Coverage report

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  * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
  * contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
  * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
  * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
  * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
  * the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
  * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
  * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
  * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
  * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
  * limitations under the License.
 import java.util.ArrayList;
 import java.util.List;
 import java.util.Locale;
 import java.util.MissingResourceException;
 import java.util.ResourceBundle;
 import org.apache.jetspeed.portalsite.view.SiteView;
  * This class provides a menu definition for the standard
  * navigations menu.
  * @author <a href="">Randy Watler</a>
  * @version $Id: 568811 2007-08-23 03:00:37Z woonsan $
 public class StandardNavigationsMenuDefinition extends StandardMenuDefinitionImpl
      * menuElements - ordered polymorphic list of menu option, nested
      *                menu, separator, include, and exclude definitions
     private List menuElements;
      * StandardNavigationsMenuDefinition - constructor
     public StandardNavigationsMenuDefinition()
 53  0
 54  0
      * getName - get menu name
      * @return menu name
     public String getName()
 63  0
      * getMenuElements - get ordered list of menu options,
      *                   nested menus, separators, included
      *                   menu, and excluded menu elements
      * @return element list
     public synchronized List getMenuElements()
         // instantiate menu elements if necessary
 76  0
         if (menuElements == null)
 78  0
             menuElements = new ArrayList(4);
 79  0
             menuElements.add(new StandardMenuSeparatorDefinitionImpl()
                      * getText - get default text for separator
                      * @return text
                     public String getText()
                         // use locale defaults
                         return getMenuSeparatorText(null, "menu.separator.folders");
                      * getText - get locale specific text for separator from metadata
                      * @param locale preferred locale
                      * @return text
                     public String getText(Locale locale)
                         // use specified locale
                         return getMenuSeparatorText(locale, "menu.separator.folders");
 104  0
             menuElements.add(new StandardMenuOptionsDefinitionImpl()
                      * getOptions - get comma separated menu options
                      * @return option paths specification
                     public String getOptions()
                         return "." + Folder.PATH_SEPARATOR + "*" + Folder.PATH_SEPARATOR;
                      * isRegexp - get regexp flag for interpreting option
                      * @return regexp flag
                     public boolean isRegexp()
                         return true;
 126  0
             menuElements.add(new StandardMenuIncludeDefinitionImpl()
                      * getName - get menu name to nest or with options to include
                      * @return menu name
                     public String getName()
                         return SiteView.CUSTOM_PAGE_NAVIGATIONS_MENU_NAME;
 138  0
             menuElements.add(new StandardMenuSeparatorDefinitionImpl()
                      * getText - get default text for separator
                      * @return text
                     public String getText()
                         // use locale defaults
                         return getMenuSeparatorText(null, "menu.separator.links");
                      * getText - get locale specific text for separator from metadata
                      * @param locale preferred locale
                      * @return text
                     public String getText(Locale locale)
                         // use specified locale
                         return getMenuSeparatorText(locale, "menu.separator.links");
 163  0
             menuElements.add(new StandardMenuOptionsDefinitionImpl()
                      * getOptions - get comma separated menu options
                      * @return option paths specification
                     public String getOptions()
                         return Folder.PATH_SEPARATOR + "*" + Link.DOCUMENT_TYPE;
                      * isRegexp - get regexp flag for interpreting option
                      * @return regexp flag
                     public boolean isRegexp()
                         return true;
 186  0
         return menuElements;
      * getSkin - get skin name for menu element
      * @return skin name
     public String getSkin()
 196  0
         return "left-navigations";
      * getMenuSeparatorText - lookup resource bundle based on locale
      *                        and use to extract menu separator text
      * @param locale preferred locale
      * @param key message key for text
     protected String getMenuSeparatorText(Locale locale, String key)
             // get resource bundle
 211  0
             ResourceBundle bundle = null;
 212  0
             if (locale != null)
 214  0
                 bundle = ResourceBundle.getBundle("",locale);
 218  0
                 bundle = ResourceBundle.getBundle("");
             // lookup and return keyed message
 222  0
             return bundle.getString(key);
 224  0
         catch (MissingResourceException mre)
 227  0
         return null;

This report is generated by jcoverage, Maven and Maven JCoverage Plugin.