As described below, one of key component of the Jetspeed-2 portal engine is its request pipeline.
In Jetspeed-2 request are processed through a series of Valve
assembled together as a
In Jetspeed-2, a request pipeline performs individual operations to the request.
A Pipeline
is made of Valves
chained together in a chain of responsibility pattern.
The JetspeedPipeline
implementation assembles a ordered list of Valves
that are
processed sequentially.
Jetspeed-2 provides various type of Valve
as illustrated below:
The above valves serve the following purpose:
Valve Name | Description |
ActionValve | Check if PortletAction needs to be processed and process it, if required.
Used in the portlet pipeline. |
AggregateValve | Invokes all Layout components in render mode to aggregate the generated contents and send the result to the client. |
CapabilityValve | Identifies the browser and adds a CapabilityMap to the RequestContext . |
CleanupValve | Looks for JSP pages that were pushed onto the org.apache.jetspeed.renderStack
request attribute, and attempts to include them. |
LoginValidationValve | Checks if a login attempt failed and determines the cause. |
PasswordCredentialValve | Checks the PasswordCredential (only once) after a User is logged in and redirects to a change password page if necessary. |
SecurityValve | Authenticates the user or redirects to Login if necessary, adds the
authenticated Subject to the RequestContext . |