet context, the portlet implementation (which typically extends javax.portlet.GenericPortlet) can access the service as follow:

PortletContext context = getPortletContext();
userManager = (UserManager) context.getAttribute(CommonPortletServices.CPS_USER_MANAGER_COMPONENT);

where CommonPortletServices.CPS_USER_MANAGER_COMPONENT = "cps:UserManager"